Bailouts...who's next....


New Member
markets are not reacting so mugh to bushie the they are obama..obama is a marxist..capitalists understand this...THAT IS WHY WE ARE TAKING OUR MONEY AND LEAVING YOUR BANKRUPT GAME..WE HAVE OTHER GAMES TO PLAY IN ASIA..WE CAN BUY AMERICAN STOCKS IN ASIA ..TRADE EVERYONE OF OUR STOCKS ALL OVER THE WORLD WITH A CLICK OF A BUTTON...WE DO NOT HAVE TO..NOR ARE WE GOING TO PAY UNCLE SUGAR A UNFAIR RATE OF TAX...ITS THE AMERICAN WAY..CAPITALISTS HATE TAX...SOCIALISTS COMMIES LOVE IT..OBAMA HAS BEEN DESTROY YOUR ECONOMY EVEN MORE SO THAN IT ALREADY IS...DONT YOU UNDERSTAND YOUR INVESTMENT MONEY IS LEAVING THE COUNTRY? WOW...wake up ..would you..and i just showed you the proof that all of the investment money is leaving the shore corporations..that is the way of the future for american investors....
Amen, just take your sorry ass with your money. No reason you should enjoy living here. In fact I wish all you crazed capitalists would just up and leave. BTW, using capitals to express your overbearing ideas does nothing more that make you look like the idiot you are.


Well-Known Member
OK, this should be real simple its just math. The Government spends to much money. It barrows it from a Bank. The Bank effectively prints money out of nothing and gives it to the government. The bank charges the government interest on the money borrowed. The loan and interest is then payed for by us, the taxpayer. OK, this is the biggest game in town. Every war, every unbalanced budget and every big bank that fails they barrow more money. This can not go on forever just like YOU can not barrow money indefinitely.

One reason Obama gets so much crap without even being elected is because we already know what hes gonna do. (at least we think we do) He will Barrow more money for the programs he wants. He must barrow it because he can't Tax much more or he will be taking money out of an already stagnating economy. He must infuse money into the economy somehow it will most likely be with loans, loans we must pay back.

This is always what happens with Fiat money, government gets greedy they think "we have a bottomless well of cash to draw on". So they just keep borrowing we got a war in Iraq barrow some money, we got banks to bail out well lets barrow some money. It isn't capitalists that are the problem it is Banksters. They debase your savings, they steal your wealth. Or the Government steals it to pay for its avarice.

Yeah, American investors will leave even if its just to shelter their cash in foreign currencies. If your smart in hard times its what you do. You can get mad if you want you could call them names and encourage them to go elsewhere. Smart people will try to protect THEIR money instead of letting the banksters devalue it, or let the Government steal it.

You actually want the Government to nationalize these companies?? The Government can't even balance its own books, so we should subsidize failure. That's not even smart that is total folly. Nationalizing it will make it less efficient, less lucrative and be yet another welfare scheme in the end.


New Member
OK, this should be real simple its just math. The Government spends to much money. It barrows it from a Bank. The Bank effectively prints money out of nothing and gives it to the government. The bank charges the government interest on the money borrowed. The loan and interest is then payed for by us, the taxpayer. OK, this is the biggest game in town. Every war, every unbalanced budget and every big bank that fails they barrow more money. This can not go on forever just like YOU can not barrow money indefinitely.

One reason Obama gets so much crap without even being elected is because we already know what hes gonna do. (at least we think we do) He will Barrow more money for the programs he wants. He must barrow it because he can't Tax much more or he will be taking money out of an already stagnating economy. He must infuse money into the economy somehow it will most likely be with loans, loans we must pay back.

This is always what happens with Fiat money, government gets greedy they think "we have a bottomless well of cash to draw on". So they just keep borrowing we got a war in Iraq barrow some money, we got banks to bail out well lets barrow some money. It isn't capitalists that are the problem it is Banksters. They debase your savings, they steal your wealth. Or the Government steals it to pay for its avarice.

Yeah, American investors will leave even if its just to shelter their cash in foreign currencies. If your smart in hard times its what you do. You can get mad if you want you could call them names and encourage them to go elsewhere. Smart people will try to protect THEIR money instead of letting the banksters devalue it, or let the Government steal it.

You actually want the Government to nationalize these companies?? The Government can't even balance its own books, so we should subsidize failure. That's not even smart that is total folly. Nationalizing it will make it less efficient, less lucrative and be yet another welfare scheme in the end.
Who is doing the failing? "private" enterprize. Who is bailing them out? Us, the people, by the governments hand. Why should corporations get bailed out by government in a capitalist system? Shouldn't they be allowed to fail? The sad news is, all the jobs that will be lost anyway, whether we bail them out or not. Corporations cut manpower from the bottom up. They should start at the top, IMHO.


New Member
Welcome to the CORPORATE STATES OF AMERICA. Where you can blow your wad on pretty much anything and the government will jack the little guy to pay your debts for you.


New Member
Careful Med ... you're starting to sound like one of those right wing zealots. :lol:

Not a chance old weezel. I can see a ponzi scheme as well as you. I just find it amazing how the rich get subsidized and then bitch when the little guy needs help, I mean how dare us complain, just take our tidbits and shut the fuck up.


New Member
Vi's just pissed because the housing market is sucking ass these days and he's feeling like he's going to have to take part in those socialist programs he hates so much. He'll never admit to using them or being glad they are in place, but we all know he's eventually going to have to resort to them.


Well-Known Member
this is classic...the federal government makes it a law that lenders have to lend money in the sub prime market to the inner citys of america..where all the shit started to hit the fan ...made them loan money there..a capitalist would never have risked his money so foolishly as to loan it out in detroit..or DC or chicago..thats not capitalism that failed ..that was another one of your socialist ideas that failed...and they are going to keep failing.because they lack competitors ...and free market idea's....the whole economic mess is caused be ..the american joe six pack obviosly want more are now subsidizing it...LOL..go ahead and get pissed at me and tell me to leave med...iM JUST GOING TO TAKE WHAT IS LEFT OF YOUR JOBS AND LEAVE WITH THEM..CONTINUE TO PROFFIT OFF OF YOU ...NOT PAY YOUR STUPID TAX ANYMORE..AND WATCH YOU COLLAPSE LIKE THE HOUSE OF CARDS YOU ARE...and laugh at you all the time i do it..ill have you out of work hungry socialists so mad you will want to start a little stalin revolution...the smart strong few will always rule over the stupid weak mass of peoples around the globe...sorry about your luck..i dont like that shit do you med?well..get used to it..thats how its always been..and thats how it is always going to be...if we could get a world economic collapse going..and i think we are going to do that..we could have you peasants kill alot of yourselfs off in starvation...AIDS..wars...the ones that dont do us all a favor and die...will be enslaved as servants ...making widgets..or what ever..:weed:


New Member
Wow Max, you have issues don't you? The world is collapsing and you claim to be laughing. I pity you......shit rolls downhill and it sounds to me like you have set up camp at the base of the hill.


Well-Known Member
thats how socialism works..go look at other countrys that have it..and not standing at the bottom...there are alot of others under me....ALOT...and yea..i cant help but were warned years ago what was going to happen and you ALL didnt least 75% of you didnt anyway..oh well..whos fault is it?should i cry about it ?hell no...all these people who are having their cars and homes foreclosed and repo'ed...spending money they dont have and cant afford to pay you and i can pick up the tab and pay the banksters back their loss's?i dont feel a damn bit sorry for them..NONE..they should have lived within their means.and voted people into office who would have this country LIVE WITHIN ITS MEANS ALSO..but they dont..and they USSA gets everything it is deserving me..and the change you are about to are really not going to will all blame someone else..everyone likes to point fingers...the ultimate finger that should be pointed is the one in the mirror that most people look at every morning..yep yep..its is YOUR FAULT...not mine...and it is YOUR PROBLEM..not mine...:bigjoint:


New Member
You act like me and the others in this site are holding the purse strings to America. We are ordinary citizens.

