best germing method


New Member
my method, stick it in a rapid rooter, stick rapid rooter in tray, pour 1/4" deep of water into the tray. let sit 3 days, seed.

This is awesome for rooting too.

stick clone in dipngrow solution for 10 seconds+, stick into rapid rooter, pour 1/4" deep water in tray. let sit 7 days, roots should appear by 10 days.

I use pHed water and a low low strength flowering formula for most of these.


Well-Known Member
there is a thread out there if u search for it.. its called *** Online Growing School 101 *** by doc vandankenstien... he has a class with about 7 or so online and they all start the same day and he shows them his method from seed to clone to bud, explaining the reasons he uses the methods he does... for example he says paper towel is no good cuz the root developes lil hairs that grow into the towel and get ripped off when u take the seed outta the towel, which can overall stress or stun growth... its an older post but u could follow along as ur seeds mature...... u mite even have a few questions that the others had as well which r all answered.. im waitin for seeds in the mail and when they come im gonna follow it week for week as if i was there... check it out!!!


New Member
my method, stick it in a rapid rooter, stick rapid rooter in tray, pour 1/4" deep of water into the tray. let sit 3 days, seed.

u kidding... u get gorgeous roots with these things why use any thing elsethey are too easy. As long as ur water isn't pH
8.0+ you can distill and use it, or just use a little purified water

germinating is really easy man... if you're having problems with it well....


Active Member
anyone know another simple method of germing apart from using paper towel.
I use a small container that has straight sides (not graduated like a bowl)
I put just enough water (pre checked for ph) to where the seed that is sitting on the bottom is 1/2 out and 1/2 in the water. Place a plastic baggie over the top so the water doesn't evap., then something like a book on top of that to keep the light out. Generally within a day or two all will have a nice tail on them. I then very carefully pick them up with clean tweezers and place them in the dirt (or medium of your choice). Easy as hell - no worries of tearing the tiny roots on paper towel OR having to peel back the paper towel to see the status.


Active Member
I know how to germ a seed obviously as there are plenty of vids on youtube and all over this site, but everywhere seems to use the same method(paper towel). I was wantin to know if anyone knew other methods hence the thread name.


Well-Known Member
you wanted the best method, it is the paper towel.
some people have their own ways that work as well
personally, i like to KNOW what the seed is doing. and i can see that using a paper towel.
the tap root comes out, i plant it and it comes up the next day or 2 ... everytime


Well-Known Member
you've heard em all now ... really ;)
unless someone hasnt mentioned rockwool
but its the same basic principle as putting it in peat plug/soil/whatever