Bad Neighbor, should I kill him or what?

Man, can't anyone tell when someone is fucking around. Did you also believe that guy that said put a rattlesnake in the guy's mailbox? You shouldn't take the shit you read on this OP (kill the neighbour?) so seriously, especially if my name is attached to it. Sorry for the confusion, I'm bad.
Your right. This thread was made by dyna and the things said were in humor. No I dont take it serious. I just got to thinking about my dog after that comment and got pissed off.
no, i don't kid around about killing animals for no reason or poisoning the environment. kill or poison the human, i can live with that.
You call me fucked up for spraying an herbicide and shooting a cat, then in the same statement you would have no problem if it was done to a human? Are you German, by chance?
too much food. owww, labored breathing, cant bend over, im sweating, eyes glazing over

damn fantastic breakfast

try feeding your neighbors. its always worked well for me
but i didnt read the thread
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Actually In my SERIOUS opinion, you should go become best friends with the dude, say to him like, "Thanks for looking out, me and my family appreciate it (don't tell the dumb fuck to knock on my door 1st, before you dial 911) That will definitely work, place him in a God like Savior mode (kinda like when you got pulled over for doing 30 in a 25 MPH zone, and you got a joint in the ashtray and you want to be best buddies with that cop that's in your face). Tell him he's wonderful, and he will leave you the fuck alone. Guaranteed