Bloomberg to the rescue

An authoritarian billionaire to the rescue. It’s him or Pete, from the DNC perspective. Could be a clusterfuck of a convention and I’m fascinated to see if hate can successfully unite a party for a win.
An authoritarian billionaire to the rescue. It’s him or Pete, from the DNC perspective. Could be a clusterfuck of a convention and I’m fascinated to see if hate can successfully unite a party for a win.
It worked for Republikkkans. We aren't going down that path, though. You can have it.
I'd be hard-pressed to vote for Bloomberg in the fall. I'd prefer even Bernie over another Billionaire. Remember Bloomberg's stop and search policies that were thrown out as racist yet Bloomberg fought that ruling tooth and nail? The evidence is overwhelming that his racist police actions were not a factor in NYC's drops in crime yet he still touts this policy as why.

No. No man. That's fucked up. He's out of touch and denies facts in favor of his own belief. No way he gets my vote in the primary.
It is your call on how to vote, but he does address it.

I really liked what he had to say in this speech:

Bloomberg at an event with International Monetary Fund's Christine Lagarde that took place on April 19, 2018:

MICHAEL BLOOMBERG: Some people say, well, taxes are regressive. But in this case, yes they are. That's the good thing about them because the problem is in people that don't have a lot of money. And so, higher taxes should have a bigger impact on their behavior and how they deal with themselves. So, I listen to people saying 'oh we don't want to tax the poor.’ Well, we want the poor to live longer so that they can get an education and enjoy life. And that's why you do want to do exactly what a lot of people say you don't want to do.
Bloomberg at an event with International Monetary Fund's Christine Lagarde that took place on April 19, 2018:

MICHAEL BLOOMBERG: Some people say, well, taxes are regressive. But in this case, yes they are. That's the good thing about them because the problem is in people that don't have a lot of money. And so, higher taxes should have a bigger impact on their behavior and how they deal with themselves. So, I listen to people saying 'oh we don't want to tax the poor.’ Well, we want the poor to live longer so that they can get an education and enjoy life. And that's why you do want to do exactly what a lot of people say you don't want to do.
Oh look a quote with no context about something that is factually true but doesn't actually say anything other than a few key words for you to mangle some meaning from.
Oh look a quote with no context about something that is factually true but doesn't actually say anything other than a few key words for you to mangle some meaning from.
Why provide you the full context and deny you another chance to put your foot in your mouth? I'll shoot you the full interview later. LOL
I like how he thinks taxing the poor more is a good idea. Genius! LOL - that's sarcasm.
you project a lot

your candidate, who praises neo nazis, is costing families $1200 a year with his retarded and unwinnable trade war

But China is paying for the tariffs! And Mexico is paying for the wall!

Racist moron.

But that’s not why you and kkk leader david duke and neo nazi leader Richard Spencer are voting for him after all
It is your call on how to vote, but he does address it.

I really liked what he had to say in this speech:

I listened to the top vid. Not really satisfied with his answer. He shouldn't defend his actions, simple as that. He should just say he was wrong and apologize to the people he hurt. His answer that contains the same false reason only hardens my opinion against him.

I'll vote for him in the fall if he wins the nomination. Leagues better than Trump. Until Warren either drops out of the race or does something to change my mind about her, I think she's the best candidate according to my values and meets my main criteria for a president, which is, works well with others and demonstrates the ability to get legislation that is important to her constituents passed into law.

I admit I'm biased against billionaires as potential leaders in this democracy and will examine my conscience about my prejudice if facts show I'm unfairly limiting their freedom.
Well, when I posted this thread ages ago things were wacky & have seemingly gotten even wackier since then
Sanders & Buttigieg are the leading contenders for the Dem's nominee for the WH & Warren is toast?
Holy Fuck!
We lost then, me thinks, but what the fuck, right?
Biden is seemingly finished & the only person left standing with a sensible & pragmatic economic plan is Bloomberg, but what does common sense & experience have too do with anything in today's political landscape?
Probably nothing, as usuall, but I think I like Mike.

I listened to the top vid. Not really satisfied with his answer. He shouldn't defend his actions, simple as that. He should just say he was wrong and apologize to the people he hurt. His answer that contains the same false reason only hardens my opinion against him.

I'll vote for him in the fall if he wins the nomination. Leagues better than Trump. Until Warren either drops out of the race or does something to change my mind about her, I think she's the best candidate according to my values and meets my main criteria for a president, which is, works well with others and demonstrates the ability to get legislation that is important to her constituents passed into law.

I admit I'm biased against billionaires as potential leaders in this democracy and will examine my conscience about my prejudice if facts show I'm unfairly limiting their freedom.
IMO, it is worth watching the longer video, the speech he did in Tulsa, I am pretty positive he did just that (apologizing). I would be proud to vote for Warren if she wins the nomination too. I think Klobachar is my favorite of all the candidates out right not, but am still at the point I am voting Biden until/if something changes to make him drop out.

I am surprised how resilient Biden has been, he had a 2 week Senate hearing about impeaching him, the President going full blast on campaigning against him, and a all out attack from the left at the same time and is still kicking.
[bloomberg never taxes the poor in 12 years as mayor, does the opposite]

Bugeye: Bloomberg will tax the poor! Boo!

[trump taxes families $1200 with his retarded and unwinnable trade war]

Bugeye: I support that. Sieg heil

Certain people just need to stop trying. The act is over.
IMO, it is worth watching the longer video, the speech he did in Tulsa, I am pretty positive he did just that (apologizing). I would be proud to vote for Warren if she wins the nomination too. I think Klobachar is my favorite of all the candidates out right not, but am still at the point I am voting Biden until/if something changes to make him drop out.

I am surprised how resilient Biden has been, he had a 2 week Senate hearing about impeaching him, the President going full blast on campaigning against him, and a all out attack from the left at the same time and is still kicking.
I admit that I'm biased against Billionaires. It's really unfair of me.

The 2016 primary started out almost exactly like this one did. We'll see how well Bernie fares and if Biden is really down and out when votes from the south come in. That is where Clinton beat Bernie and the Bernie Bros showed their toxic nature.
Shit, I wouldn't put it past you to post some deep fake shit with the propaganda that you have spewed on this site.

But feel free.
about 5:45 in Bloomberg explains his support for regressive taxes on the poor, what I quoted him on earlier. Presumably he sees poor people as dolts and taxation is needed to save them from themselves.