Beginner trying to do it right this time... Budget DWC


New Member
I've had a few failed attempts at growing in the past when I was a teenager/early 20s, and recently decided to give it another shot, but to learn the most I can and do it as best as I can for the money I have (virtually none). I ended up getting a bag of decent kine with a few seeds in it, so I of course had to put them between some wet paper towels overnight, and see what happened.

And three weeks later, here I am...

I have a few questions that I haven't really been able to get good answers on. One is where to find a decent primer on marijuana strains? Even in the strains board it's hard to find basic info. I understand indica sativa and ruderalis and that strains are mixed and originate from different parts of the world and all that... And that indica is easier to grow and smaller and takes less time. But when I'm looking at a seed bank, I have no idea do I get white widow or northern lights, lemon haze or ak47... etc... Much less which breeder to pick from. I figure g13 is a safe bet just because somehow I've heard of them before and seem them mention around here. But other than that, pretty much clueless on strains.

Right now my setup is in the laundry closet of my apartment, using about a 2x2 space (realistically less); it's the stealthiest place I can really grow.

IMG_3906.jpg IMG_3887.jpg

I don't have money for a fan right now, but I do have a space heater that I just have blow unheated room temperature air across the plants. I have a 20 gallon aquarium air pump and a 4 or 6 inch fine bubbles air stone in a 21 gallon rubbermaid tote. I'm using 4 26w (I think) 6700k CFLs under a lamp shade, 24/0 photo period.


The fixture is hanging from fishing lines which are attached to shelves. The lamp shade is also hanging on a fishing line.
For exactly $0.00 + tax, and the shipping & handling to walk to the kitchen drawer, it worksbongsmilie

Here is my bagseed... clearly some kind of indica mix. I had them in solo cups with MG seedling soil (or whatever) medium and only on water sitting in the window sill during the day, and in an empty aquarium with a hood light at night. They started to die, I believe because I wasn't giving them nutes, although it could also be the roots were either drowning, or not getting enough water... it's hard to say in that medium.

Anyway, I knew I needed to do something, and I already knew I wanted a DWC setup, so I went to the local hydro store and bought some 3.5" net cups, rockwool cubes, and hydroton... and the other stuff I need from Walmart etc.


The one on the left was the biggest seedling before transplant, and suffered the most damage from the (I believe) nute deficiency. The first two sets of leaves were over 50% dead so I clipped them off. The one on the right was wilting before transplant, and the next morning after being in the DWC, it was growing stronger than ever.

I made a water solution of 1/2 strength MG all-purpose, and used water conditioner from the pet store to neutralize the chlorine and metals. It was one of the few bottles that didn't say something about containing slime colloids, which I figured would be bad. I also bought a bottle of ph down. I can't even find anywhere that sells litmus paper or water ph testers, so I had to use a soil ph tester that uses a tube full of water/soil mix and dump a capsule of powder in then shake n wait. I ended up using 2 doses of ph down.


So far, so good... both are now growing fast, even though the smaller one took about a week to resume growth. I plan to clean and change the res water every 7 days. Eventually I want to order a cheap ppm or ec meter and ph meter online or ebay or something. Also, better nutes of course, and need to get a light before flowering. This is kind of a for-fun bag seed test grow while I gather the stuff I will need, and practice cloning, pruning, curing, and maintaining a DWC before investing in seeds and all that. Once I feel like I have the knowledge and equipment to attempt a serious grow of some high yield dank shit, I will do things differently. I may consider individual 5 gallon buckets setup, but I need to stay small and stealth, so thinking rubbermaid tote sog setup. But I have some more learning to do.


I'm playing around with the idea to top and clone the strongest female, if there is one, and clone/veg until all pots are filled. This will also give me time to save up for an hid light. I was planning on looking for a dimmable 400w switchable kit, but now I wonder if 250 would be sufficient? My grow area will stay 5 plants max in a 2'x2' area for the foreseeable future. However I don't want to sacrifice yield, so I'm assuming a 400w is obviously better. Heat could be an issue though.

