BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D


Well-Known Member
i wanna see that badly, any good?. all the shit films me mate brings round and he can't ever get a good copy of something i actually want to see.

still got the ertha's? that's what you call a holiday souvineer that keeps on giving.

dog every run, it should be a rule!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Yeah had to literally fly round Asda n leg it yem. I was wishing we had a wet room :shock:

You still got my email? Ill send you an invite to a torrent site that gets good quality ;) if not pm me n i'll send my email, i wiped when i thought i was cooked last month. feels like a lifetime away.

the films 3/4 through and yeah it's great. watched RIPD with jeff bridges/kevin baconater this morning, that's also fuckin class


Well-Known Member
Yea I think we all have those times where we push the envelope a little to much. I know I sure have done it. Kept buying more and more lights every harvest and chance I got and before I knew WTF happened my power bill got into the 4 digits. Try rationalizing that to the misses! My ex hated the plants to so it was no bueno. Plus at that time I had a huge ass outdoor grow in my backyard with trees towering over my fence...definitely less stressful being within the law, well atleast not flaunting the law anyway. Can't wait to see what your next grow is gonna be looking like!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Hÿdra;9528751 said:
What site do u use Don Gin??
torrentday generally good rips & always clean. i got another invite if you want it. holla
Yea I think we all have those times where we push the envelope a little to much. I know I sure have done it. Kept buying more and more lights every harvest and chance I got and before I knew WTF happened my power bill got into the 4 digits. Try rationalizing that to the misses! My ex hated the plants to so it was no bueno. Plus at that time I had a huge ass outdoor grow in my backyard with trees towering over my fence...definitely less stressful being within the law, well atleast not flaunting the law anyway. Can't wait to see what your next grow is gonna be looking like!
man to live in the USA with all that space, i'd have done exactly the same man. i have fantasized about sinking a shipping container after seeing it done for a wine cellar and growing in it but over here it would be noticed unless i had acres of land to play with.

next grow will look much the same except i'll be starting under the cfl for a short time then into the flower tent to veg for a kickstart.
i wanna see that badly, any good?. all the shit films me mate brings round and he can't ever get a good copy of something i actually want to see.

still got the ertha's? that's what you call a holiday souvineer that keeps on giving.

dog every run, it should be a rule!
you get that invite through lad?

and yeah i'm itching to get the remaining DOG S1's both uppers and lowers which i'm not 100% but there may be a chance i crossed it in the uppers or a lower flower went un noticed and i'll have a decent clutch of S1's of my old pheno's


Well-Known Member
Wits the best thing to kill spider mites got a infestation in my bloom room ffs!!! I heard plant vitality+ works? Any advice mate?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i tried allsorts before i got rid. that stuff you sent me is probably as good as any of the sprays. it's all about breaking the cycle mate. you have to get the girls out and thoroughly pray every nook n cranny. it's a right chore, then repeat i think every 3 days (also they get immune to certain things, the little shits) . i hear sulfur bombs are good but you won't get them in uk. don't bother with predator mites or ladybirds, waste of time. a combo of treatments spread over their cycle is best imo.

i saw spider mites on my chilli's yesterday and i think the thrips or some sort of aphid are in there too. they fucking love my tommies :roll: made 3 chilli strings yesterday got a boatload of them. and against better judgement i'll be going to the chilli festival this weekend :shock: that should kill the tunisian tummy i've had all week. or me whichever comes first...

good luck rasc lad!

mr west

Well-Known Member
I got a nasty cattapilla infestation on my plum tree out in the garden lol, its funny watching em running round the pot. Plant vitality was great a year or so ago. Ive always used it on insect things and its always worked for me. Dons right bout breaking the cycle.


Well-Known Member
seems the hot weather and dryness has brought out the spider mites across Europe. My outside garden is suffering from the litthe shits, but not too bad. I am sure some fukker is laughing at me upstairs, evertime I go to spray the things outside the wind picks up and I end up with a puss full of pyrethrin! ffs.


Well-Known Member
Fuk winter, I love running around in shorts and vests....was a bit surprised when I went into my room yesterday and it was 35c....dicovered the bloody exhaust had come out of the port so it was just blowing how air into the room and not outside, lol....nothing like adding a heater to your grow in the middle of summer, lmfao.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah your a scot lad i wear shorts in winter go out without a coat. id say your getting soft old parts but you could still dance rings round me lol

35c in the dog kennel or your stinkle room?


Well-Known Member
nae worries, it's good practice, I am just prepping up to be abused for the rest of my life by the wee man when he arrives, lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
haha you going to teach him the ways of the force? i can see it 12 years from now he''ll be muay thai'ing you n the missus about the ken.


Well-Known Member
I certainly would have no objections to him getting into martial arts. I started judo when i was a mere nipper of a lad at 7 years old. It's great for discipline I think.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I wanted to do boxing when I was seven but my mum said no, so here I am at forty a skiny wimp lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man i'm living proof it's never too late. it's just harder the longer you leave it. you should start resistance training first. probably do wonders for you MS wise and put a good few years on your life. mind that said so does packing in the fags but that's easier said than done, i smoked like a chimney on me jollies on the proviso i would jack it straight in when i got back. managed no prob. i dunno how i find that easy but not owt else.

i just done 25 miles on the bike. fuckin done in tbf lol but not quite so out of condition as i thought. 863 ft elevation gain and 1007 calories.

knees feel like they're on fire.