well scoobs my cert went through just fine +++ I can't thank you enough. Some much needed improvements/upgrades will be made due to your kindness.
Don't let the haters drag you down brother. It's funny how others can give money or support to fellow members in need...and that's ok, but you are not. Hypocrisy rules around here it seems.
@ april...you know I don't hate ya. You don't like him, he doesn't like you..So what? You coming in and posting is only fuel to the fire so to speak.
and if you think he bought me you're fucking nuts. the man is livin the dream down there, swordfishing and building some swanky homes. You and the others sound pretty jelly....you know damn well that you would trade places with him if you could....as would most here.
deny it if it makes you feel better.
I'll come right out and say it. I am a little envious, it seems like a pretty awesome life. I am also wise enough to know that with great wealth comes great responsibility. To have 40 men working for you, knowing that their lives and families lives rest in your hands must be quite a burden @ times. Knowing that every decision you make could effect so many. I have ran large crews before. I kinda know, sorta.. I was not the owner though.
either way imo you should be the bigger one here and walk away.
my two cents.