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Anyone still play n64, I used to love Perfect Dark and Goldeneye

gothic 3 seems fun. whats the premise.
lol.. "shitznitbambiddle"..your crazy...yeah it is one of the few games I actually played all the way through twice..although Fable 2 might be on that list..On Fable 2 i picked the ending were i saved a bunch of people but my dog died and now im kicking myself for that cause I really am missing my lil buddy on there..so if your playing fable to and get to the end..dont pick "Sacrifice"..
It's a roleplaying game, kinda like morrowind, with a massive world.I put it on god mode just so I could wander all over.It's huge.
those mmorpg games are too addicting. ill try them out enough to form an opinion but sometimes if i dont force myself to turn it off, im suck til the wee hours. right now its all run'em gun'em games for me.
left4dead sucked. fallout3 is good and i also want littlebig and fable2. i like your taste sir
what do you mean left 4 dead sucked..the game came out 1 week ago today...
its a fucking awesome game and intense at every moment
It's single player, it's not online.I'm not into Wow or stuff like that.
Anyone still play n64, I used to love Perfect Dark and Goldeneye![]()
Anyone ever played Portal from the Orange Box? I got way too stoned one night and played it for hours recently.
Mortal Kombat!