i love eminem, he puts together some crazy shit. Just the way he uses words...

My mom took me to the Eminem Show Concert, and it was awesome.
party!! party!! join us!! join us!!! shake your tail and you can party! party! join us! join us!

if you know where that's from you'll be my bff
shin chan!

edit: lol, I was laughing when I read that post, cuz that used to be my ringtone, and NO ONE knew what the hell it was from. People need to get some adult swim in their lives
Dude, I must rock pretty hard to have THE dankdalia as my

I want to see more guitar playing damn it! *significant glance in fdd's direction*

Woke up late this mornin’
A storm was really rollin’
Frogs and dogs are rainin’ from the sky
Everything seems awkward to me
Nothing’s just as it should be
If this keeps on i’m sure i won’t get by
But then I close my eyes and try to smile
I know things are bad and getting worse
But after all this I can rest a while
And then I’ll party, party

**lol, I LOVE that line
i love it, as soon as the thread gets off the main page, someone comes in and says something..... anything, to get the thread pushed back up, kinda like I am now...... keep it moving......... Biggest thread in RIU baby..... well, gettin there.
its right here baBY. Come on over aND check her out.

what a link!