Once the net pots are filled with clones, veg until the smallest is 12-18 inches then flower... top/FIM the ones that get too big. That's the plan I'm thinking about right now anyway.


Active Member
SSounds like a good plan.. Id go with a four hundred watter.. And you should be able to find litmus or drplets at your local pet store.. in your aquarium section.. Id whatch the MG fertilizer to.. It could be high in salt.. Which could fuck up your roots.. Just dont overdo it.. and make sure to cleam your air stone.. They look good though man.. Keep up the good work


Active Member
You can pick up basic pH strip at the pet shop. Even in the pet isle at wally-world with the aquarium care stuff. But you most definitely want to invest in a meter when you get the chance. The strips will get you in the ball park though. Ball park is better than SWAGin (Scientific Wild Assed Guess) it....


For seeds, just google attitude seed bank for a place to start, they have a decent variety and can be a jumping point to go to another site. If you are looking for smaller plants or indicas, look at strains with a shorter flowering time, 8-9 weeks. as far as breeders, TGA is "in" right now so jump on the bandwagon with that if you want. They are dec. Also look for promotion specials on any site and use those to get more seeds and also to look at different breeders. Just check the boards here too for more strains and then search for them on the site.

Aquarium or spa stores will carry ph test strips.


New Member
Thanks for the suggestions on the ph strips... I went to petsmart, petco, walmart, home depot, lowes, walgreens, and a local garden shop (who gave me funny looks)... the only place that had ph strips was walmart/petco/petsmart in the fish isle but they all carried the same brand which only tests from 6.0 - 8.0.

So today I stopped by a small business locally owned pet shop and they had some strips that will work. Going to change the res tonight, it's been 7 days since I got this DWC set up.

I've looked around at attitude, but they don't say the mix of indica/sativa which is disappointing.


Well-Known Member
I'd look into another airstone or two. For that much water you could get away with a few more, and they're cheap. Also be sure to not let the water level get too high now that your roots are coming along. If that rockwool gets too wet it can cause some problems. Plants look good though, nice job.


New Member
Just an update. Res water is 60-66* F, 79* ambient... 7.0 ph (can't get it lower till I get some monies) 1/4 strength MG nutes.
First attempt at FIM last night, dunno if I did it right, but I guess so. Will find out soon.

A little nute burn

It grew up into my CFLs for a min one day.


Roots... bloody roots...

Here's the runt... the blue shit is MG... I figured this would be bad as fuck, but the roots have been like this for a week and it shows no signs of nute burn that I'm aware of. Also, remember it's 1/4 strength.

I was using two 1 gallon jugs of ice to cool the res, but temps were staying at 50-54* so I'm just using 1 gallon for meow, and have some 2 liters in the freezer I'll be switching to. Also, I want to think of something heavy (and free) to put in the bottles so they sink... like probably rocks washed in rubbing alcohol or something.


New Member
I think I waited until the plants were too big to fim... I don't want them to get much bigger than 2 feet and won't be able to flower for a few weeks until I can afford better light. Also, I'd like a bigger root system on the runt before I begin flowering. The biggest one is already 8"

...surprised no one has said anything about my smurf roots.

Also, 2 liter bottles of ice suck in a 20g res, they only keep temps down about 8 hours.... back to a gallon jug.


Well-Known Member
I think I waited until the plants were too big to fim... I don't want them to get much bigger than 2 feet and won't be able to flower for a few weeks until I can afford better light. Also, I'd like a bigger root system on the runt before I begin flowering. The biggest one is already 8"

...surprised no one has said anything about my smurf roots.

Also, 2 liter bottles of ice suck in a 20g res, they only keep temps down about 8 hours.... back to a gallon jug.
A little too much MG + conditioner?



Well-Known Member
Realistically you can just keep topping/fimming until it's as short as you want. If it gets too tall, cut the next node down and call it a day.