
Well-Known Member
Easter Sunday. Can't go getting sloshed on the day we celebrate the ressurection of our Lord. And have you ever hidden eggs when less than sober? Not a good idea....I end up hiding them too well and the kids can't find them....and then neither can I!


Well-Known Member
Sandra woke up after a long deep :sleep:. She had been boozing all night, so the first thing she did was run to the bathroom and :spew:. This made her feel marginally better, but then she remembered all the embarrassing things she did the night before and she felt like :wall:. If only she could be 8) when she was pissed, she thought to herself. Oh well, deep down she knows shes a good person - she's not a :evil: or anything. She can just be a bit of a :dunce: sometimes.

She stretched her tired arms and logged into RIU. This always made her :mrgreen: because smart, friendly people would always answer her :???:'s and :confused:'s about growing and vibe on her new :idea:'s. (Even if the blokes just wanted to :hump:her). After she put up her photos and posted a few :roll: posts, she felt really :razz:.

She left the computer and jumped to her grow room, she could smell the :weed:. A few weeks back, the neighbors had complained about the smell. she gave them :finger:. She called up her best friend and rolled a :joint:.. they passed it back and forth like it was going out of fashion. once they finished the :blsmoke:, they decided to bongsmilie until they looked like these two: :eyesmoke::bigjoint:.

For the rest of the day, they :hug:ed, drunk beers and talked about world:peace:
