Best video game to play while baked

Are you guys FUCKING kidding me? Im suprised noone has mentioned spore.

When im fucking baked and I play that game, you wouldent beleive some of the shit that happens, it it freaks me out too. You already feel like your high when you play it, and when your high its a whole nother story, holy shit is all I can say.
i was hearing a lot of shit about spore but i am not even sure what its about lol.
I think Spore was way overhyped. It was a game that, basically, showed macro evolution in a fun kind of way. You start as this microorganism and slowly evolve into a being, then a colony, then a society, until you conquer space and raid other planets.

It seems like all the game modes are just a long lead up for space exploration mode. It was kinda fun, but I only played it on a friend's pc for a week then didn't bother playing it again.

My favorite games, though, gotta be Gears of War and World of Warcraft. On a high-end pc, WoW looks just so amazing. Another good MMO is EVE. It really requires a top-notch pc. The game runs on 3 or 4 servers that all have up to 40,000 people on them at once. You're playing with 40,000 people at the same time! The game is so expansive, too.
Vice City and San Andreas are at the top of my list

You should try liberty city, its damn fun while high...Any one who played liberty city every bum bowl? Its when you get in the helicopter and then jump out and try to crash land in alleys where bums are and hit them. pretty
my friend got a sega genesis from his gf and he's got most of the sonic games, road rage, and my fav, ecco the dolphin haha
Im still playing my PS2 so i can play Socom 2 online! Im still addicted! Sucks becuase it laggs so bad and people always glitch.....But i still love it

...Also any madden game is great to play ;)
Me and my mates used to go mad playing Worms Armageddon on the N64 - but the recent one has been Burnout 3 on the Xbox (we do the "Party Crash" version SEVERAL times per session!)

Honestly - both games kick arse whilst stoned or sober,if anyones got them you MUST try them both out whilst baked! :blsmoke:
my friend got a sega genesis from his gf and he's got most of the sonic games, road rage, and my fav, ecco the dolphin haha

Dude! Road Rage is the shit!

And echo? Don't get me started on that shit. It's like crack. One time, i played that game until I fucking bruised my thumbs. I swear, I couldn't play video games for a week.

Me and my friends kill this game every time we smoke together.
Also, Condemned: Criminal Origins and Condemned 2: Bloodshot are awesome games to play when you're high. Really freak you out if you're playing at night with all the lights off.

