Best germination method


New Member
2. Placing healthy & fresh seeds in water/wet tissue can lead to the development of fungi or bacteria on the seed hull. Lack of oxygen and contaminating substances in the water/wet tissue promote fungal growth which can be transported to the substrate later on. Often the seed simply rots away if left for too long in a glass of water, or wrapped up in wet tissue.
3. Once the seed sprouts in a glass of water or paper tissue it already has the taproot growing out of the cracked seed hull. While transplanting the germinated seed it is very difficult, indeed impossible, to prevent damage to the delicate taproot. Many sprouted seedlings handled in this way show retarded development, or even simply fail to appear out of the substrate after transplantation. Handling seedlings this way can impair the health & vigour of the plant for the duration of it’s life cycle - especially if other disturbing factors occur during the early stages of growth.



New Member

Cannabis Seeds Germination

How to germinate cannabis seeds properly.​

During cannabis seeds germination, the cannabis seed awakens from its inactivity. Water is essential here, for as soon as the germinating cannabis seed has absorbed a sufficient amount of water, the seedling begins to form its root system. Next it breaks through its shell. There are various possibilities for the process of germinating cannabis seeds :

Pre-soaking - Put some moist tissues on a plate. Put the seeds on top of them and then put a layer of moist tissues on the seeds. Cover the plate with another upturned plate, so that the seeds are in darkness and the environment remains moist. Put the covered seeds in a warm place (21°C). Check the seeds every day, sprinkle the tissues if necessary and carefully transplant the seeds when they open and the tip of the root becomes visible. Put the germinating cannabis seed in a growth medium (soil or rock-wool), approximately the size of the seed under the surface (about 5 mm).

Sowing in the growing medium - Place the seeds under the surface in the growing medium at approximately the size of the seed. Regularly sprinkle the growth medium with water, but make sure that the soil or the rock-wool does not become too wet. The seedling uses the spare food present in the seed for growing. Air is very important for its metabolism. So make sure that the soil remains sufficiently airy. One of the characteristics of rockwool is that it retains much air. Make sure that the rockwool is not standing in water and that the excess water is able to drain away properly. Rockwool has a fine germination climate for the seeds. Remove the cover as soon as the seedlings reach above the medium.

Outside growing - Although it is possible to have the cannabis seeds germinate immediately outdoors, the germination percentage will be considerably higher if you first germinate indoors. From April to May the ground temperature is not yet ideal. Regularly put the emerged seedlings in a place where they can get used to outdoor conditions.

Young seedlings - The young plants are still very delicate. Therefore you should not place them in direct sunlight or just below a 400 Watt lamp. This might cause burning. Provide young plants with nutrient water and add Boost to strengthen the root system.

complete bull.


New Member
Ive said it many times before on this site, people can never know enough, even me, your info is spot on Ludacris, ive grew for 10 years but still i read everyday, weed mags, online sites, and if i see any good dvd's i buy them, i do all this for the passion for growing top herb, anything short of that is not good enough.


New Member
Ive said it many times before on this site, people can never know enough, even me, your info is spot on Ludacris, ive grew for 10 years but still i read everyday, weed mags, online sites, and if i see any good dvd's i buy them, i do all this for the passion for growing top herb, anything short of that is not good enough.
i dont grow "top herb" i grow the best chronic this side of the fence.



Well-Known Member

Cannabis Seeds Germination

How to germinate cannabis seeds properly.​

During cannabis seeds germination, the cannabis seed awakens from its inactivity. Water is essential here, for as soon as the germinating cannabis seed has absorbed a sufficient amount of water, the seedling begins to form its root system. Next it breaks through its shell. There are various possibilities for the process of germinating cannabis seeds :

Pre-soaking - Put some moist tissues on a plate. Put the seeds on top of them and then put a layer of moist tissues on the seeds. Cover the plate with another upturned plate, so that the seeds are in darkness and the environment remains moist. Put the covered seeds in a warm place (21°C). Check the seeds every day, sprinkle the tissues if necessary and carefully transplant the seeds when they open and the tip of the root becomes visible. Put the germinating cannabis seed in a growth medium (soil or rock-wool), approximately the size of the seed under the surface (about 5 mm).

Sowing in the growing medium - Place the seeds under the surface in the growing medium at approximately the size of the seed. Regularly sprinkle the growth medium with water, but make sure that the soil or the rock-wool does not become too wet. The seedling uses the spare food present in the seed for growing. Air is very important for its metabolism. So make sure that the soil remains sufficiently airy. One of the characteristics of rockwool is that it retains much air. Make sure that the rockwool is not standing in water and that the excess water is able to drain away properly. Rockwool has a fine germination climate for the seeds. Remove the cover as soon as the seedlings reach above the medium.

Outside growing - Although it is possible to have the cannabis seeds germinate immediately outdoors, the germination percentage will be considerably higher if you first germinate indoors. From April to May the ground temperature is not yet ideal. Regularly put the emerged seedlings in a place where they can get used to outdoor conditions.

