Black James Bond? Over Limbaugh's dead body...


Well-Known Member
WORD! Connery was before my time ( I had to deal with that shitty Roger Moore as the WORST Bond ever) and then Timothy Dalton (also bad, but not as bad as Moore)

Sean was the sexist BOND ever and I have to admit, even Daniel Craig registers but just a bit. (he's so short and Blonde, which doesn't fit the image LOL) but made a likable, believable Bond.

As long as he's a bad ass and good looking, then I'm all for a black Bond…

And @Singlemalt Relly? Terrantino? I don't like that guy. Pulp Fiction was the only good contribution he's made IMO. Listened to interviews with him on Howard Stern. He's so full of himself it's a turnoff.
Ahh Hooka, how can you not like the creator of Sgt Donny Donowitz, aka the Bear Jew?

or Django?

Now imagine Bond, James Bond lol


Well-Known Member

Ian Fleming's image of James Bond; John McLusky's rendition of James Bond.1957
commissioned to aid the Daily Express
comic strip artists.

if you are a Bond fan ...then you gotta read this
Vodka martini, "shaken not stirred" - often said as part of a bad Sean Connery impersonation - is one of the most quotable lines from Bond.
Yet Her Majesty's top secret agent's love of the bottle would leave him impotent and at death's door.
Doctors analysing the Ian Fleming novels show James Bond polishes off the equivalent of one and a half bottles of wine every day.
They say he is not the man to trust to deactivate a nuclear bomb.
Doctors in Derby and Nottingham sat down to read the 14 Bond novels in their spare time.
With a notebook at hand they charted every day and every drink.
Excluding the 36 days Bond was in prison, hospital or rehab, the spy downed 1,150 units of alcohol in 88 days.
It works out at 92 units a week - about five vodka martinis a day and four times the recommended maximum intake for men in the UK.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
a black bond might work, and it might not. just imagine he's on a mission that has world-wide importance, like some sort of nuclear bomb thing. next thing you know, he finds a lost wallet full of credit cards. well, is he gonna finish the mission or go on a spending spree??? it'd have to be the right black guy, lol...


Well-Known Member
I think the point is they will choose an actor they think will bring something new to the role.

If that person is black, then I don't see the problem.


Well-Known Member
A black James Bond is like an Italian Bruce Lee, or a hispanic KGB agent. Ridiculous.

I'm not against a black 007 (can't do 008 cause white people will be like hey why does black come after white... 006 would piss off whites too... non-whites don't want to be a fucking James Bond...) but against a black "James Bond".... The argument that he is fictional is invalid in this case unless you're like 5 year old.

Such mass extreme political correctness scares me more than a few right winged extremist. Clearly it is blinding, can't be against a black JB cause then it's about skin color... so worse, have to be pro black JB. It's that sort of crooked logic and polarization why people need leaders to tell them what to think. Let's hope you continue to pick the right one. Or the right left one... There's nothing wrong with casting based on ethnicity.

Just call him Williams. Tyrone Williams. Let him have an interracial gay affair with James Bond and get it all over with.

Well put.


It won't matter, but well put, regardless.


Well-Known Member
I think the point is they will choose an actor they think will bring something new to the role. If that person is black, then I don't see the problem.
Yeah, well, that's the right thing to say, if the best man for the job turns out to be black it shouldn't matter. There's however a difference between selecting the best man for the job from a list of actors regardless of his color and selecting the best black actor for the role.

Above all, they will choose an actor and disclose information that will make them the most money. The commercialization of political correctness...


Well-Known Member
A black James Bond is like an Italian Bruce Lee, or a hispanic KGB agent. Ridiculous.

I'm not against a black 007 (can't do 008 cause white people will be like hey why does black come after white... 006 would piss off whites too... non-whites don't want to be a fucking James Bond...) but against a black "James Bond".... The argument that he is fictional is invalid in this case unless you're like 5 year old.

Such mass extreme political correctness scares me more than a few right winged extremist. Clearly it is blinding, can't be against a black JB cause then it's about skin color... so worse, have to be pro black JB. It's that sort of crooked logic and polarization why people need leaders to tell them what to think. Let's hope you continue to pick the right one. Or the right left one... There's nothing wrong with casting based on ethnicity.

Just call him Williams. Tyrone Williams. Let him have an interracial gay affair with James Bond and get it all over with.
Ha, actually agree with wilksey for once. Good post.

Don't think any rational person is saying that if you're against a black guy playing bond, you are automatically racist though.

It's normal to have objections and opinions on casting choices. Do you remember all the shit people were saying when Daniel Craig was cast? It varied from - no he's got blonde hair, bond has always been dark. Too - No, his accent is too common, bond doesn't speak like that.

You can disagree with the choice of Elba or whoever else is cast and not be a massive racist. It just gets a bit creepy when you're view is shaped by already formed fears and prejudices.


Well-Known Member
James Bond is an Industry, its anarchic and well past 'its sell by date'
the trend since the early sixties is to use the movies to 'product place' merchants goods, to the masses
as an icon to fashion for that particular year, forever out of reach?
indeed in many poor western colleges you can actually be accredited a degree in the 'subject'
it started with a washout from world war 2, Ian Fleming, a decadent middle class English nob,
a love torn homosexual, who had a hard on for a colleague, William Plomer,(
who later became his publisher, then his agent in London
meanwhile Fleming was never a good writer or sailor, but was
'well connected' thru his dads banking, and used the British old boys club to the max


Well-Known Member
James Bond is an Industry, its anarchic and well past 'its sell by date'
the trend since the early sixties is to use the movies to 'product place' merchants goods, to the masses
as an icon to fashion for that particular year, forever out of reach?
indeed in many poor western colleges you can actually be accredited a degree in the 'subject'
it started with a washout from world war 2, Ian Fleming, a decadent middle class English nob,
a love torn homosexual, who had a hard on for a colleague, William Plomer,(
who later became his publisher, then his agent in London
meanwhile Fleming was never a good writer or sailor, but was
'well connected' thru his dads banking, and used the British old boys club to the max


Well-Known Member
@skunkd0c would like to hear your opinion on this.
not heard anything about James Bond recently, i hear Tom Hardy is popular now i guess he will get it at some point

i was a little alarmed when i watched Denzel as the Equalizer recently

Robert McCall was originally a old grey haired white English dude in the TV series

i guess it does not really matter what colour skin the ACTOR has , the Equalizer TV series was pretty shit and the film was shit too even with Denzel assisting

it would be ok for James Bond to be Black imo
but i do not think the film makers would go for a Wesley snipes (dark chocolate) so they are limited to which blacks they can choose anyway

they could possibly use Wesley if they whiten him up , that would be fun

they will most likely find a milk chocolate type , he will look more natural wearing a savile row suit rather than Nike
Is Will Smith too old, can he do a English accent ?
Will could be James Bond , he can wear suits convincingly

perhaps Will should shave off his afro for the Bond role. or maybe wear a weave like this dude below

i vote Will Smith + weave :)
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