Yeah I'm aware of the non-dimmer CFL's but there ARE new cfl's which do not have that dimmer restriction, and are of the lower kelvin flavor (more reds) approx 3,000°K, rather than the 6~7,000°K which is closer to bright sunlight.
The initial problem I had was the timer, but, alas my fertile mind struck upon the idea of what bachelor pads use to set the mood lighting. Not like I would know.
But, as I understand it, the 'mood lights come on and then progressively_predicated on the programming by the user_fade to black, or anything else the controller is capable of. Well, if this is true, then, let the romance begin.

Just got to call of few of the mood lighting people in SoCal tomorrow. If I knew what key words to google, I'd save the phone calls.
Thanks for the encouragement guys

. When you live on the edge, it is hard sometimes to separate edge from non-edge and your touchstone helps bunches.