Young seedlings - The young plants are still very delicate. Therefore you should not place them in direct sunlight or just below a 400 Watt lamp. This might cause burning. Provide young plants with nutrient water and add Boost to strengthen the root system.

im with luda here.... we aint sayin that it doesnt work.. its jus bad practice.. creates mold and stresss.. the root developes hairs that grow into the towel that get ripped off... look under a microscope, ull see em


Active Member
2 saucers 4 paper towels 1 pitcher of distilled water and 1 dark closet haha

-Take two paper towels and place them on top of each other. Fold twice (making a square). Place on saucer, saturate will distilled water (completely wet, but no puddle).
-Place the seeds at least a 1/4-1/2in. apart. Sprinkle a little bit of water directly on them.
-Take the other two paper towels and fold them in the same fashion. Place on top of the seeds and then saturate completely, don't over do it.
-Place the other saucer, upside-down, on top of the other on. Place in dark closet.
-24 hours later, remove the top saucer and sprinkle more water on the paper towels making sure it is saturated; no need to actually pull the paper towels apart when doing this.
-Another 24 hours later and they should have sprouted and are ready to take on the world :weed:


Well-Known Member
Anyone who says "This is the best germination method" is making a very bold statement. The best method is whatever works for you. I use the paper towel method because it's worked for me for almost three years. My buddy swears by soaking them for 24 hours in water and then planting them. If it works for you, it's all good.

I'm using the paper towel method right now (see White Rhino grow in sig) and will be checking the seeds tonight. Any seeds that haven't sprouted, well then I'll try soaking them overnight in water and then planting them.

yeah thats what i did the first time round. quite a few didn't germ in the paper towel so i put them in water and most still came good, it felt like too much interference on my part tho, dont want to mess them around too much


Well-Known Member
Just for the record, my seven White Rhino seeds that I purchased back in 2006 all germinated. Paper towel method on Sunday night and I planted them in soil tonight.


Well-Known Member
It was greenhouse seeds that made me switch from paper towels to jiffys. Had a batch of church seeds went Tits up. On following advice from Luda i have went to 100 percent success with the same seeds, so what method works. Paper towels are for cleaning up mess and wiping up spillages.


Well-Known Member
And as for greenhouse replacing seeds that dont germ, have e mailed them on several occasions and had no reply, so dont know about them replacing seeds. Still use their seeds but their customer service is shit.


New Member
It was greenhouse seeds that made me switch from paper towels to jiffys. Had a batch of church seeds went Tits up. On following advice from Luda i have went to 100 percent success with the same seeds, so what method works. Paper towels are for cleaning up mess and wiping up spillages.
All good then dude, lud does give spot on info.


Well-Known Member
All good then dude, lud does give spot on info.
he does that man. I thought i knew my shit till i bumped into him on here. Its just a case of each to their own. Everybody has their own way of doing things. I try to keep my grows as close to nature as possible now.


Well-Known Member
(posted by boneman).

What happens if one uses pre-germination methods?
1. Soaking seeds in water/wet paper towels is a method which can be used for old seeds (3+ years) that are drying up and losing germination power; and for pure land race equatorial strains such as from Africa. Both factors do not apply to our seeds. Fresh seeds have a healthy embryo whose cells are filled with water. But excess water causes the cells to bloat, depletes oxygen and leads to the tissue rotting away before the seed embryo can germinate. Old seeds have lost water in the cell tissue, the embryo starts to shrivel, which is why germination rates drop the older the seeds are. Therefore, old seeds (ie. 3+ years) can soak up more water before adverse conditions cause them to rot. This is one of the main reasons why various seed stock reacts differently to pre-germination methods. Especially novice growers make a lot of mistakes with pre-germination methods such as soaking seeds in water for up to 1-2 days. Even if one chooses to pre-germ seeds it has to be done correctly.
It is in a growers best interest to choose a germination method with the lowest risk of complications. Because we want customers to have the highest success rate possible we recommend the most convenient and safest method. This does not mean it is the only option. We simply believe it carries the lowest risk. In fact, planting seeds directly in the substrate is also the most plant friendly method for any type of seed stock. The reasons are explained below in paragraph 2 & 3.
2. Placing healthy & fresh seeds in water/wet tissue can lead to the development of fungi or bacteria on the seed hull. Lack of oxygen and contaminating substances in the water/wet tissue promote fungal growth which can be transported to the substrate later on. Often the seed simply rots away if left for too long in a glass of water, or wrapped up in wet tissue.
3. Once the seed sprouts in a glass of water or paper tissue it already has the taproot growing out of the cracked seed hull. While transplanting the germinated seed it is very difficult, indeed impossible, to prevent damage to the delicate taproot. Many sprouted seedlings handled in this way show retarded development, or even simply fail to appear out of the substrate after transplantation. Handling seedlings this way can impair the health & vigour of the plant for the duration of it’s life cycle - especially if other disturbing factors occur during the early stages of growth.
Professional horticulturists rarely use pre-germination methods to actually grow out the seedlings because of the shock suffered from transplanting them. For example, we use the paper tissue method only as a quick test for germination rates of aged seed stock from our genetic repository. This allows us to see beforehand how many seeds we have to put in soil to get the amount of plants we require for breeding projects.
Germinating cannabis seeds is not difficult. All you need is some basic information on what is important and everything should work out fine.

Like writing an english paper...keep it short and keep it simple. :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:
thought this sounded familiar......Mandala seeds.......
Buy yourself some root riot cubes as you can use these in either soil or hydro when potting on.
Rootriot is excelent for germing seeds and has all the nutes it needs to start life.