Well-Known Member
but suck one dick, and youre a cocksucker for life.
Hit you back wetarded
ummmm thats a tough one... does sucking my own kak count?

umm, ya it was too freaky for me.... another experiment that went south :lol:

edit- ya, i never sucked anyone else's kak besides mine...... and it was only for a min...


Well-Known Member
I must say , Today all Ive learned here was put to the test ... I went over to Give the plants water .. So I get there and To my amazement , the main Kola's and top budds were ready , So head out to the truck for a Nice new spring loaded snips I had for this joyous Day (I never thought it would come ) So I dig in . well I pulled the buds that were done and left about the same amount , They just were not ready , After a good hr trimming and hanging them in a box I had alot of leftover leaves coated with sugar ... so . what do I do. I get online and check out a quick way to make hash .. > I figure what do I have to lose .. well I can now say I made hash .. I ended up with a small ball ( about the size of a skittle ) but hell for my 1st time im hooked

Wow Really ,, Great Job Bro... Alright ... High 5 .....:joint:

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
Damn Im smoking a Maduro COHIBA and Im fucked up right now.. More fucked up than the bongload of trainwreck earlier got me=)... Just some more to add to the thread..


Well-Known Member
well what if you're gay but you dont wanna be
Are you trying to tell us something Zeke? It's ok, you're amoung friends...

wtf is this sh*t? "FDD was scared of a grow off with me

bitch, i will kill you. bring it!!!!!!!!
LMFAO, I agree with 40acres, I don't think I've ever seen fdd use that type of language with anyone....

just seeing how long it took you. No reason to start throwin bitches and motherfuckers around.Now that i think of it, Ive never heard you call anyone names. I am so in.:hump:
Your old sig rocked


Well-Known Member
my feet huuuuuurt! stupid 9 hour shifts for those cocksuckers ...

anyway, just bought some bud and gonna probably soak my feet and read a magazine ... maybe listen to some muuusic

idk what else to say in this thread yo!

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
for some reason I have that fucking buh uh bugh buh buh Im loving it mcdonalds song running through my head right now....
buh buh buh buh buh Im loving it Argh argh


Well-Known Member
i'd like it if you tried to convert me and stanley :)
...and I'd LIKE to try to convert you and stanley! What do you know, it's a win win

what the hell garden Knowm. Next time I am in that position, if i think of kak, I am going to really be pissed off at you.I have a hard time not laughing during sex.
um, 40acres, I think you're awesome, but if you start thinking about cocks when you're having is that Garden Knowm's fault? I mean, unless you start thinking of GK's kak specifically, then I guess he's kinda to blame....

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
LOL speaking of cock....I'm about to leave my apt to pick up my chick who is at a gay bar with her friend..a guy thats gay... I'm looking forward to it lemme tell you.. If will be funny though.. he;'s a cool guy but talk hella funny... like oh my god...LOLOLOL


Well-Known Member
Im super gay and proud:hump:
Do you think a guy would ever pretend to be gay to be really close to girls? I mean, cuz I treat my gay guy friends like I treat my girlfriends. I change in front of them, have them unzip the back of my dress if I need help...hell, I even get sexual with my gay friends, cuz I know it's just joking. There's lots of shit like that, where, you know, when I think about it, if he really WASN'T gay.....


Well-Known Member
LOL speaking of cock....I'm about to leave my apt to pick up my chick who is at a gay bar with her friend..a guy thats gay... I'm looking forward to it lemme tell you.. If will be funny though.. he;'s a cool guy but talk hella funny... like oh my god...LOLOLOL
I'm impressed you'd do it! I seriously know guys who won't even come near me if I'm with a gay friend. They'll just tell me they'll catch up with me later or something. lol, when they act real homophobic like THAT then I fuck with them, I tell them shit like my gay friend wants them, make them extra uncomfortable.

Handlebars LOL I heard it for the first time on the radio this afternoon...
song get's stuck in my HEAD for HOURS...and doesn't leave