I tried reading all these posts last night; after page 113 I realized I wasn't even a 10th of the way there. Then I decided I needed to stop wasting my life. God I love RIU
Man you know ,, My fucking dog does these drive by farting... he will lay next to ya .. let one rip and get up and leave ... Then you smell it .. ITS FUCKING RANK.... OMG ..
Man you know ,, My fucking dog does these drive by farting... he will lay next to ya .. let one rip and get up and leave ... Then you smell it .. ITS FUCKING RANK.... OMG ..

My old lady had a 4 lb rat dog that was 3lb pecker... that thing could clear a room......
I just saw a neat story on growing... Will Allen an ex pro basketball player has received a grant for coming up with this community garden.. What cool is that he has a hydro set-up that has plants growing on an upper level, and he raises perch in the bottom level... plants clean fish waste... fish waste feeds plants.. cool set-up.. He was teaching some people how to do this... it was funny because some of the "students" were obviously not there to learn about tomatoes..
can anyone let me know how to start a thread im new but full of grow knowledge cheers guys

does anyone know how i can change my name on R.I.U without having to create a new account??

lol, I always wonder about people who give themselves names with noob or newbie in it....wonder if they'll still want that name when they're no longer a newb :grin:

Anybody realized that garden gnome hasn't even been posting on his record breaking thread in a long long time?

Does anyone really care if this is the Biggest Thread Ever? I know I just come here to shoot the shit with all the regulars who come in :razz:

Man you know ,, My fucking dog does these drive by farting... he will lay next to ya .. let one rip and get up and leave ... Then you smell it .. ITS FUCKING RANK.... OMG ..

My dog used to do the SAME SHIT.

hello all!
