Big J's LEGAL 1K Watt Mh/HPS Perpetual Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
I hope so!

The only snag is where to put the mothers...

Do I use my little shelf inside my closet and make a tent within a tent, sorta?

I need to take pics of the space prolly...


Well-Known Member
I hope so!

The only snag is where to put the mothers...

Do I use my little shelf inside my closet and make a tent within a tent, sorta?

I need to take pics of the space prolly...
Pics always help...:lol:

and clowdy... what's great?

I'm not sure I follow you there...:lol:


Well-Known Member
I will work on pics....

Bascially, I want to have a 6" intake for the closet and run a line from that to the mothers room

Then, an 8" exhaust fan for the whole system that exhausts both rooms...

And a 6" fan to vent both of the lights...

But, I was thinking about a T5 setup for the moms/clones...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I knew I would....its confusing w/o pics...

What about the lighting question? I just don't know about keeping clones under HID lighting while they root....Remember, I can't just keep around extra clones to replace them if they die...


Well-Known Member
The clones would fine under the 1k, provide it is far enough up...

My clones have issues sometimes cause they get the wash light from the moms... basically no light...

and some of them wilt under the 600...

My buddy does the same as I do but he has a 400MH for his clones... they never wilt cause they are used to the light...

I guess they kinda have to get their "tan" on slow at first...;-)


Well-Known Member

Well I am not planning on putting them under a 1k.

Let me make sure I am clear...the 1k system will stay as the flower room. I will then buy a 400 or 600 watt system for vegging clones/keeping mothers.

But would T5's be better?


Well-Known Member
I'd say a 400 is plenty..

Let me put it this way...

I have kept a 2x4 tray with all my moms... and the clones on a table in the "wash" light... under a 400w t5..

I find it adequate...

it spreads the light over the whole tray evenly...

But t5s are not as easy to cool..

A 400 in a cooltube is like eating cake..

a t5 can't be cooled like that.. and believe me, they put out a CONSIDERABLE amount of heat...

I guess I would choose the 400 HID in a tight space... for the ease of cooling..

or a 400w t5 if it was in an open well ventilated space...

did that help? sounds confusing



Well-Known Member
No I follow you and it is going to be in a confined space.

I just took some pics. Jig is gonna post them sometime today I bet and then I will edit the post and give you some descriptions of the space I am trying to describe.


Well-Known Member
Ok so the first three pics show the space (now used as storage for a pos portable a/c and some speakers). The closet opens up to the left as shown in the pics.

You can see how it will work to run a direct line to the 400w MH reflector for aircooling. I think I can panda film off that back area and just intake air from the flower room and exhaust the air right into the flower room. Think this will work?

I plan to have a 6" fan for intake into the flower room and an 8" exhaust hooked up to a carbon filter. I could put a 4" exhaust from the veg room to the flower room. Considering I will be exhausting the heat from the lights out of the tent overkill style, I think this will work.

I will be drawing COLD air into my tent....Gypsy, see any holes in my logic?

I also posted some pre and post fimming of the BB plant. I was gonnea wait, but I just pulled the new fan leaves back and trimmed the axial tip about 70-85%, can't say for sure. How does it look?



Well-Known Member
No prob.

If it helps, that space is 3' wide, 33" deep, and about 4.5-5' tall or more, I didn't measure it cause I didn't think it was as important.

The flower part of the closet would be approx 65" wide by 37" deep by 7.5' tall.

I would panda off the top cause I don't need that much height and it would just be added space to cool. So 6.5 x 3 x 6.5 equals 127 cubic feet for the flower part.

The veg room would be approx 3 x 3 x 5, or 45 cubic feet.


Well-Known Member
First thing I see is that un-necessary bend robbing you of at least 10% cfm...

Do you move your light up and down much?


Well-Known Member
Well I just moved the lights down and hadn't straightened that out yet before I snapped my pic....

I shoulda known better :-)

Fixing it!


Well-Known Member
Theoretically, your idea sounds like it would work...

Making the veg room, for all practical purposes, the same air mass as the flower room...

Intake from the bottom of the flower room... exhaust to the top...

Should work...


Well-Known Member
Well I just moved the lights down and hadn't straightened that out yet before I snapped my pic....

I shoulda known better :-)

Fixing it!
I was just gonna say that anytime you do not move a duct, straight, smooth ducting is always best.... think of the air as water going through the ducts...

Imagine all the turbulence (drag) from the flex ducts...