Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

Spin this however you want to UncleBuck, those black kids are racist NIGGERS. If a white mob of kids did the same thing, I would think they are a bunch of dumb ass white NIGGERS too. You got something to say about that?

yes, i do.

it seems like many people in this thread just want an excuse to spew one of the most vile racial slurs imaginable.

furthermore, it seems that anyone who has two brain cells to rub together could come up with a better descriptive adjective to condemn those with whom they disagree.

"nigger" is a variant of the word "negro", which means black. so to call a white person a nigger is basically to call them black. which is a great insult if you think being black by itself is an insult.

otherwise, it is simply an indictment of your feeble, racist mindset.

you got something to say about that?
you got something to say about that?

Yes they are racist. They targeted all the white people coming out of the fair. I'm targeting them. Does that make me a racist? Because I hate the black people who are racists? Really? No point in even coming back here. Troll on sir.
Yes they are racist. They targeted all the white people coming out of the fair. I'm targeting them. Does that make me a racist? Because I hate the black people who are racists? Really? No point in even coming back here. Troll on sir.

i can show you some videos of white people not only assaulting blacks, but killing them for purely racial reasons. in fact, i have already done so in this thread.

are you going to start "targeting" white people too?

hating black people who are racists does not make you a racist. trying to insult white racists by calling them a word that means "black" leads me to believe there is some ugliness in your soul, however.

get fucked.
Just leave UB alone, there is no changing him, or people like him on either side of the issue. Just ignore it
Just leave UB alone, there is no changing him, or people like him on either side of the issue. Just ignore it

you're right. i will always be deeply offended by those who wish to use the term "nigger" as an insult in any way.

i happen to think any cretin who is able to score better than two standard deviations below average on a wais-iv should be able to conjure up a term that is not so vulgar and insulting.

i will be happy to go at this one with you or anyone else all day long.
why would quote a me3's pic? seriously whats wrong with you?

on another note, as long as there will be people of different colors, there will be racism
haha well god help those poor uneducated youths who will no doubt be surprised when the white supremacists take matters back into their own hands. i foresee strange fruit
yeah, the thing about the wisconsin state fair is that the fair grounds are in the straight ghetto. time to move the fair grounds out to the country.

yeah, not a fan of the n-word either.
Uncle Buck, could you link to the DOJ website backing your claim that under the same set of circumstances, blacks are 800% more likely to be incarcerated? Wikipedia doesn't work for me. Since you keep bringing up college, I'm sure you know that Wikipedia is not allowed as a source. DOJ website is full of stats, you should easily be able to prove that same circumstances exactly =/= same punishment.
Uncle Buck, could you link to the DOJ website backing your claim that under the same set of circumstances, blacks are 800% more likely to be incarcerated? Wikipedia doesn't work for me. Since you keep bringing up college, I'm sure you know that Wikipedia is not allowed as a source. DOJ website is full of stats, you should easily be able to prove that same circumstances exactly =/= same punishment.

i'm not your fingers or your hands, buddy. the numbers on wikipedia came from the DOJ.

perhaps you should look into len bias laws if you doubt the existence of inequality in the american justice system.

go ahead, TRY to prove me wrong. i'll be here waiting.
You are quoting a unreliable source at best. I'm on an iPad. Help me out. Find 'em on DOJ. Exact same circumstances, same previous criminal record, etc.
What I can easily find on the DOJ site if I were so inclined would be the percentage of black on white violent crime vs the percentage of white on black violent crime, and those numbers are not per capita. IIRC, while blacks make up 18% of the population, there is an 80/20 split on violent crime.
I'm not going to help you prove your erroneous point. You need to back up that 800% number using DOJ stats that show EXACT same circumstances. I'll be waiting.
Those with the mentality such as you UB is why racism is still prevalent in our modern societies...

I wont type it out, just listen to the voice of reason tell you himself.


Call me a whitey, call me a maggot... call me a jerry if you want since I'm German... none of it phases me one bit, it's literally LAUGHABLE... I assign no connotation to those words at all.