
So exactly how much more important to the security is that BS issue than the Biden family recieving 1.5 billion dollars from the Chines Communist Party? And 2002 is far less important than 2015. Are you trying to say Trump is a pedophile? Got any video? I can find plenty of it with Biden fondling children for you.
I feel for you and not having a real life lil buddy
Sorry you lost in November and are facing the same result in 2024
Really I am
Sets up photo shoots with daughter in sexualized settings - often claimed attraction to multiple sources . Walk in on pagent dressing rooms because he said he could. Continue to wank in silence you freak

What kind of family life did you have? Not an affectionate one I presume. Have you any children?
Anyone can beat the radical right wing Nazi party at this point
So you are projecting the Progressive party on the Republicans? What radical things are they pushing? Is citizen only voting one of them? How about being pro sovereign nation? Is that radical to you? As for radical to me that would be open borders and packing the Supreme court.
So you are projecting the Progressive party on the Republicans? What radical things are they pushing? Is citizen only voting one of them? How about being pro sovereign nation? Is that radical to you? As for radical to me that would be open borders and packing the Supreme court.
They attacked Americas government
like scum of the nation
Posting pro-trump crap on a website where the vast majority of posters despise trump and are glad that the pig was booted out of office after one term is pretty ridiculous. What is your purpose for starting these threads? Do you actually think anyone is going to change their mind and start worshipping trump like you do? You can tell by the reactions what people think.

You belong over at the infowars echo chamber while watching FOX Fake News on the television. tucker carlson, hannity, and the rest of those lie spewing hacks will tell your little brainwashed mind what you want to hear.
Posting pro-trump crap on a website where the vast majority of posters despise trump and are glad that the pig was booted out of office after one term is pretty ridiculous. What is your purpose for starting these threads? Do you actually think anyone is going to change their mind and start worshipping trump like you do? You can tell by the reactions what people think.

You belong over at the infowars echo chamber while watching FOX Fake News on the television. tucker carlson, hannity, and the rest of those lie spewing hacks will tell your little brainwashed mind what you want to hear.

Purpose? To show you that you have been lied to. I don't worship Trump. I love this country and my freedom which apparently you don't. I don't see any actions from most of you that could be called actual thinking so far. Despising Trump was no reason to put some weak minded old man and an ex call girl into the presidency of the most complicated nation on the planet. But the topic of the thread is Biden and if you can find any positive things to post in it go ahead. Please do.
They attacked Americas government
like scum of the nation

And so far they have only been charged with very minor crimes. You don't feel election fraud is an attack on our government? If it is proven the election was compromised who will you call the scum of the nation?