Bloomberg to the rescue

Trump, Putin, Sanders and his supporters are doing their level best to prevent us from choosing.

Why is that?
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He also asked his cult last night to go and vote in the Democratic election today in NH for the worst candidates. He is so afraid of not stacking up it is pretty sad. No wonder they are cutting & pasting that Bernie puff piece @schuylaar posted above in Bloomberg's page and not Bernie's.
that was pointed out in Marxism and perpetuated now with minority populace; if they received more salary they wouldn't know how to spend or fritter it away- what do you think electoral college is all about? 1700s way to represent uneducated (and distant) farmers with their choice.
I think the electoral college serves multiple purposes. Yes, it serves to keep agricultural states from being run over by the majority populations. Tyranny of the majority being a fail point for minority rights in a democracy. I think it also serves well as a backstop against election fraud in one state being the deciding factor in a national election. For example if a few million votes could be redirected in a state, that could swing an election by popular vote but would be less likely to swing an election under electoral college.
I think the electoral college serves multiple purposes. Yes, it serves to keep agricultural states from being run over by the majority populations. Tyranny of the majority being a fail point for minority rights in a democracy. I think it also serves well as a backstop against election fraud in one state being the deciding factor in a national election. For example if a few million votes could be redirected in a state, that could swing an election by popular vote but would be less likely to swing an election under electoral college.

One of those purposes doesn't happen to be how much more it is in Trump and Putin's interests to just redirect 80k or so in battleground states instead through disinformation campaigns since they have that data and don't actually have to use their voting system hacks.

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I think the electoral college serves multiple purposes. Yes, it serves to keep agricultural states from being run over by the majority populations. Tyranny of the majority being a fail point for minority rights in a democracy. I think it also serves well as a backstop against election fraud in one state being the deciding factor in a national election. For example if a few million votes could be redirected in a state, that could swing an election by popular vote but would be less likely to swing an election under electoral college.
yes, it is well known that Republikkkans oppose majority rule and do their level best to suppress votes by Democrats.

That bit about how the EC gives power to rural states is false, BTW:

These 3 Common Arguments For Preserving the Electoral College Are Wrong

Myth #2: Rural areas would get ignored
Since 2000, a popular argument for the electoral college made on conservative websites and talk radio is that without the Electoral College, candidates would spend all their time campaigning in big cities and would ignore low-population areas.

Other than this odd view of democracy, which advocates spending as much campaign time in areas where few people live as in areas where most Americans live, the argument is simply false. The Electoral College causes candidates to spend all their campaign time in cities in 10 or 12 states rather than in 30, 40 or 50 states.

Data from the 2016 campaign indicate that 53 percent of campaign events for Trump, Hillary Clinton, Mike Pence and Tim Kaine in the two months before the November election were in only four states: Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Ohio. During that time, 87 percent of campaign visits by the four candidates were in 12 battleground states, and none of the four candidates ever went to 27 states, which includes almost all of rural America.

I know, I'm speaking to a closed mind. Still, that myth has to be rebutted. Not that it will stop the next Trumper from touting it. It's just that propaganda succeeds best when it's not countered. So, there it is.
If Bloomberg was to become the democratic nominee then I'm not voting period.
It is something I can't understand.

Trump is literally wielding the justice Department as a weapon against his enemies and as a shield to his crooked criminal conspirators. But Bloomberg is so bad that its a push between him and Trump? I don't see it, shit at this point I would happily vote Romney if he got the Democratic nomination.
I'm not voting for any billionaire period, they will not look out for the interests of average Americans, only themselves.
I am unable to agree with that, just because someone was able to build up a great amount of wealth over their life (and unlike Trump, Bloomberg earned his money) doesn't mean that they are incapable of loving their country and willing to make it better for everyone.
Ok, snark aside, maybe this was a legit question, and it does deserve a legit answer and not just me trolling you because you are so often disingenuous and ignore well thought out answers, or just cheery pick one small bit of it to take out of context.

So Bloomberg statement of 'putting cops in minority communities because that is where the crime is', is lacking in his understanding of the situation that 70 years of white flight, red lining, and underfunding schools & services due to the drastic decreases in tax base, has caused these communities, and led to more government sanctioned racism in the minority communities. Which he has apologized for and has explained it was an attempt to protect those communities from crime, mistaken but not out right racism.

Trump meanwhile is having his AG threaten minority communities that if they don't start bending the knee to him and being grateful for it he will take away the police force that they need. He is telling cops to bang peoples heads while arresting them, and that 5 proven innocent black people should still be in jail. And much much more can be seen as blatant racism on Trump's part.

The level of racism is not the same in the least between Trump and Bloomberg, hence why I did the greater than/less than troll on you, which I apologize for if you meant it as a legit question.
Why do you lick Bloomberg's boots so fervently?

"I think we disproportionately stop white's too much, and minorities too little" - Michael Bloomberg

How about that one, is that racist? Remember, at the time of him saying this, 87% of stop and frisks in New York targetted minorities
Fascinating that you don't see the disconnect between being a pure full tilt Bernie supporter telling someone to run in a different party.

