Best video game to play while baked

rock band is the funnest game for me baked, on the drums. followed by guitar hero. it makes it feel like the notes are goin so fucking slow. and i play on expert.
LEFT 4 DEAD!!!!!

it is sooo fucking intense that i can almost NOT play it high.... haha

but i love killing me some zombies!!!!
Years ago, Battlefield 1942, Battlefield Vietnam, and BF2 were fun to play online. World of Warcraft is fun too, but addicting. NHL09.
currently still rocking cod4 for the 360 but i play gears 2 also , cant wait to get cod5 shaun white (snowboarding) and the one ive been looking forward too since the first - skate2
Dude FF7 is the shit for an old game most of the FF series is superb gaming while high. But FF7 a Fav of all time, i thought no 1 played it anymore glad im wrong.bongsmilie

true true. mario hasn't gpt a patch on final fantasy 7. I dont care what anyone says, what game you play, oh ff7 has shitty graphics etc etc. wether your stoned, drunk, tripping or coked out of your head or plain ol sober. final fantasy 7 will put any game to shame. should be in the fucking bible!!!
And God Said.......
currently still rocking cod4 for the 360 but i play gears 2 also , cant wait to get cod5 shaun white (snowboarding) and the one ive been looking forward too since the first - skate2
cod4 and cod world at war are the shit online:bigjoint: I 2 am waiting on skate 2! I can't wait it's going to be dope!
I like 8.Squall is sexy.And six, cuz espers RAWK.
true true. mario hasn't gpt a patch on final fantasy 7. I dont care what anyone says, what game you play, oh ff7 has shitty graphics etc etc. wether your stoned, drunk, tripping or coked out of your head or plain ol sober. final fantasy 7 will put any game to shame. should be in the fucking bible!!!
And God Said.......
Dude, Danny, they're making a FFVII remake for the PS3? I'd heard rumors, but I must have missed the demo trailer.

Allow me to pick my jaw up off the floor. That shit is so beautiful!
no sorry but i don't think they are doing a remake, apparently it was just a demo of the abilities of the ps3, ive done some research myself, I'm still sceptical of this though. I don't see any reason why they would not do a remake, One of the biggest selling games ever, die hard fans, so much money to be made, hell I'd buy 2 copies myself, one for playing and one to hide away in a cellar for my grandchildren.
Guitar hero.. or rockband.. whichever.. doesnt matter.. I used to play GTA and gears of war.. never cared for HALO.. always thought it was more hype than anything.. and thought it just sucked.. when I was younger goldeneye was my shit.. I was always the best at golden eye.. I wanna check out left4dead..

But honestly.. I just don't play that much anymore.. games stopped being fun and started being more stressful.. I was breaking controller's, throwing shit and cussing at the TV like a crazy person.. so I just had to let 'em go...

But from time to time I still pop in Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Army of Two.. those are the best games to play when stoned.. especially ultmate alliance..
Are you guys FUCKING kidding me? Im suprised noone has mentioned spore.

When im fucking baked and I play that game, you wouldent beleive some of the shit that happens, it it freaks me out too. You already feel like your high when you play it, and when your high its a whole nother story, holy shit is all I can say.