Books... What are you reading? And what do you recommend?

Any fantasy lovers out there.. Not embarrassed to admit that i have read, and reread, all of the gunslinger series, lord of the rings, the sword of shannara, thomas covenant, and many i can no longer remember.
Dont get me wrong, reality is great. Adrift, The long walk, and walking boys were riveting, but escaping reality is more entertaining for me.
Any fantasy lovers out there.. Not embarrassed to admit that i have read, and reread, all of the gunslinger series, lord of the rings, the sword of shannara, thomas covenant, and many i can no longer remember.
Dont get me wrong, reality is great. Adrift, The long walk, and walking boys were riveting, but escaping reality is more entertaining for me.
All of Christopher Paolini's Eragon series is worthy of repeating.
I gotta get my book reading going again, but past great reads of mine.

Heart-Shaped Box - Joe Hill aging rocker who collects weird macabre objects. His last purchase being a heart-shaped box from a lady online of her late father’s suit. She was getting rid of it because her daughter gets upset over seeing it and claims grandpa was still there. She never saw him, but she hopes by getting rid of it, that he daughter will be fine again. That’s all I will say, but it’s one of my top 5 reads for where everything goes.

Blood Sucking Fiends/You Suck: A Love Story/Bite Me! - Christopher Moore not the only books of his I will mention. It’s a vampire trilogy series of books, but will intermingle for a chapter or 2 with other book characters of other books he has written. I like to call them his San Francisco series of books, will with one in Hawaii. Anyways the books are fucking hilarious and is not like a Twilight series of books.

Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal - Christopher Moore ok it’s what it says. His best friend Biff is resurrected by an angel, placed in a fancy hotel paid by the silver Judas got for betraying Jesus. He is to write what went on during those many years missing of Jesus life in the Bible. Where he and Biff went off too in order to find out “who is Jesus Christ?” Again it’s a funny book but doesn’t go insulting Jesus or the religion itself.

Why We Suck! - Denis Leary great fun biography read (gotta read the 2nd book, Why We Don’t Suck) Anyways the book is filled with childhood and family stories. Few breaks where he’s just talking about what he and his mom discussed during a writers block. One dedicated to his love that is Oprah and having all the answers for him.

Alice Cooper’s Golf Monster probably my favourite biography. His life has had some amazing moments and sad personal ones as well. Talks about his drug addiction, career moments like with the chicken, his manager/not manager “The Shep” His story on how Shep became a manager is truly amazing, as he wasn’t going that route but “was a Jew” Plus talks a lot about golf from how this addiction helps him get over his drug addiction. The people who helped might surprise you too

The Road - Cormac McCarthy what a great read this one is, and it’s one hell of an emotional journey. I cried like a baby maybe twice while reading it. They made a movie of it, bought it, and yet I haven’t been able to get myself to watch. It’s a dark bleak story but wow you’ll be glad you read it
I love it , this is the time to for traveling all over Hell's acres , seeing the wonders around us and raising hell . A popular saying in Scotland is " Adventure before
Dementia " . How f'ing true ! I'm turning 70 pretty soon and was diagnosed with the onset of Dementia. I am awful happy that I traveled all over , vacationing and having a blast before this wonderful news . I'll probably , in the near future, keep sending you the same message , over and over and over again! Lol ! You take care and enjoy all that you can ! Many people wait way to late , to a point where they just can't do
it . My wife and I also said " move or die " . Now that we're older our motto is " Move,
adapt ( shit happens) and keep a sense of humor " !
That’s a good idea! I’m not waiting around to do anything. I know what happens. I understand how our bodies break down and it’s important to keep that in mind and accept it as it comes. The weather today was wild. Snow and wind and sun… all just rolling through over and over . Peaks of mountaintop mixed with clouds and sunshine and bursts of snow. The lakes are all frozen over but there are flowers blooming as well …..I found this feather. What bird did it come from?
Nazi billionaires : the dark history of Germany's wealthiest dynasties / David de Jong.
The Wager : a tale of shipwreck, mutiny and murder / David Grann.
The met flex diet : burn better fuel, burn more fat / Ian K. Smith, M.D..
Deep fake : a thriller / Ward Larsen (Fiction, but they replace a presidential candidate with a...deep fake)
Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism / Toobin, Jeffrey
Nazi billionaires : the dark history of Germany's wealthiest dynasties / David de Jong.
The Wager : a tale of shipwreck, mutiny and murder / David Grann.
The met flex diet : burn better fuel, burn more fat / Ian K. Smith, M.D..
Deep fake : a thriller / Ward Larsen (Fiction, but they replace a presidential candidate with a...deep fake)
Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism / Toobin, Jeffrey

While I won't retain much, Nazi Billionaires was really interesting. I admittedly knew zero about the rise of Nazis and how it came to be before listening to this book and learned a lot.

Deep Fake was great!!! Had a little jack Ryan or Jack reacher vibe to it. It would make a cool movie.
While I won't retain much, Nazi Billionaires was really interesting. I admittedly knew zero about the rise of Nazis and how it came to be before listening to this book and learned a lot.

Deep Fake was great!!! Had a little jack Ryan or Jack reacher vibe to it. It would make a cool movie.
There's a book a few pages back about how IBM early "computers" were used by Hitler to identify/locate the Jewish people in the population
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I JUST finished “the mister” . It was published in 2019. Dying for a possible sequel and it’s getting released June 20. It’s called “the missus”.
On audible the accents are incredibly performed. It’s a bit over the top but it’s pretty interesting.