Biden won

he's been taught by his dad and then roy cohn that you don't lose. you make it into somehow, someway that you won.

prediciton: i got more votes, the dems stole it from me but i'm gonna be back in 2024 and win again.
But in the meantime If he does not get the idol worship by his groupies he can not drown himself in drugs or booze as other 'rock stars' have been able to as he does not do any of the funny stuff. Power is a powerful drug, he will be out of power for four years? With loans coming due? He will feel like the big L.
But in the meantime If he does not get the idol worship by his groupies he can not drown himself in drugs or booze as other 'rock stars' have been able to as he does not do any of the funny stuff. Power is a powerful drug, he will be out of power for four years? With loans coming due? He will feel like the big L.
He will be in jail, most likely before the end of January, he will be arraigned in some court or another State or federal in NY on charges, Stormy Daniels is a slam dunk documents based case that can quickly be disposed of, appeal from prison. As soon as the judge lays eyes on him during arraignment, he/she will slap him with a gag order and he will violate it within a week and end up in jail until prison. Each night, Mitch McConnell, will get down on his knees and pray to the Devil that he is kept in prison and muzzled, ditto for anybody who wants to ride the wild elephant after Donald.
Canada is taking heat (which is also having a negative economic impact) from China for honouring it’s extradition treaty with the US, so I wouldn’t characterize the situation as “taking care of it for us”.

We would expect the US to consider Canada a partner in this case and not a political pawn, as the soon to be previous administration did.
Canada arrested the Huawei bitch on US's behalf and Trump did nothing when China retaliated, Why am I not surprised? Well, actually, I am surprised that the Chinese government is so blatant in its actions as to take hostages in retaliation. Not over Trump's inaction, where he basically walked over the dead bodies he is responsible for and just wrote them off as if they were nothing. If you are wondering, yes, I knew, yes, I am outraged and yes, I expect Biden to do more than the orange one did.

The thing is though, this highlights how bad and out of sorts with the rule of law that the Chinese government is. That Chinese oligarchy currently in power in China is probably filled with Trumplike personalities. Trump's trade war with China and his banning of Huwawei technology (or whatever it is he did, I'm not all that much on it) is about the only policy of his that I can agree with. He bungled his trade war with China but I'm all for the US taking its business elsewhere in the world and bringing as much to these shores as possible.

I hope the trial to extradite the Huawei official is held up just a little so that Trump get the opportunity do something nasty like coddle favors for his own businesses in exchange for a "solution" which would mean dropping charges. This of course would likewise mean that your Canadian nationals would be released and Trump could claim he did Canada a favor too. Things got so fucked up when we installed a crime boss as president. But I don't really want the US to restore relations with the Chinese government. Still, though Biden has to do something for those Canadians who got caught up in this battle between people who don't observe the rule of law.
These Trump supporters think the election was stolen. We ask them why

Supporters of President Donald Trump gathered in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, as part of a "Stop the Steal" protest. CNN's Donie O'Sullivan talks to them about why they believe the election was stolen.
Canada arrested the Huawei bitch on US's behalf and Trump did nothing when China retaliated, Why am I not surprised? Well, actually, I am surprised that the Chinese government is so blatant in its actions as to take hostages in retaliation. Not over Trump's inaction, where he basically walked over the dead bodies he is responsible for and just wrote them off as if they were nothing. If you are wondering, yes, I knew, yes, I am outraged and yes, I expect Biden to do more than the orange one did.

The thing is though, this highlights how bad and out of sorts with the rule of law that the Chinese government is. That Chinese oligarchy currently in power in China is probably filled with Trumplike personalities. Trump's trade war with China and his banning of Huwawei technology (or whatever it is he did, I'm not all that much on it) is about the only policy of his that I can agree with. He bungled his trade war with China but I'm all for the US taking its business elsewhere in the world and bringing as much to these shores as possible.

I hope the trial to extradite the Huawei official is held up just a little so that Trump get the opportunity do something nasty like coddle favors for his own businesses in exchange for a "solution" which would mean dropping charges. This of course would likewise mean that your Canadian nationals would be released and Trump could claim he did Canada a favor too. Things got so fucked up when we installed a crime boss as president. But I don't really want the US to restore relations with the Chinese government. Still, though Biden has to do something for those Canadians who got caught up in this battle between people who don't observe the rule of law.
I have no problem with anything you said here and also believe Canada should re-examine it’s relationship with China. My initial post was in response to a post that had a sentiment that Canada was somehow looking for the US (Biden) to bail them out of trouble. As you are obviously aware, that’s simply not the case.

The impact of this case however, goes beyond the imprisonment of a few Canadian nationals. The economic impact is quite substantial and Canada would have been better off had the border patrol officers looked the other way when Meng came into the country.
I have no problem with anything you said here and also believe Canada should re-examine it’s relationship with China. My initial post was in response to a post that had a sentiment that Canada was somehow looking for the US (Biden) to bail them out of trouble. As you are obviously aware, that’s simply not the case.

The impact of this case however, goes beyond the imprisonment of a few Canadian nationals. The economic impact is quite substantial and Canada would have been better off had the border patrol officers looked the other way when Meng came into the country.
Sometimes doing the right thing costs you dearly and she gets to live in BC in luxury, while two innocent Canadians are in a gulag. We either follow the rule of law or we don't, Trump is a criminal so forget the American side of the equation, but he is a temporary aberration we hope. If Trump got a second term, we would have to rethink a lot of things, including our extradition treaties and granting refugee statues to Americans. We would also have to look at developing an independent nuclear deterrent, against the Russians of course, but such modern systems are highly flexible.
Sometimes doing the right thing costs you dearly and she gets to live in BC in luxury, while two innocent Canadians are in a gulag. We either follow the rule of law or we don't, Trump is a criminal so forget the American side of the equation, but he is a temporary aberration we hope. If Trump got a second term, we would have to rethink a lot of things, including our extradition treaties and granting refugee statues to Americans. We would also have to look at developing an independent nuclear deterrent, against the Russians of course, but such modern systems are highly flexible.

The problem also was Trump saying while negotiations that he might trade her freedom if the Chinese sweeten up the trade deal he was working on at the time. This gives Meng an option to fight extradition saying there really is no case but that her arrest was due to political reasons. And she may very well get off because of it.

The Chinese people do not understand the separation of the courts and the political structure as the two are tied together in China. Trump does not understand the degree of separation between them, or he does and doesn't care. So the Chinese and Trump may be on the same page and see things through the same lens. And since their favorite daughter is living in the lap of luxury with free reign of a beautiful city it is not the worst of hardships. Not like the two Canadians in 5x7 cells.

I joked a few years ago that Canada should develop their own nuclear weapons to protect itself from the US in the future. Especially when water resources get scarce in the US, which they are now. One of Trump's kids in power could convince the majority that you have no other choice but to invade as a part of national security. We do not even need a fancy weapon system, just a trebuchet. But then again, you will probably see the Great Lakes drained before that.
Regarding strengthening the fed, we cannot say this is not true of both sides.
I dont understand why a strong federal government is a bad thing as long as they stick to the laws.

We just need better people in charge of the departments IMO. Good people in the roles that Trump has filled with minions could do a lot of good. And there are a lot of ways that doing some things at the federal level is more beneficial and can take a bigger picture approach to very real problems we need to face as a society.

Trump way abused executive powers, sending in feds to Portland, Republicans making laws that basically infringe on our rights to protest, renewing the Emergency Powers granted from 9/11 for the current "war", etc etc were/are terrible. But we cannot forget that the other side also makes big brother stronger.
I am not sure any laws were written, just Trump asking his goon squad to break the law and they doing it. Or are you talking prior to Trump?

I don't buy the 'Big Brother' stuff. It is naive AF to think anything you do online or captured off your devices is not being collected by foreign militaries and analyzed constantly for any and all vulnerabilities to exploit. I don't know what the reason would be that you prefer our government to be unable to fight the new warfare being conducted on us. As much as I don't trust Trump and am personally always freaked out by cops, they are Americans. And I have to hope that means something to the thousands of people working everyday to keep us as safe as possible.

Snowden was an Obama administration issue, and while I agree Obama did great things, they did bad as well. There are long lists of scandals and infringements that involve both sides, of which I don't know them all nor can I list them. Wikipedia has a pretty good growing list but its wikipedia.
Yeah IMO Snowden is a lot like Bannon who gave the Russian military our voting data Trump got from the RNC. Except Snowden stole data files from the NSA, with the help of wikileaks was smuggled to Russia, where he gave Putin the weapon they needed to attack our nation.

"Long lists" don't mean shit because of the amount of 'items' on them, I would look at the actual policies you see on those lists and evaluate the lists bullshit level for yourself. It is pretty eye-opening experience.

You start to see it is like someone saying two people are criminals, when one guy was working with a foreign nation while they were attacking 128 million Americans to help them get elected to POTUS, and the other got a parking ticket.

I don't mind wikipeadea, they have a lot of centralized information. But make sure that you decide if what it is matters or not.
(I know there are many things better seated at the Federal level vs state level. My feeling is that it has gone past balanced and my vote reflected that)
How so?

My trust in politicians doing what is best for Americans has been greatly tarnished. Trump didn't ruin my trust in politicians, he secured their place in being untrustworthy.
I think this is one of those populous messages that sounds cool and all, but doesn't really mean much other than it is too hard to think of something else to say.

It might be interesting to look at what things you really dislike and see how much the Democrats could have fixed it at the time. Hindsight is 20/20, and we have been under a propaganda war from the Russian military for a long time and it is worth double checking how you feel with what/when really happened to double check your theories still hold water.
I dont understand why a strong federal government is a bad thing as long as they stick to the laws.

We just need better people in charge of the departments IMO. Good people in the roles that Trump has filled with minions could do a lot of good. And there are a lot of ways that doing some things at the federal level is more beneficial and can take a bigger picture approach to very real problems we need to face as a society.

DOJ official quits after Barr move on election fraud allegations

A Justice Department official stepped down from his role overseeing probes into voting crimes hours after Attorney General William Barr announced on Monday that he had authorized the agency to investigate any "substantial allegations" of voter fraud in the presidential election.

Richard Pilger wrote to colleagues, “Having familiarized myself with the new policy and its ramifications ... I must regretfully resign from my role as director of the Election Crimes Branch.”

Pilger’s resignation came after Barr wrote in a memo Monday that Justice Department investigations “may be conducted if there are clear and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State.”

"Nothing here should be taken as any indication that the Department has concluded that voting irregularities have impacted the outcome of any election," Barr added. "Such inquiries and reviews may be conducted if there are clear and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual state."

Some people have integrity.
Regarding strengthening the fed, we cannot say this is not true of both sides. Trump way abused executive powers, sending in feds to Portland, Republicans making laws that basically infringe on our rights to protest, renewing the Emergency Powers granted from 9/11 for the current "war", etc etc were/are terrible. But we cannot forget that the other side also makes big brother stronger. Snowden was an Obama administration issue, and while I agree Obama did great things, they did bad as well. There are long lists of scandals and infringements that involve both sides, of which I don't know them all nor can I list them. Wikipedia has a pretty good growing list but its wikipedia.
(I know there are many things better seated at the Federal level vs state level. My feeling is that it has gone past balanced and my vote reflected that)

My trust in politicians doing what is best for Americans has been greatly tarnished. Trump didn't ruin my trust in politicians, he secured their place in being untrustworthy.
Were you asleep the last four years? Trump's administration is like nothing we've ever seen in the US. The Republican Party isn't anything like it was 20 years ago and neither is the Democratic Party, so let's talk about recent events. At this very moment, Trump is denying his role in overseeing a transition of government and in fact doing his level best to undermine our electoral system. An act he first comitted in 2016 and now he doubled down in his anti-democratic actions this year. Biden beat Trump by much larger margins than when Trump beat Clinton and yet, the transfer of power to him was smooth and only contested where the vote counts justified it. You can see for yourself how his party is responding to baseless claims of election fraud. Facts don't matter to them, only power does.

The Snowden thing is a complex scandal that makes him out to be a spy for Russia who also does a service to the world by exposing decades of secret operations authorized by presidents from both sides. Comparing that to the current ethno-nationalist movement and threat that Trump's Republican Party is represents is both ignorant and false.
The problem also was Trump saying while negotiations that he might trade her freedom if the Chinese sweeten up the trade deal he was working on at the time. This gives Meng an option to fight extradition saying there really is no case but that her arrest was due to political reasons. And she may very well get off because of it.

The Chinese people do not understand the separation of the courts and the political structure as the two are tied together in China. Trump does not understand the degree of separation between them, or he does and doesn't care. So the Chinese and Trump may be on the same page and see things through the same lens. And since their favorite daughter is living in the lap of luxury with free reign of a beautiful city it is not the worst of hardships. Not like the two Canadians in 5x7 cells.

I joked a few years ago that Canada should develop their own nuclear weapons to protect itself from the US in the future. Especially when water resources get scarce in the US, which they are now. One of Trump's kids in power could convince the majority that you have no other choice but to invade as a part of national security. We do not even need a fancy weapon system, just a trebuchet. But then again, you will probably see the Great Lakes drained before that.
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