Borderlands 1 or 2 for me with a big big big nod to Mortal Kombat. I love the 2011 edition but I also still have all the originals on an emulator on my computer. Also Rogue Squadron for N64 should get a shoutout.
I'm always high so I have no reference to playing I'm upset or mad at the world I like to play any game where I can kill someoneCOD ghosts,Assassins Creed,I just finished SC blacklist on perfectionists.....I'm a weird gamer....I don't like playing online because i cannot stand losing and too much immaturity.I don't like the GTA's but loved Skyrim.I don't like to play any of the racing sims but i like mariokart,i like flight sims....Crimson Skies/xbox,Ace Combats but I don't like the realistic flight best gaming memories are of Pac-man,Kung-fu master,Mario bros,Donkey Kong at the arcade,playing Techmo Superbowl,Waverace 64,Xlll,playing the original Halo and Mechassault.
Wow beats out any game fo sho when I smoke. You can pvp, dungeon grind, troll on trade chat if you want some lols. You can do pretty much whatever you want to do with yer baked self.