Boycott The Attitude!

I agree that we suffer from an image problem but I think there's much more to it than that. This is one of the most divisive issues of our time. It won't be solved overnight and the solution isn't as simple as some people would like to believe. If the failure of prop 19's passage didn't teach us that, I'm not sure what will.:cry:

As I said, the nation is center-right, it is at least mildly conservative and it is not ready to forget decades and decades of government propaganda about the evils of marijuana and say WE WANT IT AND WE WANT IT NOW!

We basically said the same thing in the late 60's and in the 70's about how it was an important issue of the time and that we had to fight for it and fight for it now and that if we screamed loud enough we would be heard and listened to. We did not realize at the time that the government has selective hearing loss.

At a time I was positive that by the mid 80's, or early 90's at the very latest, marijuana would be made legal because by then Congress would have many members who toked in high school and in college and who could look at what they achieved in their lives and fully understand that it is not something bad .. and that likely by then we would have a president who had also shared the same experiences.

I was totally wrong in my prediction of my believed outcome and rough time frame. I am sure those people exist in Congress, and likely the last three presidents, Obama, Bush and Clinton all toked at least a little and they still managed to become the president.

Now I doubt I will live long enough to see marijuana legalized, or if I do by then I will be locked up in some old folks home suffering from dementia and won't be able to remember that I once loved the stuff and not be able to enjoy the new found freedom.

Once in government politicians learn they have to play the game, they have to go along to get along, they have to give up what they believe in to retain their positions. Most likely enter Congress telling themselves they will bring about positive change and do what it right for those they represent and for the nation as a whole.

Soon they are making deals in hallways or back rooms trading their vote, on something they really do not support or believe in, to get the other member or members of Congress' support for something they want so they can look good to their voters and remain in office. In time they are total sellouts, they lose their souls, they lose their humanity and they become part of the machine, part of the government entity and always puts itself first and foremost.

A neighbor of my ex-business partner is a DC lobbyist. His nickname among members of Congress is "The Mailman." He earned that nickname by showing up on a very regular schedule handing out goodies, all expense paid trips for the member of Congress' entire family to some exotic local where a fifteen minute meeting with the third undersecretary for the collection of dog waste, or some similarly worthless position, would be set up so the member of Congress could claim they went on a fact finding mission or a trade mission. He also hands out fat envelopes with green pieces of paper with pictures of presidents on them. In return for such niceties the members of Congress are expected, and almost always do, support the legislation the lobbying firm "The Mailman" wants supported.

Those are the real politicians that make up the U.S. government. Until we can fight fire with fire and outdo people like "The Mailman" at what they do very well or present an argument that is so compelling that the government cannot ignore it and canot refuse it, nothing will ever change on the Federal level.

Legal marijuana has to be made to look like too good of a deal to the government for it to pass it up. Until that happens, do not expect any major changes. I have waited for them for 42 years now and they have not come to pass. Unless a totally new approach is taken, a completely different route is chosen where there is a major push, but one that proves to the government that it would be in its best interest to legalize marijuana, in the future all of you will be saying the same as me ... that you have waited 42 years for a change to occur, but it hasn't.
Then come enlighten me...please?


The problem is that you think you need to define yourself as a stoner or something. Well there are some older growers who live the life style and put up crazy videos on the net (think kendo) the majority of us don't bother to define who we are by what drug we like. For every stoner out there that you guys are talking about in this thread are dozens more that don't fit the description.

I do good for my community every day, not because I'm a stoner, because I'm a nice guy.


The number one obstacle to cannabis legalization is the problem it presents to governments. It isn't conducive to control. Any threat to governance will be fought with extreme prejudice. Add in all of the other industries that cannabis legalization threatens and you see how daunting this problem is. I'm no pessimist and I do in fact have faith that I will live to see cannabis become legal (or at least decriminalized en masse). I just don't want anybody to have on rose colored glasses when it comes to this struggle. It's not going to be an easy fight. :cry:
FYI Cannabis IS legal in the following countries Portugal (since 2001), Brazil, Argentina, Spain, and Mexico.
Brazil has one of the fastest growing economies in the world.

The. number. one. reason. that. ANYTHING. senseless. exists. is. INERTIA

Stand. in. the. way. of. something. HEAVY & HARD. with. INERTIA

And. YOU. are. FUCKED




[FONT=Comic Sans MS"]Direct. action. is. the. last. refuge. of. the. incompetent . ~ .paraphrase. Isaac. Asimov . . . Foundation

I have never seen someone so full of themselves and so clueless at the same time. Good luck with your fruitless endeavor.

Don't tell me that I wore you fucking hippies out already?


I am just getting fucking started!




Don't tell me that I wore you fucking hippies out already?


I am just getting fucking started!




When there is a fight to be fought, a wished for goal to be achieved you have to go into it with a well laid out plan, a strategy you have faith in. It doesn't matter if it is a fight to change zoning in a part of someone's town or the want of certain legislation to be written and then passed and then signed into law or a corporate takeover or a boxing match or a battle or an entire war or virtually anything else. You don't just say, this is what we want, now fight, get 'er done, and have any reasonable expectations of succeeding.

