Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
And, spent, Wikid collapsed, chest heaving, to the sofa.
hey people, whats up? =P
Not too much, nice new AV.
And, spent, Wikid collapsed, chest heaving, to the sofa.
hey people, whats up? =P
ugh i had a badd day. i had to take my mom shopping and she doesn't know i smoke so i had to be sober along with it. we argue alot so we were just bitching at eachother the whole time. but thank you =]
awwww...should not talk about your momma...
Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."
"OH NO!" the President exclaims. "That's terrible!"
His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the President sits, head in hands.
Finally, the President looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?"
AHa thank you very much I thoroughly enjoyed this joke when I first heard id just thought i would share!Dude, rep to YOU! I've never heard that one before, and i just laughed my ass off, totally pictured it in my head!
*Jumps about trying to scare people*
ahhh shit thats hot!!!!!!!!!!eeek!*drops steaming mug of soup on drobro's crotch*
no way!?!?!?oooga chaka ooga ooga ooga chaka ooga ooga ooga chaka!