Biden pardon all federal possession of cannabis

At least Joe had the guts to do it and should pick up more gratitude votes for the democrats than he loses, all those who oppose legalization or any movement on cannabis are republican. If the democrats win the house and senate there will be more than executive action taken on pot.

We've had time for more MAGAts to die of the plague and newly minted voters to vote not party but for right v.'s not red or blue anymore that some still cling to.
Meanwhile, Florida demonstrates what happens when drugs are sold in an unregulated market.

Florida tokers inadvertently smoked rat poison; 52 sickened, 4 dead
It's not the first time rat poison has shown up in fake weed.

Just hours before President Biden unveiled a major effort to reform federal marijuana laws Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a report highlighting some of the collateral damage of harshly criminalizing the relatively safe drug.

The report documented a mass poisoning from alternative marijuana products tainted with rat poison. The event—which severely sickened 52, killing four—isn't the first or even the largest of such poisonings. In 2018, rat poison-laced fake products sickened nearly 200 in a multi-state rash of poisonings that also left four dead.
In the most recent cluster, health officials in Florida first began noting the cases in December of last year. And, based on the 2018 outbreak, they quickly linked the illnesses to synthetic cannabinoids (aka spice, K2, synthetic marijuana, or fake weed).

But wait, there is more:

Officials don't know for certain why anyone would put brodifacoum in fake weed, but researchers speculated that it could prolong or enhance the effects of synthetic cannabinoids. Brodifacoum has also been found tainting actual marijuana and cocaine.

Meanwhile, Florida demonstrates what happens when drugs are sold in an unregulated market.

Florida tokers inadvertently smoked rat poison; 52 sickened, 4 dead
It's not the first time rat poison has shown up in fake weed.

Just hours before President Biden unveiled a major effort to reform federal marijuana laws Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a report highlighting some of the collateral damage of harshly criminalizing the relatively safe drug.

The report documented a mass poisoning from alternative marijuana products tainted with rat poison. The event—which severely sickened 52, killing four—isn't the first or even the largest of such poisonings. In 2018, rat poison-laced fake products sickened nearly 200 in a multi-state rash of poisonings that also left four dead.
In the most recent cluster, health officials in Florida first began noting the cases in December of last year. And, based on the 2018 outbreak, they quickly linked the illnesses to synthetic cannabinoids (aka spice, K2, synthetic marijuana, or fake weed).

But wait, there is more:

Officials don't know for certain why anyone would put brodifacoum in fake weed, but researchers speculated that it could prolong or enhance the effects of synthetic cannabinoids. Brodifacoum has also been found tainting actual marijuana and cocaine.


Do you know what the Russians put in Crocodil?'s worse. If your going into the gas station for your hookup..perhaps you should think again..another reason to de-criminalize.

BTW that shit is sold at every gas station, even here in Colorado where you can easily go to Dispensary..go figure.
How many people is in federal prison for possession? It’s a sorry attempt
To win back some people after having worse approval rating ever. Bahahahahaha
Say that to the families of the people who are pardoned.

Biden made a promise during his campaign and this is a partial payment. You can scoff at a man who honors his word but the laugh is on Trump's supporters. The only promise Trump kept was cutting taxes for billionaires.
How many people is in federal prison for possession? It’s a sorry attempt
To win back some people after having worse approval rating ever. Bahahahahaha
how many people are in federal prison for possession?....
yeah, it is an attempt to win people over...and it's working, well.
and just so you are aware, trump's approval rating was never more than a point or two higher than Biden's, and Bidens is now much higher than trumps was at the same point...
in fact, trump's approval rating was NEVER as high as Biden's is now...

He.. could have done it as soon as he got into office. Why wait so long? Oh, ya ok?.. What a sham.

What, now the people screwed by the guy that didn't inhale and Biden's 1994 crime bill.. who's lives were completely ruined, and haven't been able to vote because of felonies.. can finally go vote for the same kind of BS politicians that screwed them to begin with?

He fully supported that bill all the way up until recently. Talked about throwing people away for one crack rock in his prime. Why the sudden change of heart?
How many people is in federal prison for possession? It’s a sorry attempt
To win back some people after having worse approval rating ever. Bahahahahaha
How many people in federal prison for possession ZERO! Nobody has ever gone to club fed for misdemeanor possession its a ticket an by. I dont understand the people that think this is some kind of great Break thru. It needs to be reclassified to be any news at all.
How many people in federal prison for possession ZERO! Nobody has ever gone to club fed for misdemeanor possession its a ticket an by. I dont understand the people that think this is some kind of great Break thru. It needs to be reclassified to be any news at all.
the "news" is that the president of the United States publicly stated that marijuana possession or use shouldn't be anything to go to jail over, contarary to the public position of EVERY previous president. that is news in and of itself.
it's news to the more than 6000 people who's records will be expunged. it's news to the congress people and senators who will be more likely to support legalization because of it. (ok, not the magats, but a lot of the others.)
A change in policy and attitude from the President is a big deal and will shake things loose across the country.
I dont think so at best it will be up to each state like a lot of things these days. So if its up to each state I dont see things changing much most blue states are legal most red states are illegal.