Bit of advice needed with soil for first time grower please. USING AUTO..

Hello everyone,
First time grower here, planning on maybe growing a Auto Northern Lights, or Samsara Thunder Bloody Mary , but not decided on the seed just yet.

I have some 'Multi purpose compost soil with added John Innes' - will this be fine for the plant from start to finish? My plan is to plant the germinated seed into a small pot, the after about 2 weeks plant it into a much larger pot.

I have also read online that Autos require NO Vegetative food atall - is this right?
If so, Im thinking about getting some Bio Bizz Bio Bloom for the flowering period, is this good for autos?
If they should have some food during vegetative stage (the John Innes in the soil is some ferts mixed in..) should I use Bio Grow?

Any help would be great


Well-Known Member
Yeah just plant it, if your using your ferts and soil mixed in a recommended ratio, im sure she (hopefully :)) will be fine. Just check your soil, and water ph. Watch for nutrient deficiencies. the leaves of the plant will let you know if they are healthy. Auto flowers are a more recent development to the world. A year ago i bet you were lucky to find 10 auto strains, now there are more than I care to count. And with that I dont think we have learned all there is to know to maximize them yet. All tho i do like auto's, nobody else around here (as in my neck of the woods) seems to. It couldnt hurt to giver her a shot of bloom booster. good luck, and we like pics around here... so dont be stingey with the digicam......
hey, cheers for getting back. yeah planning on doing a mini diary with pics so will be sure to post that here if anyone's interested..
do you reckon i should feed or hold back on the feeding for the veg state, seeing as my soil already has a small amount of ferts?


Well-Known Member
be careful when using pre-fertilized soil, cuz some fertilizers are time release, and they may not release at a good rate, you might starve them one week, and nute burn them the next.
also nutrients arent really required for any strain, but are highly recommended, if you want more than 1 tiny bud.

i think if your gonna do it, do it right the first time, get good soil, with vermiculite/perlite, dolomitic lime, etc, and get some nutrients, get a PPM tester, and a PH tester


Well-Known Member
id hold off, if your gonna transplant them into bigger pots with slighty fertilized soil, give em a week to stabilize. at least thats what i would do. then maybe start with 1/4 dosage of fertilizers, keep bumping up every week till you see signs of nute burn, then back off a little, that will get you close to what they want anyways. you may be able to bump it up again after they get used to it.
Just had a proper look at the multi purpose soil I had and it has a PH level of 5.5-6.0. Will this be bad for my autos? Would using BioBizz all mix or John innes 2 be alot better?
If I use the Biobizz all mix, reckon I could go without feeding during vegetative stage as I've read autos really require little food..
Any help would be appreciated, I'm really new to all this!