Last night minding my own business smoking weed on some steps at about 1 in the morning I started to like trip out. I can roll blunts but the clear ones are hard for me so I shape it around a cig or pen and fill with my mix. If you do it that way you can get about 3.2 grams in it. I was halfway through smoking it then all of sudden started spitting a lot and then puked. It wasn't puke like when your sick it didn't fell like it was pulling my face or anything like that but it was puke. I then looked up and straight ahead were some trees and I heard a bat screech and then seen a blue midget. I was terrified to try to get up and even go home. I thought there was gonna be aliens and it was gonna be the end of the world in the next few hours. I finally got up and went into my bed but as I started to fall asleep I kept fighting it because I thought I was slipping into death not sleep. I got 2 O's and have been smoking it and this is the first time this happened so it couldn't be laced could it? Is it possible that it cured a lil bit more n the bag and got more potent? Also it's defiantly the best bud I've smoked no seeds yet it looks like dirt weed. There has been people that have offered me 10 a blunt. I don't sell but yeah they offered to buy for that much. Anyways WTF happened!