Best video game to play while baked


Well-Known Member
call of duty 4 is wayy to simple for me, but i used to play fps's amateur circut so im prolly just bored of the theme but ive really been liking games like gears of war 2, left 4 dead... i love playing GTA SA high and for the computer TF2 or cs source


Well-Known Member
I used to love that game but then i got SOCOM 3.
Yeah I have Socom 3 but the maps where just toooo big and it would take forever if you died to play again so i sais F that.... Im prob going to get Call of duty 4 soon. I had fun playing that. I hate first person shooters though :/


Well-Known Member
gow2 is killing me with all the pre-pubescent kids boomshotting me in the face and always saying "are you serious?":finger: