Big bust in CA :( 1300 plants :(

Yeah gotta buddy in GA good people down south. But the laws are bullshit how ya gonna do time for smoke n a fat one?? who the hell thought these laws up they need an old school ass whippin!! anything less than 100 gms in one bag 140 payout jus mail money order
And guess what happenens to Both houses, cars, money, toys, ect.. It gets auctioned off to help Fund the war on drugs.. Excellent... Shit!!!

yea my boy got hit over the summer got 9yrs for growing and intent to distribute.. and all his shit is gone house, cash everything, his girl gotta grind now
4-10 f**k me!! move to ohio had 27 got probation for 2 years was off in 7 months oh our jail was only taking violent criminals at the time as it was to full, and I had no record not bad for 30 years of dicking around, lots of fines and shit had to move ect.. but I didnt go to jail i had some v's and 860 gms dry also they dropped all that!!
That shit just struck close to home cause I remeber how fu*ked I felt, Its all bullshit man legalize it so the cops are unemployed thats the best Idea for motivating people to legalize the cops will lose their jobs cause they won't be needed anymore :) :)
I like how the news reporters made it out to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD..... lol..... OMG... MARIJUANA.... OHH LORDY... there acting like it was a fucking meth lab..... FUCKING IDIOTS...
4-10 f**k me!! move to ohio had 27 got probation for 2 years was off in 7 months oh our jail was only taking violent criminals at the time as it was to full, and I had no record not bad for 30 years of dicking around, lots of fines and shit had to move ect.. but I didnt go to jail i had some v's and 860 gms dry also they dropped all that!!

probation damn ohio is good shit.
they tried to put me in juvie for the max when they found me with over a oz of bud n some other shit.
i got prob but probation on plants ohio is good shit
The reporter had like 3 wet colas in his hand and said it was worth $4500. I'd like to know who is buying from him.

I knew a guy who got popped with about 100 seedlings. They charged him with each plant as if they were mature, and valued the plants at $3000 each. It's all about the spin they put on it. And the media just gets sucked into doing the Gov'ts bidding, trying to make us look like baby raping fiends, and them like knights in shining.............
The fucking media is helping to perpetuate a lie.

so doesn't the penalty for all this shit go up drastically since it was so close to a school?

Yep! In almost every state, close proximity to a school enhances the penalties, and is a charge all by itself.

$4500 bullshit !!! It's a good think that reporter doesn't smoke or he'd be getting ripped off bigtime. Dude you want an ounce? That's going to be $4500 please.

Oh there was a school nearby, big fucking deal. The plants were in the house nowhere near the school kids. It's not like it was a meth lab or crack house or something really dangerous.

Notice the media didn't say just HOW the kids were in danger, just that they were. It's all about how they present it to the public. Het looky here! We just busted a couple of drug crazed, wired out, baby raping, electrical theivin' pot growers and took a million dollars of drugs and profits off the streets. And since they were growing by the school, it's OBVIOUS that the crop was going to be used to get all those kids strung out on heroin.
They inflate the fuck out of the value so that they can APPEAR to be doing something about crime in the publics eye. Thats how they will justify the appropriation of MORE taxpayer money to combat that evil, killer of youth weed marijana.
But to my knowledge, the publics opinion of MJ is indifference at worst, and most all but the least educated believe its a dangerous drug. It has been proven to have medical benefits and uses. So how is it that they can spend our tax money on something not very many people, and certainly not the majority of the american publlic, even care about?

And guess what happenens to Both houses, cars, money, toys, ect.. It gets auctioned off to help Fund the war on drugs.. Excellent... Shit!!!

And they say it's a victimless crime. Because MJ, and it's cultivation, is illegal, some unscrupulous fucks probably rented/leased a house to grow in, and now the property owner is fucked. Even tho they probably didn't know what was happening, the cops will say that they were negligent in NOT knowing how thier property was being used.

I'm wondering how they got wind of them in the first place. Obviously they were dealing weight. But for that to be the result of an ongoing federal investigation tells me that there are others who got brought down first.
With a yeild of 1/2 lb per, thats only around 600 pounds. That really aint alot in the general scheme of things.
People also just don't seem to understand the fact there there is a school (or daycare etc) within 1000 feet of just about anywhere these days.

When they said "people were living among the plants" they didn't cut to guys in space suits with respirators going in like they were going to carry out dead bloated children. Missed opportunity for more theatrics and shock value if you ask me.
People also just don't seem to understand the fact there there is a school (or daycare etc) within 1000 feet of just about anywhere these days.

When they said "people were living among the plants" they didn't cut to guys in space suits with respirators going in like they were going to carry out dead bloated children. Missed opportunity for more theatrics and shock value if you ask me.

LOL!!! Don't give 'em any more ideas!! It wouldn't suprise me to see the next televized grow house bust showing guys in decontamination suits! Didn't you know that you can get addicted to pot just by THINKING about it? Hell, just ask anyone, they'll tell ya!!! LOL

yooo, yu hear how that news reporter sounded

"pot bust , right next to a school, wow" ahahahahahahahah

shit got me wildin

they be geekin shit up like crazy yo

AND if ya'll didn't kno

they test potency of the plants .. before they get thrown away
that why more then likely you heard "$4500"..
it never fails, they always boost the dollah amount up

dude here, well from ohio, dude had 100 pounds in his trunk
comin from Phoenix,Arizona (my fav) and got caught in Ohio

prob can see that too, shit was on toledo news
im'ma try n find dat yo
Yeah here to thank god, oregonmed called it that is just about everywhere but that is what big brother wants isn't can't hold a good plant down prohabition can't last forever can it???? Till then play safe
That kind of shit is so stupid, them making it out to be some big dangerous thing.

It reminds me of when you hear of an SUV running down a motorcyclist they always report "and the motorcyclist was NOT wearing a helmet" Like a fucking helmet is going to save you when an SUV is running over you.

No shit, the media just LOVES to say "near a school" in its broadcasts. It makes the citizens feel like their Precious cities are SAFE from crime and drugs.
Stealing elec. gee how uncommon in a bust

I love how "elementary school next door" I bet all the other houses around the school have people having sex in them too. Right next to an elementary school! What are these people thinking?!?!?!