
Well-Known Member
Morning all....... I'm happy this morning.... two little helmets broke soil.... :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::lol::lol::lol::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Yes, but you're missing the point that there are only certain people I tackle and smother with love. If you think I do it to everyone, then you obviously do not appreciate it for the HONOR and PRIVILEGE that it is :razz:
Wikid's like a fine wine to be appreciated.....

I love everyone, some more than others! Goodnight my loved lovers! Oh that sounded kinkay! :eyesmoke:

Oh well, onto real things... here are some Alaska pics for those that've been patiently waiting... sorry I've not been around much, moving takes a lot out of a person!


Here is a glacier moraine, it's when two glaciers come together and form 1, the black line is of course the deviding line of the once two, but now one glacier... and it flows about 10 miles up from this viewpoint here.

and this one to me is the coolest, the blue of the glacier crevasses shows how pure the glacier water is, and also, the deeper the blue the more deep the crevasse. *note, pictures does not show just how BLUE they really are, order an Ocean Water from Sonic and you've got the color of a deep crevasse, also... for a scale reference, we're about 250-300ft above the glacier, meaning those crevasses are a good 30-70ft deep, freaky eh?*

Hey Socata .... great to see you back around....Beautiful're lucky to be able to fly over them....... Glad the move went well.....:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Looks like I have to change my avatar:(
A bird rescue just called and they have an opening for my bird, Ozzie...
Thought that when this day would come I would be so happy, and, I am sad. I am going to miss him even though he was mean to me and treated me like shit...Bye Ozzie


Well-Known Member
I am waiting for the bird rescue guy now. I don't know about this...I am getting second thoughts...this has got to be the right thing to do, I just hate it. I feel like I failed as a bird parent...
I need to smoke a bowl


Well-Known Member
They will be here at 7pm. He is making me feel comfortable, saying all the right things...It is just scary, I hope his heart is really in the right place. I am donating everything, rough 4k worth of cage and the birds. I don't know. I always get taking advantage of...I pray that this is not one of those times. I just want what is best for Oz


Well-Known Member
If you keep it then stop complaining about it .. If you let him go ,Know he is going to a rescue, a good home, I aint being the one to say keep it or get rid of it ,, Im just back in the corner smoking a bowl..


Well-Known Member
Alright, I know. I just need to remember the nerve damage this bird has done to my hand, I need to remember why I am doing this...
I am done crying, I am going to suck it up and do what needs to be done.