
Well-Known Member
I'm gonna read a few more threads on that to make sure I do it right.The plant is only about 3 inches right now.When should I start LST?

anytime .. It'll fight you and keep going up to the light . gently train it too go around the bucket you tie it down after every 3'' or 4'' of growth

Plant it about 2''-3'' from the rim

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Ohhh so plant the sprout 3 or 4 inches from the rim, start bending it horizontally, and....wind it around?Like in a spiral, is that right?
anytime .. It'll fight you and keep going up to the light . gently train it too go around the bucket you tie it down after every 3'' or 4'' of growth

Plant it about 2''-3'' from the rim


Well-Known Member
What I did when I LST'd one was took a big fork and loosened the soil and lifted the plant and laid it at a 45 degree angle and put the stem on the side of pot, then tie it.. it starts to bend by itself and you don't have to make that 1st bend and risk breaking the stem...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I better go and see if I can find pictures.I do better with pictures.:?

yep... dont pull too hard use your judgement once it gets going..Its gets alot easier
What I did when I LST'd one was took a big fork and loosened the soil and lifted the plant and laid it at a 45 degree angle and put the stem on the side of pot, then tie it.. it starts to bend by itself and you don't have to make that 1st bend and risk breaking the stem...


Well-Known Member
Woo-Hoo, go Stoney! :clap:

I used to use LST myself, but I've switched to what I call a "transitory scrog" out of pure laziness. Basically a 2 tiered screen created from 2"x4" welded wire fencing that snaps onto the bucket and I weave the plant in as she grows. I have limited space and either way you'll maximize your yield and ease harvest and cure due to uniformity of the buds.

Good luck with the little lady! :weed:


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Nice...I'm trying scrogging too..I think I'm just doing one plant this time, since it's just cfl's and a 150 watt hps until I can get my grow room in the shape it needs to be to handle my 400 watter, temp wise, etc.
Woo-Hoo, go Stoney! :clap:

I used to use LST myself, but I've switched to what I call a "transitory scrog" out of pure laziness. Basically a 2 tiered screen created from 2"x4" welded wire fencing that snaps onto the bucket and I weave the plant in as she grows. I have limited space and either way you'll maximize your yield and ease harvest and cure due to uniformity of the buds.

Good luck with the little lady! :weed:


New Member
Nice...I'm trying scrogging too..I think I'm just doing one plant this time, since it's just cfl's and a 150 watt hps until I can get my grow room in the shape it needs to be to handle my 400 watter, temp wise, etc.
hey stoney...this is a pic of a white widow I didn't have a pot for, so I left it in the cup. in this pic it has been vegging for 7 weeks. I not saying to leave it in the cup that long, but I like for mine to develope a real healthy root system before I repot. I don't think you need to worry about that root sticking out the bottom.




Well-Known Member
Lovely little lady tips...

And I agree. Let the roots air prune themselves, especially if space is limited.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
hey stoney...this is a pic of a white widow I didn't have a pot for, so I left it in the cup. in this pic it has been vegging for 7 weeks. I not saying to leave it in the cup that long, but I like for mine to develope a real healthy root system before I repot. I don't think you need to worry about that root sticking out the bottom.

I was just worried about damage to the plant.
Lovely little lady tips...

And I agree. Let the roots air prune themselves, especially if space is limited.
Not yet.First the old man is going to buy me one, then he dawdles, he's getting me the materials, he just doesn't know it.
so stoney did you ever get around to making that portable air conditioner?


New Member

I was just worried about damage to the plant.

Not yet.First the old man is going to buy me one, then he dawdles, he's getting me the materials, he just doesn't know it.
I have found that repotting is really hard on them when they are young...I like for the roots to be really well developed, so I usually leave them in the cup three weeks.