Best video game to play while baked

What about the old california games on sega ? surfing was my fav ! or pit bag or what eva it was called.
River raid on atari2600 .
duck hunt on nes
also double dragon 2 i think it was called that ?
all the mario bros games
What about the old california games on sega ? surfing was my fav ! or pit bag or what eva it was called.
River raid on atari2600 .
duck hunt on nes
also double dragon 2 i think it was called that ?
all the mario bros games

Dude thats way throwback I didnt even know what weed was when I played those games. currently playing morrowind with the skyrim engine mod called skywind its a trip and a half...No fast travel though gets ughhhh sometimes.
I usually go back to old school SNES games and stuff when I'm baked... Don't know why, for some reason I love the nostalgic feel of those games.
Oh and the endless wander around games are fucking awesome, Morrowind is one of my favorites when baked. And trackmania. Actually, too much games.

I just tend to try and stay away from games that are online and where I really want to win (Dota for example), cause I'd get annoyed with myself not being able to perform to my sober standards.
For some reason I love playing State of Decay after a few bowls...pretty good game.

That is an impressively deadly, mind fuck. And after I fought Sara againt a growing herd, step by step, on foot, back to the parking lot only to get eaten at the very gate.....I don't play anymore. I forget to man the tower. I was only down at that construction site on the right, 2 blocks.

I put a lot into Sara and got careless.
final fantasy 7

Yes!!!! Final Fantasy 7 is the best game ever, closely followed by 10 in my opinion. Imagine if they combined the two and brought out 7 with better graphics and voices rather than text (although they could mess it up easily if they don't get the voices spot on)

However the developers said that they won't remake it until they make a new final fantasy that outsells the original 7 (good luck there)... :(

Another game I love to play high is pokemon especially the originals and gold and silver:joint:
I mix it up with some GTA Online, Last of Us (Solo or online it don't of the best games ever made IMHO), and of course Skyrim. Final Fantasy 7 is amazing as well. Last of Us is awesome if you're blasted...the intensity of online is hard to handle when you are about to fall of the face of the earth. :mrgreen:
If you just wanna get high and wander off like Towelie then I like playing Journey. Not an all the time thing but fun none the less. Dead Space and Portal both have a special place in my heart. Playing Dead Space super high in the dark is scary shit.
If you just wanna get high and wander off like Towelie then I like playing Journey. Not an all the time thing but fun none the less. Dead Space and Portal both have a special place in my heart. Playing Dead Space super high in the dark is scary shit.

Yeah...Dead Space is weird. But, I have been going among them since Doom. Somehow all the color and movements, 'splosions, etc are cool and calming in Defense Grid.

I download a lot of Demo. Red Fraction has great artwork. But, I think my best stoned out experience is Battlefield 3. Sometimes I will grab a, placed air defense, by the runway and just harass the other side in the air battles.