this is funny,

Your my hero haha

So true,kinda puts our petty bullshit in prespective doesn't it?

yep - even from a short distance (like from the moon) you can't see cities or borders or anything human-made - just land masses and oceans (seeing the great wall of China from the moon is a myth).
Yeah , the only man made thing visable from the moon is where the Dutch filled in the Zuider Zee, and you'd need a before and after view for that. It wouldn't be obvious that it was man made otherwise. We are not as important in the big scheme as our egos would like....
And just think, each one of those gigantic stars is just a speck in the galaxy - 10 billion stars I think,

and then there are just countless galaxies out there...

and then think about how miniscule our 100 year life span is in time...

and then drop acid and spend the night staring at the stars...

and then get on with your day as if its no big deal...

the total perspective vortex has been known, on occasion to BOOST the ego (or obliterate it)
haha in the big scheme of things we are nothing.

The amount of time man has been on the earth in the 'scheme of things' would be a blink of an eye compared to the amount of time the earth has been around. We are so insignificant when it comes down to it.

There was life before humans, there will be life after.

Check out this thing, I thought it was pretty cool, and the ending had a profound affect on me.

Life After People - The History Channel
And just think, each one of those gigantic stars is just a speck in the galaxy - 10 billion stars I think,

and then there are just countless galaxies out there...

and then think about how miniscule our 100 year life span is in time...

and then drop acid and spend the night staring at the stars...

and then get on with your day as if its no big deal...

the total perspective vortex has been known, on occasion to BOOST the ego (or obliterate it)

i spend many evenings (not as much as I'd like to though) staring up at the stars (and galaxies, nebula, etc..)


I think most folks would be surprised by what you can see with 10 x 50 binoculars, a star map, and some determination.
some other favorite binocular targets are double-stars and star clusters - forgot to mention those and they are some of the easiest deep space things to see!
Yeah , the only man made thing visable from the moon is where the Dutch filled in the Zuider Zee, and you'd need a before and after view for that. It wouldn't be obvious that it was man made otherwise. We are not as important in the big scheme as our egos would like....
maybe we arent thinking big enough then.
Got to get out of the city though... too much light pollution here for stargazing .Sigh....

you can still see some stuff - moon, planets and some bright stars. With binoculars you can find double-stars and probably some of the brighter clusters. And the Orion Nebula and the Andromeda Galaxy should also be visible with binocs - though not very striking. A little 4-6" telescope can expand the range a bit though.