Yes the bankers and corporation should have lived within their means but they didn't and now the government thinks bailing them out is a good idea. I for one think it's a piss poor idea. 3 or 4 years from now we will be right back here with them broke and holding their hands out for just a little more.

I want to roll a guillotine to DC and start chopping heads, but I can't get any help. You've got so much to say, get behind me and lets roll it on down to capitol hill and get things taken care of.


Well-Known Member
I caught a glimpse on a news cast that Casinos need a bailout to, about 25B should be enough for a while. Wow.

They say, the government, that its only loans, and they will pay us back. Does that mean when they start paying back our taxes will be lowered by that amount?
That would be shocking, so in fact 'we' (the taxpayers) will see no payback. Government will just get bigger and bigger.
Oh that's right, they will spend it on us, infrastructure and all, but they couldn't do it before they starting bailing out everyone.

Socialism at its finest.

When did this downturn start, or at least the roots of todays economic problems? It wasn't until the Dems took control of congress was it?

The House is known as the 'purse strings of America'. A lot of strings attached to that purse.


Well-Known Member
I really don't see that happening, but.....

Won't be able to tax businesses either, no workers, no product.

Better get a gun and a garden, food and water will be at a premium.

I think its called 'anarchy'.


Well-Known Member
If the working people are all out of work, where are all these tax dollars coming from?
borrowed,,,,so your great grand children can pay it back...and you the tax payer do hold the purse strings...our country is bankrupts...and everyone was warned over 20 years ago what was going to happen..and had a chance to fix it then...and the selfish greedy brain dead fools didnt do it..oh late to fix anything now..dont worry..the collapse will stop...when it hits the bottom that is..oh yea..and why would you want to march on DC to chop some heads off? hell the politicians have crooked family members that live right in our own do the crooked dont have to go very far to look for some justice if you wanted to...:bigjoint:


New Member
but if you go to DC and start chopping heads wouldn't you think the next guy in office might think twice before screwing us? If they were afraid of DEATH they might not screw us over so badly.

Let's say for instance we give Blago the guillotine, do you think the person who replaces him would try to auction off a senate seat? Doubtful, they would be busy thinking of Blago's head being lopped off.

People in government have nothing to fear. What, do you really think they are afraid of being imprisioned in camp cupcake?


Well-Known Member
through out history....the greedy in power have never..NEVER given up that power will have to take it from them....and to march to DC to take them would allow them to mass federal troops for their own protection...the family members of these politicians..i cant even believe im saying this ..the family members of these politicians and the thugs they hire as police live in your own neighborhoods...the american patriots will be like sand..they will not be able to amass troop strength against them...the family members of judges politicians and cops will be killed first..a cop has little on his mind as far as breaking your door down and stealing your guns and throwing you in jail when his wife and kids are being killed and his home burned to the will start slow at first...then it will get worse..gradualy.untill the government looses control...the power lines will be cut..bridges will be taken down..water will be shut off..and sewer lines will be every major city..and a small handfull of men could do all of this shit..and have it started in the middle of a economic collapse...there will be complete anarchy...complete....i want you to imagine for a second..what would happen if someone droped a couple of SMALL..very small actualy..exposive devices into the chicago sewer just a couple of spots a matter of a day everyone in chicago would be swimming in their own shit..all kinds of disease would break out..all these things i say i do not am just pointing out senerios that could very well play out..and wouldnt have to happen but a couple of times and this whole fucking country would be in flames...can you imagine millions of people trying to leave chicago all at the same time..hungry and thirsty smelling like shit...millions of people..all at the same time...or LA...god..what a mess we have created...ill just go to the reservation where people are