Barney's Farm Pineapple Chunk - 400w soil


Active Member
side note.. the Hydro store owner said he could build me a DWC system for 40 for a complete system for 1 bucket, and 15 per addition bucket.. is this a resonable price? he has been tempting me with sayings such as "one you go hydro you will never be able to tolerate the slow soil growth..


Well-Known Member
Well I have tried doing DWC, and it was a lot harder than everyone makes it sound...I get much better growth and numbers with soil, and now coco, which is kinda, but I just couldn't do the buckets...


Active Member
what were the difficulties that you came across? i got soil pretty dialed in after the 4th attempt.. now that i understand what im doing, its so easy that i have no idea how i was royally fucking up before (im still having slight "issues" here and there.. but i get a finished product, and its good.. so in the grand scheme of things, the journey to get there doesnt really matter


Active Member

Day 9:

Pistils are now showing.. and the Pacers won game 2 verse the Heat.. good day overall


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Day 10:

She is offically 2 ft tall from breaking surface to top of plant... and 33.5 inches including pot.. i have never had a plant this young, be this tall.. i pray for a qp.. that would make my life so much easier... the critical mass 33 is moving along well.. if i can get 1 ounce out of her id be happy... but i really just planted her cause my g13 sour candy failed to break soil after germ...(that would have been a great supplemental strain.. damn.. im upset i missed out

anyways... life is good right now.. but i have a long way to go... about 60 more days... cant wait for the true stink to come through.. unless they mean 11 weeks from when they show sex. either way.. im ready


Active Member

Day 14:

they officially got too tall for my so i went to a flea market and bought 500 feet of some thin cotton twine rope and i created my own make shift screen and pulled the tops down about 4 inches...yippy.. problem solved for now... now i can lower the lights another inch or so

pics coming soon...


Active Member

Day 15:

is it possible that implicating the screen and tying them down has promoted more vigorous growth.. dear lord... yea... that 250% stretch is REAL FOLKS.. so if u dont have the room.. DONT RUN THIS STRAIGHT.. luckily with the screen i can keep pulling them down..but i dont want to snap the stem.. i have down that twice with this plant i suck with being gentle

good thing is tho.. NEXT RUN.. i have the screen now.. so i can start doing some gangsta shit for the next batch.. which will be a TGA run


Active Member

Day 16:

i wake up to see that my Critical Mass 33 hermed on me.. bananas all over the place.. i pulled them off by hand.. hopefully they wont reform until i can get myself to the hydro store and buy some REverse.... but anyways.. yea.. that sucks

the PC is doing STRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! freaking huge and i didnt top.. but now that its in my makeshift screen..all the side branches along the stems are the same height as the main tops... so its nice looking... it a sloppy canopy, but its nice to me.. cause i see the yield might have just increased maybe 40% if all goes well.


Active Member

Day 18:

i took some pictures on day 14.. but due to me being extremely lazy, and my copious amounts of DOTA playing.. i have failed to find the time to upload them.. ill make sure i get them up by tomorrow at the latest

since then i have removed the herming CM33 from my tent.. i have no idea why it hermed... but it did.. and it hermed BAD... at least 6 new balls every day.. i never was the type to write off a strain off of minor set backs so instead of destroying it... i planted it outside in the wooded area near my house....ill check back on it ever 2 weeks or so... but although its "sorta hidden" there still is a high chance that it will be found by someone before harvest is complete... but ill just cross my fingers and hope not.. i mean.. last year, i successfully grew a plant to completion in my front lawn and noone ever noticed..

but there is always a chance

but back to the star of the show the pineapple chunk

at Day 18, i think i have successfully passed the stretching period (i hope) the make shift screen i have is filled now, and it has at least 20 tops shooting through it... as i rub my greedy hands together, all i can think about is the great harvest that is waiting for me 8 more weeks


Active Member

Day 19:

i just wanna say.. whoever created the screen of green.. i need to kiss

holy shit.. i love it.. i went to 4 tops and some some underlings... to 30+ pushing above the screen... i dont know if it will improve yeild weight... but i know more buds will be dense as apposed to the wispy lower ones im use to getting

by the way... the critcal mass 33 took to its outside transplant VERY WELL.. but im a moron.. its near a street so never gets a true dark phase.. womp womp.. luckily.. it hermed on me... so im not expecting some premiere finished smoke.. so whatever i get at the end... ill just take the beans and try again.. if the NEXT round herms on me.. ill just call that strain shit and move on


The Herm

this pics are when i FIRST installed the screen.. it looks crazy now.. but for now, these pics will do.. (im very lazy)


Well-Known Member
Looks real good man keep up the good work. I am in my second day of flowering doing a dwc pc I vegged for 5 1/2 weeks and only about 13 inches tall heard to many stories of the stretch figured start them sooner and hopefully not have to worry about it.


Active Member
man.. perhaps you have a more of a indica version.... if i would have vegged for 5.5 weeks id be able to build a treehouse by now..

make sure u tie them bitches DOWN.. if that stretch does come...