Why do you lick Bloomberg's boots so fervently?

"I think we disproportionately stop white's too much, and minorities too little" - Michael Bloomberg

How about that one, is that racist? Remember, at the time of him saying this, 87% of stop and frisks in New York targetted minorities
Why do you support Bernie so much?

And the fact that I have been told so far I am a Biden, Warren, now a Bloomberg stooge should tell you that you are full of shit.

It is also fascinating you are regurgitating Trump's talking points. Nothing suspicious there at all.

You have the full tape of him saying that or just a edited quote? I don't fall for that shit man, you should do better for everyone in our country (if you are an actual American and not just a foreign troll) and not spread Trump's message in the name of Bernie.
Fascinating that you don't see the disconnect between being a pure full tilt Bernie supporter telling someone to run in a different party.

Why do you support Bernie so much?

And the fact that I have been told so far I am a Biden, Warren, now a Bloomberg stooge should tell you that you are full of shit.

It is also fascinating you are regurgitating Trump's talking points. Nothing suspicious there at all.

You have the full tape of him saying that or just a edited quote? I don't fall for that shit man, you should do better for everyone in our country (if you are an actual American and not just a foreign troll) and not spread Trump's message in the name of Bernie.
The fact is you and the other sycophants have argued this sort of behavior is racist since 2016, even accusing the only candidate in the race who marched during the civil rights movement of being racist for far less. Exposing your hypocrisy wouldn't be near as easy if the standards you held weren't from separate universes.

You hate Sanders and don't want him to win, it's not based on his policies or the issues he supports, it's always been because you can't overcome your own personal feelings towards the people that do support him and are vocal about it on RIU. If Sanders wins, all of you are instantly proven wrong, and it's really a shame we had to go through four years of a Trump administration for the proof to be revealed.

None of you are as smart as you think you are
"95% of your murders and murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take the description and Xerox it and pass it out to all the cops. They are male minorities 15 to 25." -Michael Bloomberg
The fact is you and the other sycophants have argued this sort of behavior is racist since 2016, even accusing the only candidate in the race who marched during the civil rights movement of being racist for far less. Exposing your hypocrisy wouldn't be near as easy if the standards you held weren't from separate universes.

You hate Sanders and don't want him to win, it's not based on his policies or the issues he supports, it's always been because you can't overcome your own personal feelings towards the people that do support him and are vocal about it on RIU. If Sanders wins, all of you are instantly proven wrong, and it's really a shame we had to go through four years of a Trump administration for the proof to be revealed.

None of you are as smart as you think you are
Your cult leader's campaign was trying to make it out that Biden was a racist last week, sorry your edited quotes don't cut it.

Bloomberg endorsing President Obama:

Trump racist Birther bullshit:

Can you spot the difference and imagine why your calls of racism on Bloomberg fall on deaf ears?

You don't know me, saying I 'hate' someone is such a weak move. I have said in damn near every post I will vote for him if he wins the nomination, as has Bloomberg, Clinton, Biden, etc. Get over yourself.

Are you an American? Because I thought you were a Saudi troll for a long ass time now.
"But Trump is more racist!" is not a good defense of Michael Bloomberg's racism. It might actually matter to you if you were one of the 87% of minorities racially profiled and harassed by his gestapo NYPD thugs because of the color of their skin
"But Trump is more racist!" is not a good defense of Michael Bloomberg's racism. It might actually matter to you if you were one of the 87% of minorities racially profiled and harassed by his gestapo NYPD thugs because of the color of their skin
Of course you don't answer if you are a Saudi troll,

A racist wouldn't support Obama. It is pretty cut and dry.

Is he white?


Does that mean he is less likely to understand minority communities?


Does he have the ability to bring together a killer team, and has shown his support to the minority communities in a clear and defined way?


If Bloomberg actually cared about any of the issues his campaign ads claim he does, he would have spent all the money he's used on is race so far ($240,000,000) helping Democratic/progressive candidates down ticket for congress instead of being a spoiler for the Democratic ticket because he doesn't want his taxes to be raised by a Sanders or Warren administration
If Bloomberg actually cared about any of the issues his campaign ads claim he does, he would have spent all the money he's used on is race so far ($240,000,000) helping Democratic/progressive candidates down ticket for congress instead of being a spoiler for the Democratic ticket because he doesn't want his taxes to be raised by a Sanders or Warren administration
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You have no credibility and should just quit regurgitating talking points that are lies.
Of course you don't answer if you are a Saudi troll,

A racist wouldn't support Obama. It is pretty cut and dry.

Is he white?


Does that mean he is less likely to understand minority communities?


Does he have the ability to bring together a killer team, and has shown his support to the minority communities in a clear and defined way?


A billionaire has convinced you through hundred million dollar ad buys his history of these issues doesn't matter, what matters is what he says about them now, almost like you're falling for the propaganda he paid for to do just that