Well-Known Member
I is HERE!!!!!

I missed all of you guys too. Love you too email wikid chiceh twisty dude and ddoctor dude and all of you that sent pm's and stuff. Thanks :hug: You sure know how to make a girl feel special. :mrgreen: I'm special alright. :hump: ;)

I was banned for being a bad gurl.:roll:
Cause I'm b-b-b- bad!!
Bad to the bone!!!:twisted:

Happy Birthday Wikid chick!!!
HoLE-Eeeeeeee shit,,I smoke and drink too much,,and work to hard,,,I din even notice you were a bad gurl,,,hahahaha,,,ah well,,,naughty girl,,welcome back,,now be good,,or at least pretend to:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
I just looked through this. It's a list of subcompact car, just because I wasn't sure what exactly classified a car as "sub-compact"......well, let me say there are probably only 5-7 cars on that list that I would even think about driving on a daily basis.

I hope you got something nice
lmao, I was just singing the song. You've never seen that commercial?

F-R-E-E that spells free
credit report dot com baby

I is HERE!!!!!

I missed all of you guys too. Love you too email wikid chiceh twisty dude and ddoctor dude and all of you that sent pm's and stuff. Thanks :hug: You sure know how to make a girl feel special. :mrgreen: I'm special alright. :hump: ;)

I was banned for being a bad gurl.:roll:
Cause I'm b-b-b- bad!!
Bad to the bone!!!:twisted:

Happy Birthday Wikid chick!!!
*tackles Lacy to the ground and smothers her in love cuz I MISSED her so*

welcome back woman

And as for the av....yeah, I miss my stoner kitty!


Well-Known Member
I have that song stuck in my head all the time!!!
stupid commercial...
i don't even have a TV but when i travel i watch it in hotel rooms and i know that song!

there is one where he is dressed as a pirate as well. something about serving tourists in t-shirts....


Well-Known Member
Is this sock monkey doing a helicopter too vulgar of an avatar?I had one of my middle but it felt no more tokes for me im good.:mrgreen:


New Member
HoLE-Eeeeeeee shit,,I smoke and drink too much,,and work to hard,,,I din even notice you were a bad gurl,,,hahahaha,,,ah well,,,naughty girl,,welcome back,,now be good,,or at least pretend to:mrgreen:I'll try and be good but I can't make any promises :hump:naughty comes so naturally for me :?

Keep on Growin


*tackles Lacy to the ground and smothers her in love cuz I MISSED her so*

welcome back woman

missed you too gurl.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i don't even have a TV but when i travel i watch it in hotel rooms and i know that song!

there is one where he is dressed as a pirate as well. something about serving tourists in t-shirts....
why, just why did you have to do that. now i will take all week to get that out of my head.
For both of you:

They say a man should dress up for the job he wants -
So why am i dressed up like a pirate in this restaurant?
It's all because some hacker stole my identity
Now I'm in here every evening serving chowder and ice tea!
Should have gone to freeeeeeeee credit report dot com
I could have seen this coming at me Like an atom bomb!
They monitor your credit and send you email alerts
So you don't end selling fish to tourists in t-shirts


Well-Known Member
Very nice job there korvette. :)
Lovely even !!!!!!!!!!

What a nice contrast with the wood and stone.
Thanks .. I think it looks cool... the grout will be charcoal.(like black) My back is feeling it today .. but I'll get some more done ..

I did the walls 2 weeks ago ..


New Member
Thats damed good. You've gotta be a professional because those squares are really evenly done. With the charcoal groat that will look beautiful.
I didn't even know they had that colour.:mrgreen:

Thanks .. I think it looks cool... the grout will be charcoal.(like black) My back is feeling it today .. but I'll get some more done ..

I did the walls 2 weeks ago ..


Well-Known Member
Thats damed good. You've gotta be a professional because those squares are really evenly done. With the charcoal groat that will look beautiful.
I didn't even know they had that colour.:mrgreen:

Been doing Home Improvements for 20 odd years now .. You can get just about any color grout . That tile is slate from Home depot..$1.78 a sq ft