Black James Bond? Over Limbaugh's dead body...


Well-Known Member
I don't think that's the problem at all. I think people are just looking for something to be outraged usual.
Blacks would have the EXACT same reaction if a white dude was cast as John Shaft instead of Samuel L. Jackson, and they'd be justified as well.

Original John Shaft....

CORRECT version of John Shaft V2.0

WRONG version of John Shaft

[Insert any white dude here]

It's not rocket science people...
Think you are confused about this thread. No one is outraged except ya boy rush.
I think there is a collective head shaking going on about the amount of resistance this is meeting.

I do not know much about shaft and not going to pretend to but when I wikipedia'd it it said and I quote
"Shaft is a 1971 American blaxploitation film directed by Gordon Parks, released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. An action film with elements of film noir, Shaft tells the story of a private detective, John Shaft, who travels through Harlem and to the Italian mobneighborhoods in order to find the missing daughter of a mobster"
So you will notice the word blaxploitation, had to look that one up to just to be sure
Blaxploitation or blacksploitation is a film genre that emerged in the United States in the 1970s. It is considered an ethnic subgenre of the general category of exploitation films. Blaxploitation films were originally made specifically for an urban black audience, although the genre's audience appeal soon broadened across racial and ethnic lines.

So yet again your example has betrayed your argument


Well-Known Member
I'm likely showing my age; the Bond brand has been dead to me since Connery stopped being Bond. Haven't liked any Bond since, so Gumby or Rocket J Squirrel could play it for all I care. I think its more telling about the laziness and lack of creativity that studios and producers have these days. However I would watch a new Bond movie if Tarantino was the driving creative force


Well-Known Member
There's already been a precedent for it. .. The American equivalent in the movies was Felix Leiter. He's was first played by a white actor and most recently a black actor. They should do it.


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Well-Known Member
things integral to the james bond character:

*works for spy agency
*bangs women with great frequency

things not integral to james bond character:

*skin color

people in this thread who are losers:



Well-Known Member
It seems like a lame plot to call anyone who doesn't like it a racist imo.... I don't really give a shit either way
What else would you call it when the only discrepancy some people carry for it is his skin color?
I am not a bond expert so if it in some unknown to me way it messes with the plot and bond die-hards everywhere hate it that I could almost see. But the only opposition I hear is but he can't be black because he was white before..


Well-Known Member
What else would you call it when the only discrepancy some people carry for it is his skin color?
I am not a bond expert so if it in some unknown to me way it messes with the plot and bond die-hards everywhere hate it that I could almost see. But the only opposition I hear is but he can't be black because he was white before..
I don't know. Like I said I don't give a shit either way.. but if someone is upset because the new bond is black instead of white, I wouldn't jump to assumptions and judge them as racist simply because of that... although I don't share their opinion. But it's the same thing as if they got a James bond without a British accent to be bond. People would be upset about the change, doesn't mean they are racist. They're just whiny bitches like many people tend to be


Well-Known Member
I don't know. Like I said I don't give a shit either way.. but if someone is upset because the new bond is black instead of white, I wouldn't jump to assumptions and judge them as racist simply because of that... although I don't share their opinion. But it's the same thing as if they got a James bond without a British accent to be bond. People would be upset about the change, doesn't mean they are racist. They're just whiny bitches like many people tend to be
Like I said, if its a legitimate gripe I will hear it, but as you said some people just bitch to hear themselves it seems.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Being a white British dude is as much a part of his character as is his employment in British intelligence, so seeing his character being portrayed by a black, a female, a non-Brit, just wouldn't work.

You may not have a problem with it, but I wouldn't want to watch a white dude trying to play Bob Marley, and nor would I want to watch a black dude play James Bond.
Why do you hate the black community so much? Are you a grand wizard yet?


Well-Known Member
if someone is upset because the new bond is black instead of white, I wouldn't jump to assumptions and judge them as racist simply because of that...
i wouldn't either.

but wilksey has made his views about things pretty damn clear over the months. full on white supremacist.


Well-Known Member
I'm likely showing my age; the Bond brand has been dead to me since Connery stopped being Bond. Haven't liked any Bond since, so Gumby or Rocket J Squirrel could play it for all I care. I think its more telling about the laziness and lack of creativity that studios and producers have these days. However I would watch a new Bond movie if Tarantino was the driving creative force
WORD! Connery was before my time ( I had to deal with that shitty Roger Moore as the WORST Bond ever) and then Timothy Dalton (also bad, but not as bad as Moore)

Sean was the sexist BOND ever and I have to admit, even Daniel Craig registers but just a bit. (he's so short and Blonde, which doesn't fit the image LOL) but made a likable, believable Bond.

As long as he's a bad ass and good looking, then I'm all for a black Bond…

And @Singlemalt Relly? Terrantino? I don't like that guy. Pulp Fiction was the only good contribution he's made IMO. Listened to interviews with him on Howard Stern. He's so full of himself it's a turnoff.


Well-Known Member
A black James Bond is like an Italian Bruce Lee, or a hispanic KGB agent. Ridiculous.

I'm not against a black 007 (can't do 008 cause white people will be like hey why does black come after white... 006 would piss off whites too... non-whites don't want to be a fucking James Bond...) but against a black "James Bond".... The argument that he is fictional is invalid in this case unless you're like 5 year old.

Such mass extreme political correctness scares me more than a few right winged extremist. Clearly it is blinding, can't be against a black JB cause then it's about skin color... so worse, have to be pro black JB. It's that sort of crooked logic and polarization why people need leaders to tell them what to think. Let's hope you continue to pick the right one. Or the right left one... There's nothing wrong with casting based on ethnicity.

Just call him Williams. Tyrone Williams. Let him have an interracial gay affair with James Bond and get it all over with.


Well-Known Member
WORD! Connery was before my time ( I had to deal with that shitty Roger Moore as the WORST Bond ever) and then Timothy Dalton (also bad, but not as bad as Moore)

Sean was the sexist BOND ever and I have to admit, even Daniel Craig registers but just a bit. (he's so short and Blonde, which doesn't fit the image LOL) but made a likable, believable Bond.

As long as he's a bad ass and good looking, then I'm all for a black Bond…

And @Singlemalt Relly? Terrantino? I don't like that guy. Pulp Fiction was the only good contribution he's made IMO. Listened to interviews with him on Howard Stern. He's so full of himself it's a turnoff.
Ever seen death proof?

Also, aren't you the one who doesn't like The Big Lebowski?


Well-Known Member
Coincidentally, John Cleese (Q) was recently in College Tour ( ) and said they already lost the original James Bond, what it's supposed to be, out of sight, because the series is heavily adapted to the Asian market.

So, I think the black should go to the back of the line (no pun intended) and we should have an asian James Bond first.

Which asian would you pick for James Bond?