
Well-Known Member

If you applied pressure to the drill and kept the hole wet couldn't you avoid cracking the bottle?
sometimes. it depends on the quality of the glass and the size of the hole. those bits dull rather quickly too. i ran into this problem not too long ago in lab when i was trying to put holes in petri dish covers ... it's just unpredictable


Well-Known Member
this one had a comment, but it told me to guess who they, I hate guessing games.

Like my friend will do that "guess who I saw today?" and really want me to sit there guessing....I have no patience for that. I want to know NOW, lol. It's all about instant gratification people.


New Member
Oh :? thats like more childish than something I would even do :o
Nah I am not into guessing games at all.
Me patient? LMAO!!!!!!
Not a chance.
this one had a comment, but it told me to guess who they, I hate guessing games.

Like my friend will do that "guess who I saw today?" and really want me to sit there guessing....Oh I just don't play that one. Its either "tell me or shut the f*ck up":twisted:

Ok I'm not quite that bad :evil: but not I don't have that kind of patience. Why are chicks like that? That even drives me nuts. :roll::confused:

Instant gratification. Well yeahhhh:hump:
Now we're talking ;)I have no patience for that. I want to know NOW, lol. It's all about instant gratification people.


Well-Known Member
lol, I don't think the person is trying to be childish. But it is bugging me. It's like when you can't remember the name of some actor, or movie, and it's on the tip of your tongue and keeps going it's going to be in the back of your mind until you know the answer.

Whenever something like that happens (the tip of your tongue thing), I almost always remember eventually. And when I DO remember, even if it's DAYS later, I will like SHOUT it out. Because that kind of shit stays with me.

Anyways, I'm high, and really should be getting to bed. Work and all that jazz.

Night Lacy!


New Member
Yeah I know what you mean. Oh you almost remember a dream but just as you start to remember it is gone. Poof.:roll:

Good night wikid chick.
Have a nice day tomorrow gurl :)
lol, I don't think the person is trying to be childish. But it is bugging me. It's like when you can't remember the name of some actor, or movie, and it's on the tip of your tongue and keeps going it's going to be in the back of your mind until you know the answer.

Whenever something like that happens (the tip of your tongue thing), I almost always remember eventually. And when I DO remember, even if it's DAYS later, I will like SHOUT it out. Because that kind of shit stays with me.

Anyways, I'm high, and really should be getting to bed. Work and all that jazz.

Night Lacy!


Well-Known Member
im never on with you lacy. Good to see you. I have to go. That sucks. I am trying to make a trip up to see twisty sometime later on in the year.
That would be a panic.. 40, jimmyspaz,lacy & myself all hooking up for pound or two....don't want to be pigs..40's going to Chicago & I'm going to TO again (at my time, and choice) so that a pretty doable thing...shoot we could jam..there's a keyboard there lacy.. pa's, electric drums..amps and all thats needed..with good people friend's (old band) like everyone...well almost.. Would that be something....then we all go to fdd's...too bad about all the taxes to fly now, makes it pricey....we could steal a bus...

lol, I don't think the person is trying to be childish. But it is bugging me. It's like when you can't remember the name of some actor, or movie, and it's on the tip of your tongue and keeps going it's going to be in the back of your mind until you know the answer.

Whenever something like that happens (the tip of your tongue thing), I almost always remember eventually. And when I DO remember, even if it's DAYS later, I will like SHOUT it out. Because that kind of shit stays with me.

Anyways, I'm high, and really should be getting to bed. Work and all that jazz.

Night Lacy!
Yeah, you wake up at 2:00am when you remember & want to call someone....:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I just heard it again..On the radio here there's an ad. for T5's it said "great cheap office lighting" ya right ! It's under Hydro Quebec's energy wise program and THEY pay rebates...Yay Quebec..they subsidize pot to love it..I guess that wouldn't include 400w thinks not....


Well-Known Member
+Brian was the first person I met in Kitchener, ran into him at the park , got talking and he invited me to his shop for a doobie, spent a lot of time hanging out there until he moved, first to New Brunswick and now Alberta, I have to be careful with my glass now, it would be a real pain to replace any pieces,,,,:joint::joint:


New Member
I had an uncle that looked like this, except no dreads, and bright blue eyes. He used to sing songs about throwing my cousin in a river as he dryfired his revolver. He also told us that if we saw hookers sneaking thru his window not to freak out.


New Member
this one had a comment, but it told me to guess who they, I hate guessing games.

Like my friend will do that "guess who I saw today?" and really want me to sit there guessing....I have no patience for that. I want to know NOW, lol. It's all about instant gratification people.
I cant believe someone would make you work for rep

Steal that one.:mrgreen: