
Well-Known Member
Morning all.........................
Sounds like you had a good time... Thats one of the problems with acid.. you drink, but don't realize how many you've had till...... well till the next day..either feel like shit, or the woman tears you a new one (don't mean china)... the after acid blahs...

I thought i'd be hammered .. I feel fine ,,I feel like im in a fog but NO PAIN.. Whoo hooo


Well-Known Member
Damn vette, you're still awake? Those doses haven't worn off yet? :mrgreen:

Thanks Howard :finger:.. just what I need.. get old twisty all worked up into a lather..then they split to go have thanksgiving and twisty ends up with a holiday woody and no one to give THANKS to, if you catch my drift.. :eyesmoke:bongsmilie:bigjoint:

I said tummy don't get any ideas... Naughty Twisty. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Well Im sure i'd still be sleeping If the damn dogs would not have started barking ..

But my kids will be here at 11 am so I would have had to get up anyway ..


Well-Known Member
HEY TWISTY ... You should have called you could have listened to the show
I thought i'd be hammered .. I feel fine ,,I feel like im in a fog but NO PAIN.. Whoo hooo
A bit fuzzy around the edges is good, better then the shoot me shit.....:clap: Yeah calling would have been fun... Next email I'll give you my #..and I'll get your's..last night my monitor was all yellowish on one side..I think I'm going to be offline for a while soon... Damn it..I just made a bigger spot to use to grow and now I might have to wait on HPS and get a new monitor, at least.. the absolute worst time to happen.. but when else would it happen..:finger::finger:

Damn vette, you're still awake? Those doses haven't worn off yet? :mrgreen:

I said tummy don't get any ideas... Naughty Twisty. :bigjoint:
It's been a while, :wall: and all it takes is a smile to get twisty all frothed up.... :-(

I ate the acid at 6:30pm I tripped till about midnight .. was home bye 2am sleeping by 3 The dogs woke me up at 8am .. I feel fine
Sure isn't old day stuff...shoot 12-18 hours was a short trip....

Well Im sure i'd still be sleeping If the damn dogs would not have started barking ..
But my kids will be here at 11 am so I would have had to get up anyway ..
Happy for you that you'll have your family.. when you don't have any, you kind of feel bad...especially at the holidays...:leaf:


Well-Known Member
A bit fuzzy around the edges is good, better then the shoot me shit.....:clap: Yeah calling would have been fun... Next email I'll give you my #..and I'll get your's..last night my monitor was all yellowish on one side..I think I'm going to be offline for a while soon... Damn it..I just made a bigger spot to use to grow and now I might have to wait on HPS and get a new monitor, at least.. the absolute worst time to happen.. but when else would it happen..:finger::finger:

It's been a while, :wall: and all it takes is a smile to get twisty all frothed up.... :-(

Sure isn't old day stuff...shoot 12-18 hours was a short trip....

Happy for you that you'll have your family.. when you don't have any, you kind of feel bad...especially at the holidays...:leaf:

China and I will adopt you ... Now your Family.... Dinner is at 2pm,, you better get moving


Well-Known Member
China and I will adopt you ... Now your Family.... Dinner is at 2pm,, you better get moving
I just filled my xanadoo's I'll try and bring some... MMMM ! gobble gobble....
Hey !,... got no weed yet..have to buzz on something..start with 5.... Damn too bad we're not neighbors.. but then we'd probably hate each other... Na... doubt it..


Well-Known Member
I just filled my xanadoo's I'll try and bring some... MMMM ! gobble gobble....
Hey !,... got no weed yet..have to buzz on something..start with 5.... Damn too bad we're not neighbors.. but then we'd probably hate each other... Na... doubt it..

China has a nice handfull.. I dont do pills .. They just make me sleep..
But I do have some buds..............Not much but I'll share ..:weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
Again, Happy Thanksgiving from kilobit and the family. All of you, eat the bird. NomNomNom:-P That's what I'm gonna do in about an hour. Talk at ya later.


Well-Known Member
I never understood where all of those strange pictures with writing come from... There are tons of them with cats, I don't get it, and don't find them all that amusing. Well, not as funny as some find them to be, I suppose... :?