Big bust in CA :( 1300 plants :(

I don't understand why being close to a school is relevant unless of course they were distributing to minors.

makes for good headlines. :clap:

i hear this all the time, .....................

"they were such nice people. good parents. i can't believe they had POT!"

people are lame.:dunce:

You know I'll almost bet it was the weed that made them so nice....I haven't a care in the world :) Matter of fact I can't remember when I was bummed last....guess thats one nice thing about getting old...:)
pot = bad

pills, booze, adultry, child abuse, sexual harassment, embezzlement = normal activity :roll:

Personally I'll stick with being "bad" and smoking pot instead of having to spin the wheel of vices, don't wanna crap out . :weed: