
Well-Known Member
hello twisty. Uhhhh..? Why xanax not the almighty weed? If I may ask....I'm a lazy feck, don't want to read 10 pages prior to this....hope it be ok?
Theres only crap around here, so I've made plans for tasty treats at the end of month.. believe me weed is my 1st, 2nd 3rd choice but .... just wanted a buzz today to try to forget tummy ache...shit forgot THE DAY...oppps. :o


Well-Known Member
Can i get some kind of drug that nums my brain a t work?

Im wanting something that will send my head to la la land but keep my arms fukin painting lol

is there anything out there like that

Also im 20 ft up a ladder 80% of the time, so i dont wanna take too much of this mystery drug..

Any sugestions?


Well-Known Member
Can i get some kind of drug that nums my brain a t work?

Im wanting something that will send my head to la la land but keep my arms fukin painting lol

is there anything out there like that

Also im 20 ft up a ladder 80% of the time, so i dont wanna take too much of this mystery drug..

Any sugestions?

Find it at the nearest, Homer Simpson asile. lol

Fall Of Ladder And Kill Yourself. lol stoned on a ladder 20 ft up.....roffl

baz, here.......virtual pass of


Well-Known Member
Baz my good friend..... work 1st.... buzz when 2 feet on ground... If I hear you fell and (god forbid) get hurt I'll have to beat the tar out of you.... stay safe and stay with us... not in hospital..(if lucky).. ;)


Well-Known Member
lmao.. no seriously my job is so shit, im a high class Painter & Decorator, and because of the econimic slow down, im working for a lot less and having to paint shit id norm turn down ya no

Honestly.. i can't begin to explain how shit it is, falling off the fukin ladder would prob brigten up my day ha ha

im laughing now but, wont be tomorrow 20 ft up in the freezing wind painting massive metal shutters, with a tar like paint....... :wall::wall:

atleast its friday.. i like fridays cos they are the end of the week, but hate them cos its closer to monday than thursday.. does that make any sense? idk, lol im quite stoned here :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I hate my job too. I lost my cushy job because of the slow down and now I am scrapping by. The irony is, I could make a nice living (and happier one) if I could grow full time, but if I moved up to a larger scale johnny law would catch me eventually...

Some days I dream about setting up my own company if ever becomes legal.... fields upon fields happy marijuana plants.

Sigh. Thanks for indulging me.


Well-Known Member
I hate my job too. I lost my cushy job because of the slow down and now I am scrapping by. The irony is, I could make a nice living (and happier one) if I could grow full time, but if I moved up to a larger scale johnny law would catch me eventually...

Some days I dream about setting up my own company if ever becomes legal.... fields upon fields happy marijuana plants.

Sigh. Thanks for indulging me.

Well no problemo there plasma.....somwhere over the rainbow..:weed:


Well-Known Member
Sites fighting with me now..can't get into new post... I guess I'll run scan/defrag...
till someone gets it fixed... Later..

* 2..