You device a plan, a strategy.

You have Step 1. Then in case things do not go as planned and the reaction is more hard-nosed and tougher than expected you have Step 1.A and again Step 1.B and if things go better than planned and you make unexpected headway you have Step 1.C and Step 1.C so you can exploit your unexpected success to the fullest and not only maintain momentum for your side but increase it.

Then there is Step 2 and Step 2.A and Step 2.B etc, etc, etc all the way through Step Z.whatever number is needed.

You can't expect anything to succeed if all you have is a goal and a hoped for final result. That leaves a MASSIVE gap between the two where people just stand around scratching their heads asking each other what in the world are they supposed to be doing because only telling them to "fight" is not in actuality telling them to do anything specific and not really telling them to do anything at all.

What is your plan of action, what is your strategy, what are your Steps 1, 1.A, 1.B, 1.C, Step 2, 2.A, 2.B, 2.C etc,. etc, etc?

That has to be well laid out, well spelled out and made clear to all involved before the "fight" begins. There has to be a plan, they has to be a strategy and there has to be contingency plans already in place for when the unexpected, either negative of positive, occurs. What are they?

Just saying let's make marijuana legal on a pot growing site is preaching to the choir. What are you prepared to preach to the heathens who do not believe as we do, how will it be gone about with having any reasonable chance of success?

Spell it out for us, step by step, action by action from the very first step at the lowest level all the way to the final step taken at the highest level. If you do that you might find some volunteers for your "fight," but few will go blindly into any battle totally unsure of where to start, what to do, who they are actually fighting against and with what weapons or what to expect.
When there is a fight to be fought, a wished for goal to be achieved you have to go into it with a well laid out plan, a strategy you have faith in. It doesn't matter if it is a fight to change zoning in a part of someone's town or the want of certain legislation to be written and then passed and then signed into law or a corporate takeover or a boxing match or a battle or an entire war or virtually anything else. You don't just say, this is what we want, now fight, get 'er done, and have any reasonable expectations of succeeding.

You device a plan, a strategy.

You have Step 1. Then in case things do not go as planned and the reaction is more hard-nosed and tougher than expected you have Step 1.A and again Step 1.B and if things go better than planned and you make unexpected headway you have Step 1.C and Step 1.C so you can exploit your unexpected success to the fullest and not only maintain momentum for your side but increase it.

Then there is Step 2 and Step 2.A and Step 2.B etc, etc, etc all the way through Step Z.whatever number is needed.

You can't expect anything to succeed if all you have is a goal and a hoped for final result. That leaves a MASSIVE gap between the two where people just stand around scratching their heads asking each other what in the world are they supposed to be doing because only telling them to "fight" is not in actuality telling them to do anything specific and not really telling them to do anything at all.

What is your plan of action, what is your strategy, what are your Steps 1, 1.A, 1.B, 1.C, Step 2, 2.A, 2.B, 2.C etc,. etc, etc?

That has to be well laid out, well spelled out and made clear to all involved before the "fight" begins. There has to be a plan, they has to be a strategy and there has to be contingency plans already in place for when the unexpected, either negative of positive, occurs. What are they?

Just saying let's make marijuana legal on a pot growing site is preaching to the choir. What are you prepared to preach to the heathens who do not believe as we do, how will it be gone about with having any reasonable chance of success?

Spell it out for us, step by step, action by action from the very first step at the lowest level all the way to the final step taken at the highest level. If you do that you might find some volunteers for your "fight," but few will go blindly into any battle totally unsure of where to start, what to do, who they are actually fighting against and with what weapons or what to expect.


How would you do this Bricktop? I've laid 5 tools at your feet, tell me how to use them.








For me the solution is in front of my eyes - find a way to help one person.

It's that simple.


Illumination I read a 'philisophical' in a Reader's Digest decades ago that stays with me still. Went something like ...

If you're driving to work and someone in the car next to you honks and gestures towards you angrily then drives away - that stays with you, eats at you through the day. You think about what you might have done wrong, you get angry, you are defensive or aggressive with other people.

A different perspective might be that the person is having a shitty day, upset with family, frustrated with driving, or is just a jackass. So long as people are in a car they are very very brave as you might have noticed. They're anger may have had little to do with you or your actions, you are just there - their life is unfolding in such a way that they have no choice but to act in a misguided fashion out of deficiency.

Whenever I see a spooky avatar or tough name I know that the person is covering for weakness, for fear. When I read bile instead of logic I know understand that I may not own their mind yet, that I may just be there as they are walking by. So I'm not heartened by every violent response, but at least I know that I got a response. You gotta spend some time in a boxing ring setting up punches to really understand this - there is no more powerful punch than the one your opponent walks into. And it's takes some smacken' to get a hippy to walk.

Don't let the bile bother you, you make perfect sense to me.
