Biden won

If the Trump clan has a good think they must realize that their situation is precarious. They really could be in serious trouble.
Their money, the political support that money buys and their criminal connections have always kept them safe. I don't think it's a done deal that they are either safe or will pay for their crimes. It's going take a long time and if if should come down to a court trials, anything can happen.

Still though, I want my government to investigate and charge them for their crimes when they have a good case. Once Trump is out of office, he loses many of the protections he had as prez. It's a good thing the Senate doesn't have the power to grant immunity.

Trump can still make it very hard for the FBI to investigate him next year
From a self-pardon to ordering Justice Department memos, the president has the power to protect himself

In short, Trump won’t be in the clear, no matter what he does, once he no longer has the protection of the presidency. This is especially true when we consider that the FBI’s counterintelligence interest in Trump will continue even after he leaves office: He’ll still know highly classified information, so it will be more important than ever for the intelligence community to know whether foreign countries have any leverage they can exploit over the former president. This would provide grounds for further investigation into Trump’s, and the Trump Organization’s, financial entanglements abroad.
Still, before Trump leaves office, he has the power to muck up any cases that could be made against him by a future Justice Department — enough to set up Biden to continue as the villain in the same “witch hunt” narrative Trump has been talking about for the past four years.
The holdouts on congratulating Biden on a win has been Brazil, China, Russia, Turkey, Mexico, a host of others that do not count. Turkey just congratulated Biden. Just a thought thought that popped in my head, Funny China has not congratulated Biden as Trump said they were interfering in the election to get Biden elected.
The holdouts on congratulating Biden on a win has been Brazil, China, Russia, Turkey, Mexico, a host of others that do not count. Turkey just congratulated Biden. Just a thought thought that popped in my head, Funny China has not congratulated Biden as Trump said they were interfering in the election to get Biden elected.
Trump is an idiot
I would say any country with a just society will have some amount of socialism. It’s not a bad thing.
If you really study economic theory, pure capitalism - one with no so called "socialist" elements - is a very bad thing for the vast majority of people. Though it is fucking awesome for the top, society suffers badly.

What stuns me it those with little or no knowledge of "socialism" have such well founded opinions on it. We don't seem to be able to perceive shades of gray here in the States.
The problem also was Trump saying while negotiations that he might trade her freedom if the Chinese sweeten up the trade deal he was working on at the time. This gives Meng an option to fight extradition saying there really is no case but that her arrest was due to political reasons. And she may very well get off because of it.

The Chinese people do not understand the separation of the courts and the political structure as the two are tied together in China. Trump does not understand the degree of separation between them, or he does and doesn't care. So the Chinese and Trump may be on the same page and see things through the same lens. And since their favorite daughter is living in the lap of luxury with free reign of a beautiful city it is not the worst of hardships. Not like the two Canadians in 5x7 cells.

I joked a few years ago that Canada should develop their own nuclear weapons to protect itself from the US in the future. Especially when water resources get scarce in the US, which they are now. One of Trump's kids in power could convince the majority that you have no other choice but to invade as a part of national security. We do not even need a fancy weapon system, just a trebuchet. But then again, you will probably see the Great Lakes drained before that.
I think Yosemite will blow before the Great Lakes dry up (shit I bet they turn into ice before they dry up) making anything that happens afterwards a moot point.

Were you asleep the last four years? Trump's administration is like nothing we've ever seen in the US. The Republican Party isn't anything like it was 20 years ago and neither is the Democratic Party, so let's talk about recent events. At this very moment, Trump is denying his role in overseeing a transition of government and in fact doing his level best to undermine our electoral system. An act he first comitted in 2016 and now he doubled down in his anti-democratic actions this year. Biden beat Trump by much larger margins than when Trump beat Clinton and yet, the transfer of power to him was smooth and only contested where the vote counts justified it. You can see for yourself how his party is responding to baseless claims of election fraud. Facts don't matter to them, only power does.

The Snowden thing is a complex scandal that makes him out to be a spy for Russia who also does a service to the world by exposing decades of secret operations authorized by presidents from both sides. Comparing that to the current ethno-nationalist movement and threat that Trump's Republican Party is represents is both ignorant and false.

Can you imagine being in Comey's shoes knowing that what we are watching Trump pull right now was the exact way Trump was going to act (down to the laptop of Wiener's that Giuliani was going to 'spring' prior to the election that was sitting on someones desk in the FBI because nobody gave a shit, but turned out to have some Clinton emails on it that may have been some of the 'missing' ones)?

Trump's 'If I win' statement forced Comey to go public with the Clinton bs.

Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 1.01.10 PM.png

A week after Trump said that was when he sent this letter.
I think Yosemite will blow before the Great Lakes dry up (shit I bet they turn into ice before they dry up) making anything that happens afterwards a moot point.

Can you imagine being in Comey's shoes knowing that what we are watching Trump pull right now was the exact way Trump was going to act (down to the laptop of Wiener's that Giuliani was going to 'spring' prior to the election that was sitting on someones desk in the FBI because nobody gave a shit, but turned out to have some Clinton emails on it that may have been some of the 'missing' ones)?

