Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

i wonder how many white people also do the same? my guess is WAY MORE white people get checks than blacks.

Probably a bunch, the way you act you might be one of them. The question is not who gets it but, who stays on it. I don't have a problem with the system for somebody down on their luck until they can find work but living off of it just wrong.

O.K. a little math lesson for the liberal village idiot:

$1500 per child
x 4 children = $6,000.00 per month

add an additional $800 per month in Food Stamps

also you can figure in the Medicade (Free Medical cost) which is I am sure pretty good amount a year.

also add up the damn near free rent, utilities and what nots and you have a pretty damn good living.

Hell just for the 4 kids you are getting $72,000 per year plus add everything else to it and I would say they have it pretty good.
and are you OK with this? or would you like to see them eradicated?


it bears repeating: perhaps college will improve your reading comprehension.

where did i say this?

i pointed out the inequalities that your chubby ass chooses to ignore because you made the claim that oppression didn't exist in the black community anymore. the reality of the world proves that statement to be quite false, and you admitted such.

you, being butthurt about this, now want to put words in my mouth to caricaturize me unfairly, which i won't let happen. at least when i point out that you are a young buckaroo that thinks she knows it all despite not working a day in your life, the caricature is true.

now go run along up the stairs. make a thread about it so we know.

ive never said anything about you personally, but whatever. anyway, you're justifying bad behavior with statistics. Saying opression this and opression that. Fuck that. They are as oppressed as the next average joe. Just because they do stupid shit to end up in jail doesnt mean they are oppressed. FYI, if they werent doing anything wrong, any charges in court would have never stuck.

Inequalities will never be erdicated. Someone will always have it better than someone else. Have more advantages. Which is why you work to cover come them.
I am not butt hurt, it just sickens me how blind you are. Where is the personal responsibilty for one's own actions? Opression is an easy out. Its easy to say that because for whatever reason, the world hates you.
How about admitting to themselves that if they were better educated, more well mannered, more polite, better spoken, it would be easier for them in life? The same applies to any race.

Yes, there are racists. But that doesnt mean you should let them define your life or your capabilities. And attacking me as a person doesnt change that fact. Btw, you know nothing about what i have and havent done. Never worked a day in my life? Yeah, because being an intern, because working for my dad's business, or my volunteer work doesnt apply at all.
Wow, you should stop the personal attacks. You are known for them. You should know by now that you do not change peoples opinions by browbeating them.

and are you OK with this? or would you like to see them eradicated?


it bears repeating: perhaps college will improve your reading comprehension.

where did i say this?

i pointed out the inequalities that your chubby ass chooses to ignore because you made the claim that oppression didn't exist in the black community anymore. the reality of the world proves that statement to be quite false, and you admitted such.

you, being butthurt about this, now want to put words in my mouth to caricaturize me unfairly, which i won't let happen. at least when i point out that you are a young buckaroo that thinks she knows it all despite not working a day in your life, the caricature is true.

now go run along up the stairs. make a thread about it so we know.
ive never said anything about you personally, but whatever.

you don't recall saying that i would pat everyone on the back, coddle them, and tell them it is OK to act like heathens?

because i recall that. i don't recall ever saying that.

anyway, you're justifying bad behavior with statistics.

it bears repeating YET AGAIN: you have very bad reading comprehension.

where did i justify anyone's behavior?

hell, just show me where i even discussed in the slightest this flash mob. at all. please, feel free. go ahead.

Saying opression this and opression that. Fuck that. They are as oppressed as the next average joe.

being 800% more likely to go to jail than a white person is "just as oppressed".

you suck at statistics also. some college might serve you well, but perhaps not.

Just because they do stupid shit to end up in jail doesnt mean they are oppressed. FYI, if they werent doing anything wrong, any charges in court would have never stuck.

all statistics bear out the inequalities of the justice system. black people are more likely to go to jail, and for a longer time, and be given higher bonds than a white person for the same crime.

what part of that don't you get?

Inequalities will never be erdicated. Someone will always have it better than someone else. Have more advantages. Which is why you work to cover come them.

i'm sure the "cover come" was just some sort of freudian slip in your hormone-addled adolescent mind.

you approach to the inequalities present seems to be "tough shit, work harder". whereas mine would be "let's actually make the best effort we can to treat everyone equal".

i like my approach better.

I am not butt hurt, it just sickens me how blind you are. Where is the personal responsibilty for one's own actions? Opression is an easy out. Its easy to say that because for whatever reason, the world hates you.
How about admitting to themselves that if they were better educated, more well mannered, more polite, better spoken, it would be easier for them in life? The same applies to any race.

that's the ticket.

black people just need more education, better manners. they are impolite and not well-spoken. that is it. these inequalities they face have nothing to do with the arbitrary and easily-identifiable color of their skin, it is just that they are all impolite and have bad manners.


