Big bust in CA :( 1300 plants :(

Yeah I feel their pain I've had my run in with the pigs, and it does f**k everything up...It's legal other places wonder how many times the coffee shops get robbed???? lol!lol!lol!hahahaha! there are always victims out there the key is to not be or end up one I guess thus my signature....I KNOW HOW MUCH IT SUCKS!!!
haha no kidding, i got busted once and dude took our bag of weed, tossed it do his partner and said "have a nice vacation" assholes... but seriously "what im holding in my hand here is worth $4500 on the streets" lol hahahah are you serious???
Again, about the power issue, there is nothing suspicious of a guy spending 2 grand a month and paying the bill on time, he likes air conditioning and George foreman grills. No paying it or attempting to steal power is writing yourself a ticket to the slammer
yep wonder how many lights were they running they shouldve just used light movers less power and less worry...also they could pay their bill LOL
why didn't these fucks do something a year ago...


fuck the police.
fuck the police.
fuck the police.

$4500.00 rofl!!!!!

fucking idiots.
bad bad people, and to make it worse 50 meters from a kids school, thats just sick!!! thoes poor kids, i hope they will get over it. :wall::leaf::clap::weed:
$4500 bullshit !!! It's a good think that reporter doesn't smoke or he'd be getting ripped off bigtime. Dude you want an ounce? That's going to be $4500 please.

Oh there was a school nearby, big fucking deal. The plants were in the house nowhere near the school kids. It's not like it was a meth lab or crack house or something really dangerous.
ya the whole school thing is gonna add alot of time to their sentence. mane2008 you put it perfect when u said how people get paranoid when they have 3 plants going. then feds arent going to go after us for growing our own supply.

honestly i think they would perfer it because we arent supporting the gangsters with guns and such. so in our own way we are supporting the american war on drugs by growing our own stash
exactly being near a school they gon say they were going to sell to those kids.
being it was near a school is a felony all on its own

thanks 420 :D
My states nicer but it's still a felony within a thousand feet of school daycare anything with kids when cultivating possesion of an ounce is pay out not sure bout near a school :( either way if your not selling it who give a flying f**K what your near maybe I'm wrong somebody stop me...? they make 100 plants sound like 10,000 round here but thats just them trying to get more goverment money to battle (hard working people) crime. it still suck they got popped
No shit, the media just LOVES to say "near a school" in its broadcasts. It makes the citizens feel like their Precious cities are SAFE from crime and drugs.
I guess if they legalize pot unemployment would go up 2.5% in every state from cops being laid off.......yeah then they'd be the losers wouldn't that be a change for the better?....:) please legalize
Well Ga dont play on weed when it comes to selling/growing
the lil shit like a blunt etc. is taken light but shit like growing is no joke here.

Schools have these no drug free signs and warn you about the crime of it being within a certain feet.

Glad to hear you got a nice state here because you'd be looking at 4-10yrs (4 being the min)for having some plants here.
No shit, the media just LOVES to say "near a school" in its broadcasts. It makes the citizens feel like their Precious cities are SAFE from crime and drugs.

They say "near a school" because these dudes are about to get 5x the charges they would have normally gotten if they weren't. why the hell would you get a house right next to a school to grow that many plants in AND not pay your elec bill, they were just asking to get caught...