Black on seeds

Not getting into this argument, but that is awesome. lol.

You noticed that too?
Motherfucker should always be capitalized.
The uncapitalized usage would be mothafucka.
But only Motherfuckers can use that term without offending.

Still awesome even if he did screw up the composition.
Who's uneducated motherfucker?
IDK take a guess. :-P

You stupid asshole, I medicated to test it out. I've plenty of A++ meds that I grew to get me through the cure so go fuck your self.
Judging from some of your previous posts it appears hermies are the norm for you... So it is probably some more seeded garbage that you could not pay me to consume.

You don't know shit because there is not a seed in the the other plant asshole.

I'll put my shit up against anything you have, not even worried. Bitch
When a plant hermies it releases pollen that then pollinates all the other plants in the room(some worse than others)... So you are naive to think that only one plant was pollinated.
C'mon guys let's be supportive of our fellow medicinals... there's gonna be canna dogs at the BBQ. There is also talk about kief cookies, trichome slurpies and straight-up oil colonics. If that won't statisfy your medicinal whims, what will right? It's not like we're Pharmacists or Dr, Frankenstien, so let's just chillax.
can we have a discussions without it turning into dicks cussin? Ballin, seen your facility and you're prolly with it but to insult a mans crop is some shit you should have picked up on by now as the one huge no, no. as for you and me, I give a capital F-fuck what you think about this subject anymore your attitude soured the shit out of me and you could be a grow god but at this point you're talking to wall cuz I can't stand to be spoken to this way. ever had a prof insult you? bet you didn't learn shit in that class should you have experienced it and a prof usually knows what they are talking about but that knowledge is lost on delivery. Obviously you don't care about that and I sure don't care about you or your info at this point. sweet, another thread killed by assholes being assholes and not a single bob harris around to blame it on.
As usual the see a lot of truth on both sides. I have read exact same shit as ballin, but I dont' know which is correct. Both make sense to me. Once a plant starts producing seeds, shit is different and it soens't produce as much resin. BUT it seeded weed was less potent, then how would the seeds NOT be less potent. Either way, fuck it. lol. I was waiting for argument, lol. No big deal. I am pretty sure both ballin and stump both grow great meds. Next thread they will agree with each other and it will be all good in the hood.
Nice pointing out that Bob didn't cause fight. Another comment in Bob's defense. We were all getting pretty damn good at reading opening post and deciding if it would be a fight or not. (Not always, but some of us were getting pretty damn good at it. lmao).
And your not? I give accurate info to try and help other growers. Then you refuse to admit your wrong and call me a motherfucker, asshole, ect... Maybe you should look in the mirror.

No you're just a condescending fucking prick who obviously thinks he knows it all. Fuck you.
I like that mans style - capital Fuck followed by a small u.
I was going to vote for ballin here but didn't out of respect for cory.
I'm solidly in stumps camp now that his syntax is matching my mood.
I don't know what to say ballin...
BUT it seeded weed was less potent, then how would the seeds NOT be less potent.

It is less potent because it never reaches its full potential(once pollination occurs the plant puts most of its energy into producing seeds instead of resin). If you grow the same seeds and do not allow them to get pollinated then they will reach there full potential and be more potent.
The SEEDS could be ever so slightly less potent on a plant that has heavy bud set. This entire presentation is about ENERGY being diverted, by seeds being present. But what about bud being present? Does that effect the size, vigor or quality of seeds if they were what was desired? It must, based on the same argument for quality of a bud that was seeded. Perhaps there are only less seeds. Perhaps there is only less bud as well with the other "problem".

When I saw DJ Short speak (unscientifically?) he said that he didn't notice a difference in the medicinal quality of seeded bud. I believe that he said he like it more cuz the plant somehow is more living up to it's potential. Like seeding was part of the plants' job on earth (prolly the same, if it were in space or on another planet too). So if the plant reached some degree of fulfillment (seeding) it may have different attributes, perhaps even better medi qualities than unfulfilled bud. Just a thought. Don't kill me.
It is less potent because it never reaches its full potential(once pollination occurs the plant puts most of its energy into producing seeds instead of resin). If you grow the same seeds and do not allow them to get pollinated then they will reach there full potential and be more potent.

This is the logic that i've always went with...

With that said, thats what i believe because its what i was taught many years ago and it seems logical but i am still not 100% certain without seeing proof like a few lab tests to back it up.
The SEEDS could be ever so slightly less potent on a plant that has heavy bud set. This entire presentation is about ENERGY being diverted, by seeds being present. But what about bud being present? Does that effect the size, vigor or quality of seeds if they were what was desired? It must, based on the same argument for quality of a bud that was seeded. Perhaps there are only less seeds. Perhaps there is only less bud as well with the other "problem".

When I saw DJ Short speak (unscientifically?) he said that he didn't notice a difference in the medicinal quality of seeded bud. I believe that he said he like it more cuz the plant somehow is more living up to it's potential. Like seeding was part of the plants' job on earth (prolly the same, if it were in space or on another planet too). So if the plant reached some degree of fulfillment (seeding) it may have different attributes, perhaps even better medi qualities than unfulfilled bud. Just a thought. Don't kill me.

God if that doesn't make sense...

I've never taken a side on either all I know is that seeded buds can pretty fucking potent... Tasty and aromatic too.. Only thing I've argued about is who the fucking asshole is here. I guess I'm misinforming people when I say the shit I just grew fucks me up along with a few other friends who've been smoking probably since before this fuck was in diapers.

Come into my thread and disrespect me because you spent some money on some lights and glass and think your Ed Fucking Rosenthal Jr...

I hope you get mites bitch.:fire:
Oh shit.
Jesus Fuck man the Borg?
You are wishing annihlation on my good friend ballin?
I guess the Federation isn't for me.

ballin I'm back on your side and it's not about that small bitch he used at the end there; that's not important now.
Time to hit the mattresses...
some have said that a little pollen kicks the bud into a growth spurt. jsut throwing it in there but there were some youtube history lessons about hash plants in Afghanistan that they polinated pusposfullt to start ripening but not to overpollenate. whatever, I'm done with it til somebody does a journal and side by side labs at the end.
i thought it was the same stuff they use to make seedless fruit,like seedless watermelons etc.

Yes, but we don't light seedless fruit on fire.

Besides, I don't trust when for-profit companies start fucking with plants chemically/genetically, or try to sell me something that does that to a plant. They are more concerned with profit than they are your health.
God if that doesn't make sense...

I've never taken a side on either all I know is that seeded buds can pretty fucking potent... Tasty and aromatic too.. Only thing I've argued about is who the fucking asshole is here. I guess I'm misinforming people when I say the shit I just grew fucks me up along with a few other friends who've been smoking probably since before this fuck was in diapers.

Come into my thread and disrespect me because you spent some money on some lights and glass and think your Ed Fucking Rosenthal Jr...

I hope you get mites bitch.:fire:

You were one triple-lutz away from a perfect score there stump.

Fucking hilarious!