Yes, there are racists. But that doesnt mean you should let them define your life or your capabilities. And attacking me as a person doesnt change that fact. Btw, you know nothing about what i have and havent done. Never worked a day in my life? Yeah, because being an intern, because working for my dad's business, or my volunteer work doesnt apply at all.

you worked for daddy?

well hell, that makes you a regular busy body then, doesn't it?

did you earn enough to buy a $6 bag of weed to split with your friend while you live at mommy's house and eat her food?
did i ever insult you? i did not. btw, yeah, they go to jail, but its because THEY COMMIT CRIMES.
And communism wanted everyone to be equal. But equality inspires mediocrity. Read Harrison Beregeon. No one is born equal. They are born with the same rights, but everyone isnt equal.
Did i say all black people are impolite, uneducated, ghetto? Not at all. In fact, many of my black friends are the opposite, they were just raised with manners and a work ethic.

Working for daddy? Yeah, i did. Without pay. From the time I was 9 until I was 12. Setting up booths, making food, taking orders, being a little bitch worker. I did it because i loved my dad. I worked my ass off as an intern. I worked my way up, because I worked hard. Again, without pay. I volunteered where basically i did lots of bitch work. Again, without pay. Fuck off.
To paraphrase Rodney King, "Can't we all just smoke a bong?" Hate sucks, whether it's racist, on a messageboard against other posters, or otherwise. Bottom line is a bunch of punks beat up on others. Inexcuseable and wrong. I'm sure the majority of us agree on that. Now pack that bong and pass it over, dammit!
did i ever insult you?

i already pointed out where you insulted me by caricaturizing my position and attempting to put words in my mouth.

btw, yeah, they go to jail, but its because THEY COMMIT CRIMES.

and for the same crime, they will on average go away for a longer time.

And communism wanted everyone to be equal.

you are genius.

you have discovered that since i want equality in the justice sytem and other institutions, it naturally follows that i want the state to control the means of production and all capital to be shared communally.

i would consider that an insult to my intelligence.

Did i say all black people are impolite, uneducated, ghetto?

How about admitting to themselves that if they were better educated, more well mannered, more polite, better spoken, it would be easier for them in life?

^^^that's where.

as far as work goes, you should see what it's like to actually work to keep a roof over your head and food in your cupboards. and don't give me any lines about "i'm in college". i worked through college, sport.
I never said you were a communist, not that you believed that way. Im saying trying to make everyone equal will never work. It will never happen. Like i said, read harrison beregeon if you want everyone to be equal.

Im sorry that you had to work through college, im sorry i dont have to work full time because my mom wants to let me sleep here. I am going to get a job, so... nice little roundabout when i mentioned my previous work experience.
I never said you were a communist, not that you believed that way. Im saying trying to make everyone equal will never work. It will never happen. Like i said, read harrison beregeon if you want everyone to be equal.

so, what is your attitude then?

that it will never be the case that everyone is equal, so why bother to even try? tell them to just buck up, deal with inequalities, and move on? tell them to get better manners and be more polite?

that's what it seems like to me.
so, what is your attitude then?

that it will never be the case that everyone is equal, so why bother to even try? tell them to just buck up, deal with inequalities, and move on? tell them to get better manners and be more polite?

that's what it seems like to me.

Not at all. Im saying, inequalities will always exist. So, instead of playing into them, overcome them. Prove people wrong. Be the best that you can be. If you dont like it, then change it. Be the counter example to every stereotype they throw in your face. Even in doing this, some people will never change, but at least then YOU CAN BE THE BEST PERSON YOU POSSIBLY CAN BE.
Letting an inequality define your capabilities or future is ridiculous.
Just a side note ... the subject of this thread is Black Flash Mob Beating of state fair patrons .... Not Uncle Buck goes Harpooning for Whale Blubber!

Back on topic .... Lol, the black kids attacking people kinda makes me laugh in a way. I'd just throw shit back at em ... unless it was night time ... you can't see the black people at night, fricken ninja's!
Letting an equality define your capabilities or future is ridiculous.

i believe you mean inequality, but often it can't be helped.

not only is the black person with the $6 bag of weed more likely to be targeted than you, but they will on average receive a harsher penalty for it if caught. perhaps not in california, but that is beside the point.

that inequality in the justice system will define their future, whether they be the best person they can be or not.

i'm not so sure you are able to understand that for whatever reason, youth and naivete or subtle bias or whatever it might be.
Its a crime to have weed. Simple fact. You get caught up, you get caught up. Tough luck. If they didnt get arrested for doing illegal things, they'd never be in court in the first place.