I know your a grown man FDD, but for all the youngsters (18+), I have seen too many good people go bad from sniffing and shooting opiates (dope, oxy, perks, vikes, k-pins, and whatnot)....
I'm just jaded when it comes to that stuff. I've lost some late friends and have seen even more people struggle with the addiction.
Everyone be responsible when taking pain killers and try not to abuse them! I almost saw my brother OverDose and DIE when booting up a couple times(to the point where I almost called 911 because he was having uncontrollable convolutions). Thats why I won't touch the stuff and it scares the crap out of me..
Apparently, the opiates (oxy, dope, morphine, etc) are the only thing that can kill the pain for some people...... Its just sad that they can become so addictive and can ruin so many peoples lives.
The REVOLUTION has begun!