Trump's 'If I win' statement forced Comey to go public with the Clinton bs.

View attachment 4738841

A week after Trump said that was when he sent this letter.
The "Democrats are same as Republicans" bit is all part of the same authoritarian-right propaganda material that those "emails that appear to be pertinent" were. The existence of that propaganda is evidence that Democrats are not the same as Republicans. For the record, Comey did not find those emails to be pertinent. After his memo tanked Clinton's chances.

The whole lie hinges on a hypothetical claim that "they would do the same" when there is no evidence to support that statement.
If you really study economic theory, pure capitalism - one with no so called "socialist" elements - is a very bad thing for the vast majority of people. Though it is fucking awesome for the top, society suffers badly.

What stuns me it those with little or no knowledge of "socialism" have such well founded opinions on it. We don't seem to be able to perceive shades of gray here in the States.
i think most Americans are Cafeteria Socialists. they love it when it applies to them but hate it when it applies to others.
Socialism, smoscialism. Republicans love the federal program they benefit from. A Republican is a person who wants to cancel programs that other people benefit from.
yep, some repub friends of ours always complain about "dems gonna make our country socialist". yet they've both filed for unemployement, they called 911 when the had a fire out in the garage, sent all their kids to public schools, he served in the miltiary.
Were you asleep the last four years? Trump's administration is like nothing we've ever seen in the US. The Republican Party isn't anything like it was 20 years ago and neither is the Democratic Party, so let's talk about recent events. At this very moment, Trump is denying his role in overseeing a transition of government and in fact doing his level best to undermine our electoral system. An act he first comitted in 2016 and now he doubled down in his anti-democratic actions this year. Biden beat Trump by much larger margins than when Trump beat Clinton and yet, the transfer of power to him was smooth and only contested where the vote counts justified it. You can see for yourself how his party is responding to baseless claims of election fraud. Facts don't matter to them, only power does.

The Snowden thing is a complex scandal that makes him out to be a spy for Russia who also does a service to the world by exposing decades of secret operations authorized by presidents from both sides. Comparing that to the current ethno-nationalist movement and threat that Trump's Republican Party is represents is both ignorant and false.
Fed chair like Janet Yellen et al prefer to not be in the news. Trump started in on them, the hyenas caught the scent, the chair quits, Trump appoints someone who will losen up the money supply, the new chair balks. Interest rates are already low. Trump is dangerous to business. They like the tax cuts and raping the land and ocean, etc. But ultimately they distrust him.
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Their money, the political support that money buys and their criminal connections have always kept them safe. I don't think it's a done deal that they are either safe or will pay for their crimes. It's going take a long time and if if should come down to a court trials, anything can happen.

Still though, I want my government to investigate and charge them for their crimes when they have a good case. Once Trump is out of office, he loses many of the protections he had as prez. It's a good thing the Senate doesn't have the power to grant immunity.

Trump can still make it very hard for the FBI to investigate him next year
From a self-pardon to ordering Justice Department memos, the president has the power to protect himself

In short, Trump won’t be in the clear, no matter what he does, once he no longer has the protection of the presidency. This is especially true when we consider that the FBI’s counterintelligence interest in Trump will continue even after he leaves office: He’ll still know highly classified information, so it will be more important than ever for the intelligence community to know whether foreign countries have any leverage they can exploit over the former president. This would provide grounds for further investigation into Trump’s, and the Trump Organization’s, financial entanglements abroad.
Still, before Trump leaves office, he has the power to muck up any cases that could be made against him by a future Justice Department — enough to set up Biden to continue as the villain in the same “witch hunt” narrative Trump has been talking about for the past four years.
I think his real problem is going to come from New York.

I don't think so
Fed chair like Janet Yellen et al prefer to not be in the news. Trump started in on them, the hyenas caught the scent, the chair quits, Trump appoints someone who will losen up the money supply, the new chair balks. Interest rates are already low. Trump is dangerous to business. They like the tax cuts and raping the land and ocean, etc. But ultimately they distrust him.
This "Democrats same as Republicans" thing is a hot button for me. The so-called Progressive, Bernie Sanders movement used that bit of fakery to talk down the Obama Democratic Party. After four years of Trump, I am saddened but not surprised to see the same bullshit recycled. Oh well, it's better than watching Trump's goons jump out of unmarked cars and disappear people.
Sure. They will find all the incriminating files while Trump has been in power... missing. Yes there were suppose to save them, oops, we forgot. No penalty so, oops, we forgot.
Some will go missing, but they will be shocked at what they will be able to recover and what has been backed up. That's not including the people in government who are going to secretly preserve things. It is not very easy to delete that secret server in the WH anybody who tried would be in prison for life and I doubt if they could succeed, there are redundant systems that Trump appointees wouldn't even know about and regular government people won't help them to break the law or give them the time of day. Getting fired as a computer security professional is one thing, doing 20 years is quite another.