Big Garage Grow. Build out / Grow Journal

i have a entire 1.5" layer of 3/4 cinder for drainage, also two drains per bed. much more drainage i have seen anyone else incorporate into their beds... i also put tubes in the four corners of each bed that are buried into the rocks so every time i water new air is sucked under neath each soil layer via those tubes. i think its pretty ingenious if you ask me... i think my beds are pretty "advanced" not just some soil tossed in there.

this was an idea i found on a website, just a random guy showing how to build soil beds, not even for MJ. not trying to take credit for it.

but the beds have two 3" sewer drains per bed. one RIGHT in the middle of each 4x4 section. i used particle board and a 2x4 going directly across the middle so the beds sag right in the middle towards the two drains if that makes sense, id take a picture but my photobucket is giving me hell, why i havent updated this thread either, im getting frustrated...

i just have a five gal bucket under each drain. also like mention 1/4 yard of 3/4 inch cinder per bed, pretty much enough to cover the entire bottom without being able to see through is what i did... the ON TOP of the cinder i laid some 15 year (high quality) weed barrier, placed the four tubes in the corners for fresh air, then started pouring bags of soil in, starting at the corners to keep the weed barrier in place then kept filling, used 10 bags per bed. i read a thread of someone using 22 bags per bed, how? i dont not know... maybe if didnt use any rock and filled the soil to the BRIM you could stuff that much soil in there, but that a TON of weight after water. mine a bowing pretty good as is.
Mind you these clones where in 3" soil containers since 10-3-2010, So keep this in mind this round, might not be the prettiest, but im gonna do my best.

Okay so this tray is LSD and Cindy 99.

30 LSD - Light 1(right)
57 C99 - Light 2(left)
87 total for lights 1/2

This tray is ALL cali mist
105 plants for lights 3/4

This tray is Soul Train and Pure Kush

35 Soul Train - Light 5(left)
25 Pure Kush - Light 6(right)
60 total for lights 5/6

This tray is White Rhino and Purple Snow (two of my favorite strains)

49 W Rhino - Light 7 (left)
42 Purp Snow - Light 8 (right)
91 Total for lights 7/8

Bringing the total count to 343...
but that a TON of weight after water. mine a bowing pretty good as is.

If it seems the weight is getting a little out of control just run a couple 2x4 across the middle of the bed vertically...Boards vertically support weight much better than horizontally...Like the pic of your bed below, the middle cross board...if it was turned the other direction and doubled up it could hold any weight you throw at it. Just food for thought.



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If it seems the weight is getting a little out of control just run a couple 2x4 across the middle of the bed vertically...Boards vertically support weight much better than horizontally...Like the pic of your bed below, the middle cross board...if it was turned the other direction and doubled up it could hold any weight you throw at it. Just food for thought.


thats great thinking! i kinda designed the sag into the beds for drain purposes, they seem to be doing fine, but if the keep stretching ill definitely do what you said thats a fantastic idea...

here is what the drains look like from underneath, you can see i pushed the plastic through then cut the plastic LAST, i also put window/door sealant around the top and bottom of the drain fitting. just put two screws threw the side of the drain to keep it in place. i should of done a how to on the beds. i kinda went overkill on the sealing but i dont want that wood getting waterlogged and start sagging more then find all my plants on the ground one morning....


Also i got my res put in yesterday for feedings. fed each bed 40 gallons of water with 40ml of roots excel after i transplanted.

And a side note. a teaser bud i cut a few days ago of some sour grape that i harvested today. very very smooth and delicious.
That grape looks awesome...much better than the grape that has been going around my area lately...

Back to the table weight and such...I was looking at the pic below...That looks real scary, almost like all the weight is really just on the nail or screws holding that board in place...a lot of sag in that (maybe just the pic)...I personally would wedge a 2x4 right in the middle and right on the inside of the legs(did a quick drawing)...This would put all the weight on those added pieces instead of just the nails or screws...Would be real easy to add in too since you can screw them to the existing legs and pound the middle one in with a hammer...really I would do that to all the legs. Not trying to be a dick or anything (I am a carpenter by trade), I would just hate to see all your hard work on the floor...looks like a lot of strain on that table.


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Hey man the grow looks really good. I just one question. Some of your beds look nitrogen deficient. Are you using nutes at this point and if so what ones. It seems obvious you know a thing a two about gardening, so if I'm the only that thinks those plants look hungry, then i digress. I'm more of a hydro guy anyway.
Hey man the grow looks really good. I just one question. Some of your beds look nitrogen deficient. Are you using nutes at this point and if so what ones. It seems obvious you know a thing a two about gardening, so if I'm the only that thinks those plants look hungry, then i digress. I'm more of a hydro guy anyway.

Copy/Paste - yeah they need help. they just got new soil. so they should start greening up...

Mind you these clones where in 3" soil containers since 10-3-2010, So keep this in mind this round, might not be the prettiest, but im gonna do my best.

and med head

thanks for the tips! i think ill do that. after i filled the beds with water and soil. my partner and i stood on top of them and kinda hopped up and down they seemed very sturdy. what i did with that 2x4 is i actually sunk two screws from the bottom up through the particle board and into the 2x12, then got another from the side going through the leg into the end... ive been measuring the sag and it hasnt been getting worse, usually when you design sag into wood it will just keep sagging, and i know this, but i didnt really know how else to get the drains lower, i didnt want to put the beds on an angle. but i think ill add those braces you were mentioning, just for peace of mind, in my personal opinion i dont think ill have a problem but why risk it?

i appreciate the input medhead. im no carpenter but im pretty inclined in such things. my dad and i have built a few machine shops so ive thrown a hammer once a or twice, but never as trade. Im a car guy. =)
I think the sag is perfect for drainage and adding the braces will keep it that way...enough of that though, you obviously have it under control. As for the car guy too (German car scene), I recently built a 500 all wheel horsepower car that stock was 180's actually my daily driver...huge turbo, water meth injection, forged internals, port and polished head, ect ect That is my other hobby (which is now being neglected since growing has been my new hobby). Ok, sorry to derail the thread there.

Peace bro and keep it up!
nice grow you have going on there man good readin, the best of luck to you nd all your paitents in your adventures lookin great so far keep it up.
not sure but those ballasts up in the rafters are gonna put out heat that a plane could prolly see right?
fuck your grow is huge your so lucky im just doing a micro grow indoors for now
they look great bro
lookin killer wood- are you in flower yet or still veg'in, how tall/long till you flip

had to edit to give you rep for da mac dre avatar
lookin killer wood- are you in flower yet or still veg'in, how tall/long till you flip

had to edit to give you rep for da mac dre avatar

well this is an allll new setup so im not too sure. and the clones im working with are very old. i think im gonna veg for like a week and a half longer, i wanna try to get them to green up and get some new OUTWARD growth growing on before i flip em. hopefully some of the other strains dont get too big before i flip. we'll see. the next run will be the true test. ill have fresh clones and hopefully just a single strain per bed.

and thanks, i love me my andre hicks. romper room for life!
Your Grow is dope as fuck bro. How much do u think it cost you to set all that up?

um had the major equipment from my previous setup. light/fans/misc stuff. had to get mylar and insulations, screws tape. shit like that to get it moved here, spent like 1500 so far getting it all moved and setup. but if i had to venture a guess for everything in the house im using to grow, it would be upwards of 10-15k.
fucking amazing man its gonna be your own amazon jungle in the gerage. i wish i lived there man i could do so much more than here . but one day ill go there. mad props to your op its gonna be great!!!! scribed and +++rep