Bailouts...who's next....


New Member
Lucky for me Chicago is a good 200 miles away, I'm safe.

You say that the greedy in power never want to give up their power, that's what the guillotine is all about. If their heads are seperated from their bodies, then their power will be gone.

When the shit hits the fan in the cities, all the small town cops will be shipped out to the cities, leaving us small towners to fend for ourselves. That's exactly when the cops families will start paying for the dishonesty of the cops for all these years.

We need to give the people in govenment a reason to fear us. They need a reason to stay honest, fear of death is just that reason. Hell the French used to kill not only the King, but his whole damn family, that's what we need around here. That'll get DC back on track.


New Member
Lucky for me Chicago is a good 200 miles away, I'm safe.

You say that the greedy in power never want to give up their power, that's what the guillotine is all about. If their heads are seperated from their bodies, then their power will be gone.

When the shit hits the fan in the cities, all the small town cops will be shipped out to the cities, leaving us small towners to fend for ourselves. That's exactly when the cops families will start paying for the dishonesty of the cops for all these years.

We need to give the people in govenment a reason to fear us. They need a reason to stay honest, fear of death is just that reason. Hell the French used to kill not only the King, but his whole damn family, that's what we need around here. That'll get DC back on track.
I just watched the History channels version of the french revolution, They really executed a lot of people, mostly after the new government took over though. Robespierre was the architect of most of the "cleansing" I imagine a lot of people would be in for prison or outright execution on the spot with whatever was handy. I think starting with the Bush cronies would be appropriate since they are responsible for almost a million deaths.