Active Member

Day 23:

they are getting big.. she is 5 ft tall approximately if she wasnt tied down... and unfortunately.. still stretching it seems bud sites are a plenty tho.. i estimate it i chopped her now.. and the buds DIDNT SHRINK... i would have a ounce of bud already.. so im very much looking for this to be over.. the plant makes my room very humid.. thats a first time for me.. the room smells like musky underarms... not really a extreme stench, but strong enough to make you notice it

there are already trics a plenty.. more then i have ever seen at this stage from my previous grows.. im 23 days in.. and i got about 50 more to go... im assuming (if this is a 11 week strain like everyone says and not the 8 weeker that the breeder states.. so i far i have no reason to doubt everyone else, they have been correct about EVERYTHING else about this plant

i enjoy watching this girl grow tho.. im interested in seeing what the bag appeal is like... for once in my life.. id like to have a strain that was pretty to look at and strong enough from sniffing the bag.. lets hope this is (im not that lucky)...

NOTE- i no longer have the UFO.. the original owner of it asked for it back... but it did its duty for the first 13 days i had it, so im not that upset... he offered to let me buy it.. but i could tell he was just gonna try to rip me off.. so i declined and returned it to him.


Active Member

Day 25:

yesturday i saw that 3 of the 30 tops had been burned... they were the ones in the direct center of the light (the most intense area)... sucks to be them... so i raised my light about a foot up (as high as it can possibly go) raised the fan that is supposed to blow on the top area of the plants.. and now im just praying for the best... everyone wish me luck that they stop around 50 more days (from my estimate)


Active Member

Day 36

i returned from 6 days in plants were borderline all the bottom fan leaves that were lush and full from veg were dried, yellow, and mostly fallen off... after a emergency watering, then another one when i woke up in the morning... she seems to be good again.. although im SURE that i diminished my final yield by at LEAST a full


Active Member
the room smells like rotten fruit..personally i love it. its nasty but at the same time not repulsive like other strains...

its very tempting to NOT cut them down now even tho u can see they are NO WHERE NEAR DONE... i can tell this is gonna take forever


Active Member

Day 50

holy fuck... still nowhere NEAR being done.. white hairs EVERYWHERE.. lol.. i would put up on pics and its just so draining.. but when i get home ill post some

i can say that they are very plump... i have about 24 tops now.. that are worth a shit... so if i can get 4 grams per top, then ill be a happy camper


Active Member
i stopped this because i hate talking to myself.. either way.. here are the results

went about 69-71 days total with 1.5 days of darkness

total weight from one plant was 113 grams... VERY PLEASED!

on a scale of 1-10 1 being not dense at all, 10 being rock hard... the buds are a 2-3 ...
they are sticky as all hell... and the smell in the bag is VERY mild, its a pleasant, fruity smell...not a delicious extremely pronounced sugar/candy smell like sour candy has.. but just a nice fruity/floral smell.. (most of my other grows have this similar smell, perhaps its something that im doing wrong.. i dont know.. but i NEVER get that extremely prnounced "weed funk"

ive given out a few grams for tests.. (i dont smoke)... its been ranked on a average a 7-8 on a 1-10 scale... which is fine for me... it has LOVELY bag appeal tho.. very visible trichs and light green bud with dull red hairs..


New Member
i suck at grow journals. This is like my 4th one... i normally get about 5 pages deep of me updating myself, with no other interaction, then get bored and stop updating. I doubt this will be any different, but i shall do it anyways.

The Seed: Barney's Farm Pineapple Chunk (FEM)

The Setup: Soil grow using Roots Organic Soil, 400w MH for veg, 400w HPS for Flower.. i also have in my possession 3 1000w setups and a UFO LED light... i wont be using the 1000w watt lights because i cant regulate the heat in the area i am now confined too, but i will be using the UFL for supplemental light since my lower buds are allways light and airy.

Nutes: currently, no nutes fro veg stage.. i believe that the R.O. soil is hot enough for the period that i veg in, For flowering i use R.O. Buddah Bloom, and Mad Farmer's MOAB... i also have access to countless other products (for free) i might play about with overdrive after i do some more reading on the subject

(yes i know im mixing organic with chemical... but the MOAB works sooo well i cant NOT use it... so i just flush accordingly)

The Grow: right now its a single solitary plant in the cab..i was growing it along side from G12 Labs Sour Candy.. unfortunately, the S.C. didnt make it (damn, i was actually looking forward to that too... more so then the pineapple chunk.. i kind of only put the PC in the cab to see if everyone was correct when they said it stretched 250%

i didnt get the sativa version... this baby looks pure indica at the moment. and boy o boy does she STINK... i have never come across a plant that stunk 6days into the veg period. its 4 nodes deep, veg growth is lovely... not as prolific as the GHSC Kalishnikova.. that shit grew like it was touched by the finger of god.. but this PC is moving along well enough. I got a mutated plant, it started getting alternating nodes at the 2nd node... so now the plant looks like it has somewhat self topped itself. Im a stickler for uniform looking growth, so something inside of me wants to top it soooo bad (using uncle bens method) but im going to let it take the course that nature intented and see what i get... Hopefully it truly does finish in 55-65 days... im not interested in waiting 90+ days... but thats so far into the future, i dont know why im even bringing it up.

Pictures will be posted once a month every Saturday.... so pictures will be up in 2 days.