Well-Known Member
I am with you on the wars, but I really don't know where we will be at by the time Biden takes over.For me, it is the continuation of the endless war (on Terror now) and excessive strengthening of the Federal arm of government.
But I am not sure what you mean by 'excessive strengthening of the Federal arm of government.' There are a lot of things that it makes sense to be able to centralize on the federal level, and reasons to keep them state/local.
When our countrymen are legitimetly scared of who the next president will be because of their ability to change our lives every 4 years... its too big.
I agree, which is why I think the propaganda Trump trolls (foreign and domestic) are spamming is so dangerous. People were not ready for the mixture of politics and the Russian militarized trolls spamming every feed with the exact visuals they are most afraid of.
I fell into the trap back in the Bush years after 9/11 brought about the 24 hour mayhem filled news cycle that was chasing clickbait that got hijacked by click farms pushing the propaganda into TV airtime. Once I realized it was just the same narratives but changed about Obama, and the entire game of trolls become clear to me.
In 2016 I really was not worried about it. I thought that it was just people falling into the evangelical/racist American trolls pushing the Republicans. I didn't realize that what I was seeing in real life was a combination of data analysis, spam AI, and actual paid foreign militarized trolls who know all of us down to the districts we vote in.
It is criminal what the Republicans have left us open to.
I know it may feel that way. But can you honestly say that outside of half memories of something you might have read that seemed pretty damning at the time, that you really are confident with the things you think you know?This is representative of them both. Both sides have failed us many times over on many different issues, both sides seek to manipulate us to their advantage. Neither side is filled with innocence in the state of our country.
I suggest a experiment. Anything that you have some vague idea of. Say Nancy Pelosi. Check it on AP news, and see what you think about it now.
It is so easy to get to that defensive stance that you feel you need to defend your position, without actually doing the work to figure out if you are full of shit or not. It was something I had to overcome, and I am really happy I did.